Probe Reference Application
Robert van Mölken
Creation date
02July 2013 / Version / status

Modified date
09July 2013

Document management

modification history

Date / Author / Version / Notes
02-07-2013 / Robert van Mölken / 0.9 / Initial Dutch documentation
10-07-2013 / Robert van Mölken / 1.0 / Rewrite to English


1Installation instructions

1.1Data source and Adapter resource (Weblogic)

1.2Installation of the JAXWS web service (uses ADF-BC)

1.3Installation of the Oracle Service Bus Services

1.4Installation of the SOA Suite Service

2Using/testing components

2.1Available components

2.2Service interface and operations

2.3Sample messages

1Installation instructions

1.1Data source and Adapter resource (Weblogic)

Some Probe services are, on specific moments, using a datasource to connect to a physical database. The configuration is done with use of the Weblogic Console. Within Weblogic the physical connections to a database (= data source) are configured and for the different adapters (i.g. DB, AQ, JMS…) connection pools are configured based on a data source.


Data sources are physical connections to a database. For this sample implementation one data source is used.

1Open a browser window and browse to the following web address:

2Log in with the username of the weblogic admin which is created during the installation.
The default username/password combination is weblogic/welcome1.

3Look under Domain Configurations -> Servicesand click on the link Data Sources

4Onnext screen, clickthe buttonand chooseGenericDataSourceto openthe wizardforcreating anewdatasource.

5Choosethe nameProbeDataSourceand choosetheJNDINamejdbc/ProbeDataSource. Choose default value Oracle for theDatabaseType field.

6Click and keep thedatabase driverto the specifiedvalueareandclicktwice.

7Enter the detailsforthephysicalconnection tothedatabase,including thedatabase name(SID), host, portand database(for example thesoa_infradatabase).

8Click toaccept the settings andcheckthat the settingsare correctusing thebutton.

9Upon successfulconnection, click on andinnext screenselectthetargetservers. Select for examplesoa_server1andosb_server1. TheOracleVMselecttheAdminServerhere.

1.1.2Adapter Resources

Besides a datasourceaconnectionfactory isneededwhich manages the transactionsto the database, also called an adapter resource.Adaptersare used by theService BusandOracleSOASuiteto communicate with underlying systems. For the databasewe will to create an adapter resource.

  1. Log in on the Weblogic console and click under Domain Configurations -> Your Deployed Resources on the linkDeployments.

  2. Search through the list for the DbAdapterdeployment.
  3. The resourcescan be made/changed by clickingon the linkof the adapterdeploymentandclicking onthe tab Configuration-OutboundConnectionPools.
  4. To createanewconnection poolclick thebutton.
  5. In thefirst step selectthe groupjavax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory, then clickthe buttonand enter intheJNDIname eis/DB/probe and click on .
  1. After creatingtheconnection pool it should be linked to the data source created earlier. Foreis/DB/probe, the value for thefieldtobexADataSourceNameshould be filled with value jdbc/ProbeDatasource. Aftercompletingfirst pressenter andthenclick on the button to save the value.
  2. After changingthe data, whichisultimatelystored as a plan, remember to update theDbAdapter deployment. Go back tothelist ofdeploymentsand check the boxin front of the labelDbAdapterandclickon the update button at the top or bottom of the list.
  3. On thenextscreen, select "redeploy thisapplication" and click thebutton to selectthis optionand then click on the button to redeploy.

1.2Installation of the JAXWS web service (uses ADF-BC)

Once Weblogic is configured the JAXWS web service can be deployed. For this, westill usetheWebLogicconsole.

  1. Go tothe overview page of thedeployments, fromthe home screen,followDomainConfigurations-YourDeployedResources.
  2. Click the button to deploy a new application. In the screen that opens, you can choose the deployment from an existing location on the server but for now it is assumed that the file is not present on the server.
  3. Click on the link “upload your file(s)” written I the in the note.
  4. Browse to thearchivefile (/jaxws/ProbeServiceJAXWS.ear) and click thebutton to uploadthe file.
  5. Youwill return tothe previous screen, justselect theuploaded fileandthenclick and then on again toinstallapplicationthe file.
  6. On thetargetscreen, selecttheWebLogicServer werethe application should be installedon, on this Weblogic server thedatasourcejdbc/ProbeDataSourceshouldbe present, and click on .
  7. Retainthe defaultsettings shownin the next screenand clicktoinstall the application.

1.3Installation of the Oracle Service Bus Services

After installingtheJAXWS webservice the OSBprojectscan connect to it. There are two service, the project ProbeService and ProbeServiceOSBProxy. Theseservices usetheOracleService Bus. For theOSB there isa separateconsole to configure, manage and monitortheservices.

  1. Open a new browserwindowandbrowseto the URL oftheEM:
  2. On the bottom left ofthe menu click on the itemSystem Administration. Under this headingyou canimportand export configurations. By defaultyou seetheimportpage.

  3. Before youcanchangeanything in theOracleService Bus, you must open a ChangeSession. A ChangeSessioncontains all changesmade​​andcan therefore beeasilyrolled back.You can find the Change Center on the top left of thescreen. Clickon the button to start a session.
  4. Aftercreating asession, it is possible tomake a changes. Click the Browsebutton to selectthe file/OSB/ProbeService_sbconfig.jar to import and click on the button to start the import.
  1. On thenext page clickthe button to import theProbeServiceproject.
  2. The import shows that is completed successfully.
  3. Perform thelast three steps also for the secondservice. Clickthebutton and browseto thefileProbeServiceOSBProxy_sbconfig.jar.
  4. Clickintheupper left within theChange Centeron the button toactivatethe changes.

  5. When activating the session give it a gooddescriptionof the changes so it iseasy toidentifyand possiblyreversethe changes.

Afterimporting theservices theenvironmentspecific settings can be adjusted, e.g. the endpointof the SOASuiteserviceused intheProbeServiceandthe endpointoftheJAXWSweb serviceused inProbeServiceOSBProxy.For this there aretwosample files included with theOSBdeployments. The main settingthat can be changed are these endpoints.Adjust them ifnecessary, so that itpoints to thecorrectendpointaddress ofthe serviceto call.

For the ProbeService the file ProbeService_dev_config.xmlcan be used which has the following value:

Do thisalso for theenvValueTypeServiceURI Table, which has a field with the name URI.

For the ProbeServiceOSBProxy the file ProbeServiceOSBProxy_dev_config.xmlcan be used. Change the value of the Service URI and Service URI Table were necessary, so that theypoint to thecorrectendpointofthe serviceto call.

  1. Open a new session and click on the left menu under the header Customization on the link Execute Customization File.

  2. Onthe page thatis displayed you cannowimport the Customization file in the same way as the import of aservice(do thisforboth files).
  3. Afterexecuting the Customization file the session needs to be activated to commit the changes.

1.4Installation of the SOA Suite Service

After installing the JAXWS web service and the OSB components the SOA Suite composite application can be deployed. For the installation we are using the Enterprise Manager (EM). Using the EM we can deploy, start & stop en manage & monitor SOA composite services and it’s runtime instances.

  1. Open a new browser window and brwose to the URL of the EM:
  2. On the left side menu open up the item SOA -> soa-infra and click on the partition were you want to deploy it in. For example the defaultpartition.

  3. After clickingon the partitionyou end uponthe overview page ofthepartition.
  4. Onthis page click on the button Deploymentandselect the optionDeployTo deploy theintegration serviceson this partition.

  5. A wizardwill now start. In the firststep, selectthe supplied JARfile /SCA/sca_ProbeService_rev1.0.jarby browsing to the file on thelocaldisk.

We alsoselect aConfigurationPlan forthe specific environment. This planincludes theendpointof the(next) externalcomponent/servicethat can becalled.There is a sample plan included with theSOAdeployments. For multiple environments a copy can be created with the setting of that environment.
In the example plan probeservice_dev_cfgplan.xml the location (service WSDL) oftheOSBproxythatis invokedcan be adjusted.

  1. Select theappropriate configurationplan by browsing to the file. Click on thebutton to accept archive and configuration plan.
  2. Inthe next step,the details are shownoftheservicethatwill be created.Click on the button to create the new service.
  3. The serviceis now createdand can beinvoked.
  4. The keyfor a integrationtest is thatall endpointsare correct. Make sure that theconfiguration filescontainthe appropriateendpointsand re-run theOSBcustomizationfileswhere necessary with the correct SOA Composite service endpoint.

2Using/testing components


As indicatedduring installationthere arefourcomponents, two OSB components, one SOAcomponent and on JAXWScomponent. These fourcomponents are linkedin accordance withthe lowerfigure.

2.2Service interface and operations

Eachcomponent usesthe same serviceinterfaceand thereforealsohasthe sameoperations.TheProbeServiceinterfacedefinesthreeoperations;ping, deepPing and checkProcess.

2.2.1The ping operation

This operation is the simplest of the three operations, each component individually implements this. The only functionality it contains is an echo back with or without the DateTime from the request, depends if value is given, and the servers current DateTime.

2.2.2The deepPing operation

This operation calls all subsequent components to inventory the route that the request travels and to report that route. There is a parameter in the request that determines how many components/levels deep that requests needs to call. For example if you give this parameter the value “1” and call the deepPing operation on the OSB service endpoint, the proxy will call the SOA Suite service which will reply back to the OSB service without calling any deeper services. The result is always a stack trace of the called components. If an error arises in any of the components an error message is added to the component in the stack trace, no error means the component is responding correctly.

2.2.3The checkProcess operation

This operation is similar to the deepPing operation, only this operation call all subsequent components and it checks if a component is also working at a functional level. This operation processes the given request values and concatenates all the values to a single string. Each component also adds a unique value/identifier to the output string on the way back (response). Looking at the final response value an administrator should determine if all components processed the input values of that an component raised an error.It is also easy to recognize that the service calls are not cached.

2.3Sample messages

There is a sample SoapUI project available, at the same location you found this document, that can be used to test the different components and its operations.

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