November 5th 2016
Our meeting was called to order at 9:30a.m.and was held atAl Smiley'shouse.Present at meeting wereTerry Bloom, Al Smiley,Tom Focht,Michaela Moravec and Chad Keckler.
The minutes from theLSHOABoard Meeting held onJuly 30th, 2016werereviewed. Motion to approve byAl Smileyand 2ndbyTerry Bloom.
Treasurer’s report was given by Terry Bloom. Current balance in the accountwith all bills paidis $58419.81. Bills recently paid were $10,125 to Ruda for septic pumping, lake insurance through Agri Service for $4630.82, Steager Lawn care for $350, $220 for lawyer fees, and $199.75 to Becky Sidzyikfor the website. FishFund balance is $650. We spent $4000 on fireworkdsand the FireworksFundhad $1645.00 in it for 2016.All LSHOA dues are paid.Motionto approve report byMichaela Moravecand 2ndbyChad Keckler.
- The Flowerday building permit has been renewed according to Ron Halsey.
- Several homeowners went through Mary Peschel to receive approval to excavate sand from the lake from washouts and place the sand back on the homeowners lot
- There is a plan to sink cedars trees 8-12 ft below the surface to help create fish habitats. The Moravecs will donate the trees. The trees will be positioned on the ice this winter and allowed to naturally sink. The trees will be placed away from the owner’s lots.
RulesCommittee:No new updates or issues.
- Turning over thecommonsarea:The transfer process to acquire Addition 4 and take over the commons is proceeding. A survey will be done to obtain a need legal description for the property.
- Fireworks:The plan is to have the lake fireworks display on Sat. July 1.
- Lift/docks not in water: There will be another push in the spring to get all lifts/docks in the water
- SepticTesting:DEQ wanted report of septic testing that were then provided. Through discussions, there will only be a required annual sampling. Our next sample will need to be submitted by Oct 31st, 2017. The plan is to have Becky perform this required sample.
- No wake buoys: It has been proposed that we replace the current buoys. The current buoys are heavy and difficult to move. The plan will be to buy new buoys for next year. In addition, we will need volunteers to help in positioning and removing the buoys in the future.
- HOA Dues: The plan is to go back to mailing the bills for HOA dues. A breakdown of dues will be provided in this bill.
Next meeting will be held atMichaela Moravec’shome onFeb. 4that 9:00a.m.
Al Smileymade a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35a.m. andChad Keckler 2ndit.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chad Keckler