Lake Jackson Soccer Club Meeting Minutes

Thursday March 5, 2009

Jasmine Hall

In Attendance: Gran Betts, Paul Gillis, Wally Gregory, Susan Jurecka, Kathy Krupp, Lonnie Rathbun, Matt Turk, Dan White

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Dan White. The minutes of the February 2009 meeting were approved by a unanimous vote following a motion by Wally Gregory and a second by Matt Turk.

President (Dan White): Spring soccer schedules have been posted. For U-9 and older, the Club is one field short. Another field needs to be built over the weekend.

The U-13G United team coached by Joe Phillips plans to play in the South Texas Cup. Most other teams will be playing in the Director’s Cup, except that Dan White’s older boys team will play in the President’s Cup.

No additional changes were requested to the By-laws since the February meeting. Each change was reviewed individually, with some minor modifications identified. Matt Turk made a motion to accept the revise By-Laws as amended. The second for the motion was offered by Lonnie Rathbun. The motion carried unanimously. Dan will update the revision history and document footer and post the final version on the web site.

Noel Contardi plans to fill the open U-7/8B Division Manager position. The Div II/Competitive Manager needs to have knowledge of the Div II HYSA requirements and communicate them to coaches. The U-9/10B and a girls Division Manager position may also be open.

Treasurer (Dan White for Larry Foley): Budget setting was postponed until the next meeting. Dan developed an initial budget worksheet which Larry Foley will validate. The account balances are as follows:

Ø  Money Market: $25499.69

Ø  CD: $34,822.88

Ø  TDECU Checking: $25,108.99

Lonnie suggested that the initial fall registration fee for Rec soccer could include both fall and spring soccer. STYSA fees will be increased for the fall season. But, there are other opportunities to improve the LJSC organization if additional funds are raised. We need to include fees to cover capital improvements in the registration fee. Larry will need to review the operational costs to determine the fall fee structure. Need to budget for goal replacement over the next several years.

There is a 50% increase in spring soccer registration due to the change to individual versus team registration.

Field Manager: Sprinkler systems on MC1, MC4, and MC5 have leaks. We need an estimate for a 4 foot tall green chain link fence to be installed behind goals where the balls enter the street or the parking lot. Fences could be included in the proposal to the City next month. Dan will send a reminder to the City Manager for tasks that need to be completed. Dan will put together a proposal for the City. The Canna Lane parking issues must also be addressed. Goals on MC 4,5,6, and 7 need to be replaced. Two sets of goals would be ordered now to install during spring break for spring soccer. One would be put up on MC-7. The fields assigned for U-11 play are MC 3, MC7, and Dunbar 8. All will need new goals. A motion was made by Susan Jurecka with a second by Wally Gregory to purchase two sets of goals for Spring Soccer play. The motion carried,

Registrar (Matt Turk): 530 players were placed on 55 teams for Spring Soccer. U-7 and U-13 are short on players. Kid Safe Badges are ordered. Coach certifications have been approved. U-6 players are being accepted until March 14. 35 U-6 Players are already registered.

Matt reviewed a proposed fall schedule of September 12 through November 21 with 10 week-ends. U-6 would start September 19 playing 8 games in 9 weeks. Matt suggested moving the LJ Tournament to August 29-30. Teams should be formed by mid-July. The Club needs to set a cut off date for team formation. Matt suggested a 2 tiered penalty structure for late registration. All coaches need their rosters at the same time. We also need to plan dates for coaches meetings on 2 different nights.

STYSA will not renew the Affinity license; BYSA does not know what registration and scheduling system will be used or when it will be available. STYSA has extracted the information from the database. LJSC needs a contingency plan for registration and scheduling if a replacement for Affinity is not selected.

British Soccer Camp is scheduled for July 20-24.

Lonnie Rathbun made a motion to change the LJ Tournament to August 29-30 which was seconded by Wally Gregory. The motion carried. Dan or Wally will notify BYSA of the date change at the Monday meeting.

Boys and Girls VP’s need to fill any open Division Manager positions by the next meeting on April 6. At the April 6 meeting, the Board needs to identify coach meeting dates, in person registration dates, and player assessments dates.

U-6/U-8 Coaching Clinics are scheduled for Aug 8 and Aug 22. Lonnie will establish dates for the U-6 fall soccer.

Director of Coaching (Wally Gregory): Would like to add an E level Coaching Clinic in July.

New Business: There is a referee course scheduled for July August 14-15 16 with a recertification clinic scheduled for July August 156. LJSC Board T-shirts need to be ordered for spring soccer to be worn by Board members, including Division Managers. Wally will ask Michaele to help with orders.

Division II Coaches Applications were reviewed.

U-11G – Wally Gregory applied for one team only. Wally has contacted other coaches to try to form a second team, but none are interested.

U-12G – no applications submitted.

U-13G – not enough girls to have a team.

U-14G – Shannon Hunt (Force) returning coach planning to play Super 2. Joe Phillips forming a new team from 2 U-13 teams, playing spring soccer.

U-15G – Lonnie Rathbun. Returning coach planning to play Super 2.

U-16G – Joe Phillips (Impact) taken over a previous team which was Super Blue. Using a trainer and has an assistant coach,

U-17/18G – not enough players.

U-11B – Amy Cross and Adam Sinick were approved since only two coaches are needed. Jeff Jarrell was not approved.

U-12B – team moving back to WBZ; not many U12B players.

U-13B – Dan White (’97 Thunderbirds)

U-14B – not enough players

U-15B – Stephen Cross

U-16B – Jeff Jarrell (Panthers)

U-17B – no team needed

U-18B – Dan White (T-birds)

Wally Gregory made a motion, with a second by Paul Gillis, to approve all Div 2 Coach applications, with the exception of Jeff Jarrell’s application for U-11 Boys. The motion carried.

The tournament director position needs to be selected for the application process. Dan White will fill out the form and designate Lonnie Rathbun as the Tournament Director.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm based on a motion by Lonnie Rathbun and a second by Kathy Krupp. The motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Krupp, Secretary