2002 Spring
Division Convention
March 1-2, 2002
Lake Jackson, Texas /
Lake Jackson Gulf Coasters Barbershop Chorus
in cooperation with the
Southwestern District
of the
Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of
Barbershop Quartet Singing in America
The Best of Barbershop
Comes to Brazosport
Show of Champions Featured Guests
Southwestern District Champions:
Houston Tidelanders
Brazoswood High School Auditorium
March 2, 2002
Welcome Conventioneers and Barbershop Fans,
The Lake Jackson Gulf Coasters are excited about being selected as the host for the 2002 Spring Southwestern Division Convention. We are excited because we are able to showcase our community to many Louisiana and Texas Barbershoppers.
Our community is a mixture of old and new. Old since the first two capitals of the Republic of Texas in 1836 were at present day Surfside beach (then Velasco) and West Columbia (then Columbia). New since Lake Jackson was created in 1943 and Clute in the 1950s to support additional residential growth. Freeport was a thriving port and sulfur production center which attracted the industrial chemical growth of the 1940s. The Cradle of Texas welcomes the Conventioneers.
We are also excited because we are presenting the best of barbershop to our community. The community has supported our annual Clinic and Show for three years. We have always had sold-out crowds at our shows. The Convention will provide four sessions in a 1000 seat auditorium. Everyone may enjoy barbershop singing with a choice of schedules.
We are proud to feature the Houston Tidelanders and Presto! in our Show of Champions. Both groups are the Southwestern District Champions of 2001 and will be competitors at the International Competition in July. We wish them the best of luck in Portland, Oregon!
We thank our advertisers whose ads appear in this program. They are continually asked to support many local functions in the area. The Gulf Coasters would be financially strained to produce a first quality Convention program without their help.
Welcome to our Convention and thanks for coming. Harry Sargent, Convention Chairman
The Gulf Coasters
The Gulf Coasters are the only Brazoria County chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA). We have members from Angleton, Brazoria, Lake Jackson, and Sweeny.
Prior to the organization of the Gulf Coasters, barbershop choruses had an off-and-on-again presence in the Brazosport area. Byer Baker directed a group in the 1950s. Lee Seligman revived the idea in the 1980s. Now, the Gulf Coasters are promoting the effort to establish barbershop harmony as a lasting form of musical entertainment in Lake Jackson!
We became a chartered chapter with SPEBSQSA in the Spring of 1997, as The Lake Jackson Chapter. The Spring Statesmen served as our sponsoring chapter. Since that time, we continue to work on our singing as we practice two hours each week under the direction of David Gay, with Gene Taylor as Assistant Director. We also go into the community to perform at various events.
The high point of the last few years has been the annual Spring Clinic and Show. We have developed this program over three years and will continue next year. We are offering this Convention in place of the Clinic this year as a reward to local Barbershop Fans. These quartets and choruses are the best of Southeast Texas and Louisiana and we have adequate seating so everyone will be able to attend during the weekend.
The Gulf Coasters practice every Thursday night.For more information, visit our website at Come visit us and see what the fun is all about!
The Competition
The Southwestern District has provided judges from across the country. These men are highly qualified and well represent the SPEBSQSA standards. A special note to new competitors: It is recommended that at least two people record the judges' comments. Recording devices are even better. Please maximize the experience.
Donald Crowl - AdministratorTulsa, Oklahoma
Home District: Southwestern / Donald joined SPEBSQSA in 1985. He was Barbershopper Of The Year with the Tulsa chapter, 1987; President, Tulsa chapter. 1989-91; SWD Director of Membership Development, 1992; certified as a SPEBSQSA Contest Administrator, 1995; re-certified in 1998 & 2001; SWD Secretary, 1998; sang on the International Stage, 1999 in Anaheim; currently a member of Harmony Alliance chorus in Tulsa; bass in Premier Edition and Vintage Tulsa quartets.
Rodney Sgrignoli - Music Judge
Broomfield, Colorado
Home District: Rockie Mountain
Home District: Land O'Lakes / Roger has been a barbershopper for 23 years. In 1986, he was a cofounder of the Great Northern Union Chorus (GNU) of Hilltop, Minnesota. He has been Director of Presentation for the GNU since its inception, competing on the International Stage 16 consecutive years. He has also been in four quartets.
Brian Beck - Singing Judge
Coppell, Texas
Home District: Southwestern / Brian joined SPEBSQSA in 1954. He sang baritone with Dealer's Choice, 1973 champions and lead with Side Street Ramblers, 1983 champions. Brian was the original voice coach and assistant director with Vocal Majority, 1972-1979, and has five gold medals with Vocal Majority. He is currently singing bass with Saturday Evening Post, 2001 10th place finalists.
The Judging components are described as follows from the current SPEBSQSA Contest and Judging Handbook. The entire handbook is available at
Music / The Music Judge evaluates the song and arrangement, as performed. He adjudicates the musicalelements in the performance: melody; harmony; range and tessitura (the prevailing range of avocal part); tempo, rhythm and meter; construction and form; and embellishments.He judgeshow well the musical elements of the performance establish a theme, the degree to which theperformance demonstrates an artistic sensitivity to that theme, and the degree to which themusical elements of the song and arrangement display the hallmarks of the barbershop style.Presentation / The Presentation Judge evaluates how effectively a performer brings the song to life, that is, thebelievability of the theme in its musical and visual setting. He responds to both the vocal andvisual aspects of the presentation, but he principally evaluates the interaction of those aspects asthey work together to create the image of the song.He adjudicates the quality andappropriateness of the overall effect: everything about the performance that contributes toemotional impact upon the audience.
Singing / The Singing Judge evaluates the degree to which the performers achieve artistic singing in thebarbershop style. This is accomplished through precise intonation, a high degree of vocal skill and a high level of unity and consistency within the ensemble.Mastering these elements alsocreates a feeling of fullness, ring, or expansion of sound throughout the performance.Whenartistry is present, these elements will be natural, unmanufactured, and free from apparent effort,allowing the performer to fully communicate the theme of the song.
District Clinician Program
The District encourages bringing clinicians to the individual chapters. The District will pay up to $150/year for required transportation. The Treasurer will pay the District Airlines Agent directly or send a check to the chapter to cover mileage.
Larry Clemons, District President, suggests that you contact any of the District Board Members to identify potential clinicians. Clinician charges may include expenses or expenses plus about $50/hour.
Brazosport Annual Clinic and Show
The Gulf Coasters are a small chorus but have put together a program for continuous improvement. This program provides a service to other choruses, recruits new members, provides an income, and brings a great barbershop show to the community in a one day annual event.
The local college has been a sponsor and has provided classrooms, risers, and an evening performance venue at no charge.
The key to the program has been the great clinicians from the District. Over the past three years the following clinicians have participated in our Clinics:
Larry Clemons, Presentation Clinician - 1999
Eddie Martinez, Heart of Texas Director, Vocal Clinician - 1999-2001
Jack Stevens, Presentation Judge - 2000
Tracy Shirk, previous director of the Houston Tidelanders, Vocal Clinician - 2000-2001
Don Kahl, Vocal Majority member, Singing Clinician - 2001
Paul Schneider, Presentation Clinician - 2001
We have found that three one-hour sessions with three different clinicians is a good offering. Up to five choruses require three clinicians. Six choruses require four clinicians.
In the evening, the participating choruses each provide 15 minute programs which are supplemented with an awarding winning quartet. We end with a group sing. It is a real high point for a small chorus member when he stands and sings with 75+ men.
We have consistently sold-out our 400 seat venue. The clinics and program may be presented at minimal expense to the barbershoppers and a very economical evening show ticket. By keeping registration costs and ticket prices low and working with revenue from program advertising, we have been able to cover all expenses (Clinician fees and expenses, lunches, programs, feature quartet, and afterglow) and benefit from a profit each year.
The clinic is a barbershop highlight for the participating choruses and the local audience. It is also a fundamental recruiting method. We invite you to participate in our Clinic and Show in the Spring of 2003 or plan your own event for your regional choruses.
Video Availability
One video $15.00
Additional copies (up to four total) $5.00 each
All college quartet members will be furnished with their own video tape, at no cost. The same will apply to the choruses, as they register to compete.
Contest video tapes cannot be supplied to anyone other than contestants.
Audio Availability
Cassettes will be available at no fee for each performing group. A mini-disc recording will be made to provide a CD within a month.
Convention Schedule
Day / Time / EventFriday / 3:30-5:30 / Quartet walk-ons, Brazoswood High School Auditorium
PM when no
performances / ASHOW qualifications, Ramada Room 129, Toban Dvoretzky, President
5:00-6:00 / Judges working supper, Ramada, coordinated by John Steele
7:00-9:00 / Quartets queue into rooms based on schedule provided by David Gay,Brazoswood High School
8:00-9:30 / Quartet preliminaries, Brazoswood High School Auditorium, TobanDvoretzky, Master of Ceremonies
After Prelims / First quartet evaluation sessions, location and schedule set by Don Crowl,Judges Administrator
After Prelims / Mo Recter, How SPEBSQSA got started, first-hand report plus tags,Brazoswood High School Auditorium
Saturday / 7:30-8:30 / President's breakfast with District Representative, John Devine, RamadaRoom 129
9:30-10:30 / Quartet masters class session presented by Presto!, Ramada Room 229
AM and PM
when no
performances / ASHOW qualifications, Ramada Room 129, Toban Dvoretzky, President
8:00 / Chorus Representatives Competition Flow Orientation, Ramada Atrium,David Gay
8:30-11:00 / Chorus Directors walk-on, Brazoswood High School Auditorium (no choruswalk-on, please)
8:30-11:00 / Ladies area tour, Sea Center, lunch, coffee at Abernathy's, prearrangedmeeting in Ramada lobby
9:30-12:00 / Choruses queue into rooms based on schedule provided by David Gay Brazoswood High School
11:00-12:00 / Chorus competition Brazoswood High School Auditorium, Mo Recter,Master of Ceremonies
12:00-1:00 / Chorus evaluations by Judges, Brazoswood High School Auditorium,coordinated by Don Crowl, Judges Administrator
12:00-1:15 / Lunch at neighboring restaurants
1:15-1:45 / Mass Sing, Pole Cat songs, Brazoswood High School Choir Room, Director John Devine
2:00-3:45 / Quartet Finals, Brazoswood High School Auditorium, Toban Dvoretzky,Master of Ceremonies
4:15 6:30 / Quartet evaluations by Judges, Ramada Judges Room, coordinated by DonCrowl, Judges Administrator
5:30-6:30 / Directors Round-table led by Jim Massey, Ramada Room 229
6:30 / Supper for VIPs, Bob Geter, coordinator
8:00-10:30 / Show of Champions, Brazoswood High School Auditorium, John Devine,Master of Ceremonies
10:30-?? / Afterglow, Ramada bar atrium area (Special Note: Wedding reception inatrium has approved of and would enjoy romantic serenades)
10:30-?? / Quartet evaluations, Ramada Room 229, coordinated by Don Crowl, JudgesAdministrator
Quartet Preliminaries - Friday 8:00 p.m.
Quartet Name / Members / Affiliation / OrderNile Manski Trio / T - Matt Woodward
L - Jeremy Jee
b - Taylor Miller
B - Zach Materne / College Quartet / 1 – Friday Only
Gulf Coast Reunion / T - Steve Shannon
L - Johnny Hammond
b - Dick Blatter
B - John Grosnick / Houston and Frank Thorne / 2
Classic Sound / T - Fred Welsh
L - Gary Clark
b - David Scott
B - Wade Price / Houston / 3
Voices Only / T - David Watson
L - Brent Hairston
b - Brian Paher
B - Greg Economides / Bryan/College Station and Houston / 4
McKinley St. Function / T – Michael Russo
L – Kody Bowen
b – John Buroker
B – Colin Economides / Frank Thorne / 5
Grumpy Old Men / T - John Wiggs
L - Jim Holcomb
b - Paul Cauthron
B - Ken Pacetti / Houston and Frank Thorne / 6
Capstone / T - Norman Running
L - Ernest Peterson Jr.
b - Ted Freyer
B - Charles Jones / Houston and The Woodlands / 7
Gumbeaux Gold / T - Dick Morrison
L - John Rettenmayer
b - Grayson Zeagler
B - Ken Dorsey / Greater Monroe / 8
Note-Oriety / T - Dave Frye
L - Stefan Hussenoeder
b - Pete Hasbrook
B - Mike Wilson / Houston / 9
The BlooZ / T - Matthew Vile
L - David Smith
b - Mark Vile
B - David Porter / Greater New Orleans / 10
Four Men Only / T - Jeff Dethrow
L - Jim Halcarz
b - Lowell McCulley
B - Bob LaFon / Houston / 11
At Ease / T - Roy Prichard
L - Rick Yarto
b - Jason Patrick
B - Tommy Gartman / Houston / 12
The Leading Tones / T - Paul Roch
L - David Van Wyk
b - Matt Fowler
B - Jeff Short / University of Houston (College Quartet) / Saturday Only
Note: District rules do allow last minute registration. Late registrations will perform first to minimize impact on registered quartets. College quartets are allowed to compete without fee. The highest scores of the four Division Conventions will be qualified to compete in Portland in July.
Chorus Competition
Saturday 11:00 a.m.
River City Jubilee Chorus / John Matthews / Northwest Louisiana, Shreveport (and some Texans!) / 1
The Statesmen / John Devine / Spring, Texas / 2
Mardi Gas Chorus / Mark Vile / Greater New Orleans. Louisiana / 3
The Singsations / Paul Wright / Fort Bend, Texas / 4
Feature Quartet
Although they are a relatively new foursome, Presto! boasts a long history of singing successes. Hailing from Houston, this quartet was organized in February 2000, and went on to win the Southwestern District (SWD) Southeast Division Quartet Contest a couple of months later. In October 2001, they won the SWD Quartet Championship and are currently planning to compete at the International level. Previous individual successes include numerous District Championship Quartet titles and multiple performances on the International Contest stage, both in quartets and as members of the internationally renowned Houston Tidelanders chorus. Their combined experience represents over 75 years of barbershopping.
Steve Coon, tenor, works as an insurance agent in Crosby. One of his many quartets, Echo Lane, won the Illinois District quartet championship and finished in the top 20 in International competition. Keith Kauffman, baritone, works for one of the major oil and gas companies in Houston as a business planner. He won the SWD quartet championship in 1995, with Second Nature. Tracy Shirk, lead singer, makes his living as a vocal instructor at a Houston-area college and is the director of several vocal ensembles. He has two previous SWD quartet championships under his belt with Deuces Wild in 1991, and The Arrangement in 1996. When he's not on stage, Rob Smith, bass, is a promotions manager for a Houston-based security company. He won District singing bass in The Arrangement in 1996 and serves as bass section leader for the Houston Tidelanders.
Presto! enjoys singing a wide variety of classic barbershop tunes along with swing, doo-wop, gospel, comedy, and contemporary pop numbers. Sit back, get comfortable, and enjoy!
Feature Chorus
Houston Tidelanders
The Houston Tidelanders have a rich and proud history. Since being chartered in early 1947, the Chapter has worked hard to become recognized as one of the most successful in the entire Society. The Tidelanders have won more Southwestern District chorus titles (12) and quartet titles (10) than any other chapter in the District. In ten appearances at the International Contest, the Tidelanders have placed in the top five choruses eight times. Two chapter quartets have won International titles. They proudly boast to being among the oldest musical organizations in Houston.
The story of the Houston Chapter began in October 1946, when W. H. Anderson, Walter Jenkins, and others interested in forming a barbershop chapter, planned and held an organizational meeting. At that first meeting, some 200 men came and joined the Society, The Houston Chapter of SPEBSQSA was off with a bang.
The Tidelanders are the current Southwestern District Chorus Champions and will becompeting in Portland, Oregon, June 30-July 7.
Show of Champions
March 2, 2002
8:00 p.m.
Brazoswood High School Auditorium
Master of Ceremonies
John Devine
Past Southwestern District President
Home Chapter Welcome
The Gulf Coasters
Presentation of Quartet Awards
Second Place Quartet
First Place Quartet
Featured Quartet
IntermissionPresentation of Chorus Awards
Second Place Chorus
First Place Chorus
Featured Chorus
Houston Tidelanders
Grand FinaleKeep The Whole World Singing
The choruses and quartets participating in this program are members
of the
Society for the Preservation and Encouragement
of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America
Southwestern District
©2002, The Gulf Coasters