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Lake Newell Resort Owner’s Condominium Association

Block One, Plan 9411173

Annual General Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2012

Lake Newell Resort Marina

7:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

Establishment of Quorum

Debbie confirmed with Ed and Robbie that there were 10 voting residents and 12 proxies for a total of 22.

Approval of the 2011 AGM minutes

Carol Secondiak made the motion, Lynn Leibel seconded. All in favour.

County Councilor Report

Mara Nesbitt our Division 5 Councilor is away so she emailed a report to Starla Smith and asked her to read this report at our AGM. Starla read her email as to the growth of Lake Newell Resort and the takeover of the main roads by the County of Newell. Therefore, there will be hiccups along the way and that her door is always open to any questions. The Annual Dragonboat Races weekend is set as July 14th and 15th 2012.

Introduction of Special Guests

Layne Johnson, Bylaw Officer of the County of Newell spoke on the new water/sewer rates at the third reading stage. There are 2 components to the water rate. The first being the flat rate of $25.00 per month plus a consumption charge of $1.00 per cubic meter of water used. The water meter will be read from the outside of the house. For this to be done, each owner will receive a $125.00 remote reader which is to be placed on the water meter inside each unit. The costs for these readers will be borne by the County of Newell. The County Meter Readers are supposed to be able to stay in their trucks while they point their Reader at each house but time will tell once this matter if finalized.

The sewer rate will be a flat rate of $20.00 per month. Since these rates are not completely set by the by-law, it may take some time yet to have this finalized.

At least we know that each home owner will receive 1 bill per month outlining water and sewer rates.

Ron Remus, President of the Marina Association spoke on the their Proposal for Funding. The Marina would like some monetary assistance from Block 1

The Association would like to increase the usage and visibility of the Marina. This facility adds desireability to a community and increases property values. This Marina could be the focal point of a Lake Community. At this time, all costs including the increased insurance costs related to non-member use, upkeep/upgrading and equipment are paid by the approx. 50 marina members and contributions from Sandpiper and Kingfisher homeowners associations. He is proposing that Blocks 1 and 4 also consider yearly contributions. Ron is suggesting $100.00/year/unit which is equivalent to $8.33/month.. With this additional revenue, the Association would be able to do much-needed landscaping, repairs to areas of public usage, extend hours of the store and defray public-use insurance costs. If Block 1 supports the Marina, a Resident Card would be issued to all units allowing free launching and docking of boats and fuel discounted at town prices. Previously, boat owners were paying $100/year for launch fees but this would be replaced with this Resident Card so boat owners will be paying the same as before. The difference being that all owners (not just boat owners) would be required to pay the $100/year as the Marina is for all owner’s benefits. Potential projects could include an event tent and picnic facilities. Any resident already paying a membership fee, would have their new fee reduced by the amount they decide to start contributing. The funds required for the maintenance and replacement etc of the private boat slips would be derived solely from the slip owners. Ron asks that we consider this proposal and its benefits to all.

Ron called representatives about voting under our Condominium Property Act. They advised him because the Marina is non-profit and his Proposal is for the benefit and enjoyment of the condominium owners, a vote could be at this meeting today and that a Special Resolution was not required for this vote as this matter was minor and not major.

To the contrary, Starla advised that a Special Resolution is required.

Ed Secondiak motioned, Lynn seconded and all were in favor that Ed will research the proper method to proceed with this Marina Proposal. With the outcome to be relayed to Ron Remus of the Marina Assocation after our next board meeting.

Report of Officers

Architectural Controls – Starla Smith

She advised the New House @ #57 Blue Heron Bay is nearing completion. The new house @ #20 Blue Heron Court was completed by it’s owner and a purchaser has moved in. A Unit Owner from Blue Heron View has voiced some interest in construction but she has not received an application to date.

President’s Report – Robbie Breakell

A Second Enhancement Grant was approved by the County of Newell. Thank you to Starla for making the application. Therefore, the tennis court could be completely finished and look like new. The work was completed by Brooks Asphalt this summer. This second grant covered a new asphalt underlay with the first enhancement funds to offset the cost for application of a new sports top coat.

The mail boxes have been moved closer to the road and a lot of gravel and crushed rock trucked in and water vacuumed out to solve the mud/sinkage problem.

The compactor was relocated to make access more convenient

The Irrigation mainline by the Tennis court has been repaired and moved to make the location more feasible.

The valve in the park has been heightened to make access above the water.

An application was made to the County for visitor’s parking at the Pump/Life Station. We received the Parking Study from the County of Newell and it was suggested that all visitor parking be installed in our common/park areas. We as a board do not agree with that and at the time do not see a need for visitor parking. We are in the process of cancelling our lease agreement with the EID for visitor’s parking as it costs us $1050.00 per year and is not required at this time. Mark with the County suggested we consult with all our other blocks here at Lake Newell Resort to come up with feasible visitor parking areas when needed.

Financial Report – Debbie Leibel on behalf of Kim

Debbie went through the financial statements from Orion Accountants LLP, Brooks, Alberta.

She started with the Statement of Financial Position and went through the numbers line by line.

The Statement of Operations and Members Surplus was stated by Debbie starting with Revenue then Expenses.

Regarding Revenue – Donations and Grants, Debbie mentioned that $18,500 was received this fiscal while $14,410 was received last fiscal. Both Enhancement grants were for the tennis/basketball court and are listed in detail on the Financial Statement. Starla did not think there was a Grant last fiscal for $14,410 but Debbie assured her there was. A prior Board member assured her also as he applied for it.

Debbie informed all that Revenue – Other Revenue includes Empty Lot Fees, Estoppel Certificates, Arch Control fees paid by owners and our annual Advertising Income.

Regarding Expenses, Debbie informed that the park irrigation expense was high due to $6000 for pump/lift station filters, piping, labor, stand, etc. Starla informed all that Richard Gette was very pleased with the outcome as he only had to spend 1.5 volunteer hours at the lift station this past spring/summer.

Debbie advised that another large expense was $10958 for Tomko sports who laid the new topcoat on the tennis court. The bill of $16931 for the asphalt underlay from Brooks Aggregate was not received until December 2011 so that expense will be reflected on next financial statements for year end 2012 and that the revenue will be 0.00 for this period as we received the grant funds in the fiscal year end 2011.

Debbie mentioned the Street Maintenance expense of $2137 includes $800 for snow removal but we will be reimbursed for this expense from the County. She also noted that Professional Fees is Orion LLP for financial statements. Utilities expense of $945 is for the street lights but that has been taken over by the County of Newell now so will be minimal for the next fiscal. The Arch Control expense of $683 was covered by Arch Control fees paid by owners who built new houses so end result is 0.00 (a wash)

Sandra asked where the Reserve fund was listed and Debbie advised her to go back to the Statement of Financial Position and she could see the balances of $133,997 as at October 31, 2010 and the latest balance of $153,597 as of October 31, 2011. We paid a total of $18,000 for reserve fund expenses this fiscal. Sandra also asked why we are still transferring funds of $5000 per year to the Reserve Fund. Starla thought that we did not have to add any additional funds to the reserve fund so Starla reviewed Debbie’s copy. Debbie advised all that as of the Updated Reserve Fund Study done June 2011, it shows we have to add $5000 per year for a total of $126,000 by year 2037. Debbie listed the Reserve Fund expenses listed on the Study (for a 26 year period ending 2037) are:

Underground Utility Lines$ 2,500.00

Concrete (minimal)$ 5,000.00

Landscaping-Trees/Land Sinkage$ 42,732.00

Bus Shelters – New in 2026$ 8,179.00

Irrigation – Lines/Pump+FilterSystem$ 39,657.00

Reserve Fund Studies updating$28,227.00


The approval of the Financial Report and appointment of Orion LLP as Auditors was motioned by Kelly then seconded by Sandra, then all in favor.

Mark Harbicht, Superintendent of Public Works has been with the county for 3½ years and knows about our issues at the resort. He said that the county is in charge of the asphalt on the main roads and now internal roads (since the takeover), curbs, road cracks, street lights, snow removal and water drainage.

The Lift Station requires a $6500.00 dehumidifier. This cost will be added to all unit owners of Lake Newell Resort by way of a local improvement on their property tax bill in the future.

New Speed Signs have been installed by the County of Newell. It is 70 kph on the curves with slowing to 50 kpm just before all residences. The main road remains at 100 kph.

Block 4 Condo Board has requested outside lighting on the Lift Station so we can see our mail boxes and the compactor at night. They have agreed to install same for a maximum cost of $500.00

Discussion – Appearance of Lands surrounding Mailboxes, Compactor, Pump/Lift Station

Kelly commented that the compactor’s cement paid is unsafe as it rocks back and forth. Grant advised us that other owners had told him that these lands look like Gleichen. Lynn rebutted that they do not and Debbie agreed. Debbie advised everyone that those lands are owned by the County of Newell, not Block 1. She also advised that the County has been nice enough to let use their lands free of charge. Mark from the County advised that a request should come from all the Blocks at Lake Newell Resort. Starla advised that she is on the Board of the Community Association and a request will come from that Association directly to the County. The Community Association represents the Hamlet as a whole with 2 reps from each block.

Discussion – Appearance of Lands surrounding Tennis/Basketball Courts

Sandra commented that the appearance is honestly awful as there are no trees. Someone suggested you can get decent size trees for $75.00 each. Sandra commented that her company, Git-R-Done Oilfield has picker trucks for that job. Carol complimented Sandra by saying she was noble by donating her services. Bob advised that if the trees are planted, a schedule would have to be prepared and set so that volunteers are looking after the watering of these trees at all times as just 1 week without water and they will die.

Election of Officers (maximum of 7)

Starla Smith nominated Gina Van Metre

Ed Secondiak agreed to stay on another term as Vice-President

Robbie Breakell agreed to say on another term as President

Debbie Leibel agreed to say on one more term as Secretary

Debbie moved that nominations cease.

Bob Tiegs made a motion that we accept all nominees.

Carol Secondiak seconded,

All in favour.

Unfinished Business –

Rob Breakell mentioned the Unfinished Business from last AGM being the drainage problem by the Tennis Court. Mark with the County mentioned the flow of water being North but should be South. Mark will look after this matter.

Debbie made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m.