Board of Directors Meeting

April 2, 2009

Call to Order

President Bill Hayden called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.

Officers Present

Bill Hayden President, Doug Smith Vice President, Patty Shapiro Secretary, Ray Venator, Treasurer.

Regional Directors Present

Don Jernigan Jackson, John Skelly Brokenburg, Bernie White Brokenburg.

Committee Chairs Present

Steve Falkenthal Navigation, Doug Smith Water Level, John Skelly LEEP, Dick Shrum Safety, Ken Remmers Water Quality.

Board and Committee Chair Absentees

Bill Murphy Mineral /Louisa, Sharon LaTour Berkeley, Mike Sowers Cuckoo, Bill Murphy Combined License, TomNymanLand Use, Rebecca Vigon Social, Mike May Fireworks, Christine Cole Newsletter.

Guests: Irene Luck, The Central Virginian, Ed Kube, The Lake Anna Observer, Sheriff Fortune, Major Donnie Lowe, Louisa County Sheriff’s Department, Herb Distefano, LACA member.

Guests Presentations

Major Lowe gave members of the Board a briefing on the Department’s marine unit and their new specially built boat and two PWC’s that will be used to patrol the lake. Major Lowe invited LACA to the dedication ceremony scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 11 a.m. at AnnaPointMarina.

Approval of Agenda

Approved as presented.

Approval of Minutes

Approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Financial Report – Ray Venator

Income reported as $105.36 for the month with expenses of $0 for an ending balance of $88,328.35. The Treasurer’s report approved as submitted.

President’s Report – Bill Hayden

Bill sent a letter of appreciation to Duke’s Creek Marina for their efforts in repairing the pontoon boat that’s used for the buoy program. The Marina donated both parts and labor.

Vice President’s Report – Doug Smith

Lou Zeller invited LACA to attend a meeting on the lawsuit. Doug attended the meeting. The outcome was that Doug asked for some indication of what is the practical impact of the lawsuit and he has not received a good answer to that question. There is some indication that there might be a requirement growing out of this if the lawsuit were to stand, for Dominion to construct additional cooling for units one and two.

Doug also attended the Louisa Water Supply Planning meeting. LouisaCounty conducted public meetings with regard to their water planning process. The County will be fine until 2027 and at that point they’re going to need additional sources of water. There are alternatives and it depends on where they need the water. The plan does continue out to 2050. The plan appears to be well put together.

Doug is planning to put together a meeting with DEQ. This meeting is just to go over what’s coming up and what’s going on around the lake. Doug is looking at who else to invite, i.e. Dominion. President Hayden would like the Business Partnership to be invited.

Secretary’s Report – Patty Shapiro

No report.

Treasurer’s Report – Ray Venator

No report.

Jackson Director’s Report – Don Jernigan

No report.

Cuckoo Director’s Report – Mike Sowers

Absent. No report.

Mineral/Louisa Director’s Report – Bill Murphy

Absent. No report.

Berkeley Director’s Report – Sharon LaTour

Absent. No report.

Brokenburg – John Skelly

No report.

Belmont – Bernie White

Absent. No report.

Combined License – Bill Murphy

Absent. No report.

Navigation – Steve Falkenthal

Duke’s Creek Marina finished the repairs on Jim Oliver’s boat and the boat works just fine! Steve will be going out starting next week to work on the buoy problems.

Steve thanked Alan Lassiter, Dick Strum and Tom Nyman for the immense help they’ve provided.

Land Use – Tom Nyman

Absent. No report.

Water Level – Doug Smith

The comments on the IFIM meeting are due close of business tomorrow.

Don Jernigan reported that the committee is trying to locate the dry hydrants located around the lake. They would also like to know all the communities located around the lake.

LEEP – John Skelly

The permit has been submitted to SpotsylvaniaCounty for approval of the sign placement on 601 at the LewistonRecyclingCenter. John received a call from the County saying that there is now a thirty-six (36) foot setback because of planned road widening. The Committee is not sure what they’re up against now but they’re confident it can be worked out.

LACA will be represented at the Louisa Beautification Festival. Rainbow Graphics has completed the banner and made a frame for it. John will get the handouts printed out.

On June 1st and 2nd and June 8th and 9th LEEP in cooperation with the Water Quality Committee will be teaching a group of middle school children at the Lake Anna State Park as a group of six (6) individual stations (we’ll have two of the stations).

Safety – Dick Strum

Dick is moving forward with the Safety Committee’s initiative to provide appropriate and timely articles for publishing in the Central Virginian. Three documents were emailed to the board for information and/or action:

Policy Guidelines

Sample Layout/format

First article prepared by Dave Aitken and cleared with VDGIF. Providing a more detailed description of the new boater education requirements and the types of courses that will comply.

Dick proposed that the Board support President Hayden writing a letter to the three counties Board of Supervisors inviting them to have a proclamation on national safe boating, May 16th thru the 23rd. Dick will write the letter and email it to President Hayden for his approval and signature. Dick’s name will be on the letter as chair of the Safety Committee and available for consult.

Dick was in a meeting with Bruce Duncan from SmithMountainLake who is also the Chairman of the Safe Boating Alliance. He indicated that the life jacket rule might not be dead. It may be raised again next year.

Water Quality – Ken Remmers

Training day will be at the State Park on the 18th and water sampling on the 20th.

Will be doing additional sampling for PCB’s.

Newsletter – Christine Cole

Absent. No report.

Fireworks – Mike May

Absent. No report.

Social – Becky Vigon

Absent. No report.

New Business

Ray discussed budget breakdown for next year.


Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Shapiro, Secretary