Home FellowshipManual for the week ofApril 23rd, 2017
(Based on Sermon by Rev. Austin Momoh)
Scripture Text: Acts 12:1-5
Paul, a man with numerous encounters with Christ says in Philippian 3:10 “I want to suffer with Him, sharing in His death, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings”. Easter means a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the enemy is always wanting to take away our joy of His resurrection;the devil has come to steal, kill and destroy. Have you ever been so close to a breakthrough, but the enemy make you miss it? It is time for us to understand the meaning of His resurrection and the joy that comes after Easter.
Resurrection according to the book of Act
Book of Act, Chapter 1: Resurrection was spoken about.
Book of Act, Chapter 2: They were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Book of Act, Chapter 4: The growth of the church.
Book of Act, Chapter 9: Saul encounters God and was converted to Paul.
Book of Act, Chapter 12: Herod put the church into chaos and, wanted to kill Peter after he had killed James.
How to survive the attack of the enemy
It is important for us to be vigilant (Be alert and be of sober mind) – Read 1 Peter 5:8
Always remember that God is the only source of joy and that the devil will always want to kill our joy.
We need to know our strength in the body of Christ and to know how we motivate others – Read John 21.3
As followers of Christ, we need to understand the power of God.
We need to know and trust what God has said about us (No wonder Peter was able to sleep while in prison)
Wait for the light to smite you while in your prison (The light breaks all yokes and chains) – Read Acts 12.7
Things you need to know…..
Our Christianity is anchored to the resurrection of Christ.
There is always a need for improvement because what we know today might not carry us through the challenges of tomorrow.
Devil specializes in provoking the children of God.
Christians must be ready to advance by listening to God.
Prison means limitation.
The entrance of God’s word will always bring light that will set us free – Psalm 119:130
Regardless of how well we know God or how holy we might be, the attack from the enemy is expected, but we must remember that though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, His rod and staff will always comfort us. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide you the way of escape. God pronounced light in Genesis 1:3 which means darkness has no room in our lives. After Easter, God will raise you up higher than you’ve ever been. With His light, you are unstoppable!