LC Summer School Housing Information Page 1 of 3
LaGrange College Office of Residential Education & Housing
Summer Housing Information Sheet 2018
Cost of Housing
- The cost of housing forstudents taking summer school classes at LC is $730.00 (per person) per term; the cost does not include meals.
- The cost of housing for students NOT taking summer school classes at LC is $185.00 per week (per person); the cost does not include meals. Students interested in this housing option, have to complete the separate weekly rate contract[weekly contract available in Smith Hall 215] to determine that length and total cost of housing.
Limited Summer Meal Accommodations
- Dates and hours are very limited for meal service in the Pitts Dining Hall during both summer school terms. Contact Aramark directly at 706-882-0788 to coordinate meals directly with the dining hall during the summer. Pitts Dining Hall will not have a routine meal schedule because the meals are based on the summer conferences that will be at LaGrange College.
Housing Details
- Summer housing will only be available starting at 9AM on May 29, 2018 to 9PM on August 7, 2018 regardless of taking in seat and/or online summer school classes.
- While not mandatory nor guaranteed, summer housing is very limited; you will need to complete and return yoursummer housing form before 5 PM on May 1, 2018 to .
- Candler3rd floor will be used for summer housing unless another residence hall is chosen based on maintenance/scheduling. Roomsare apartment style (with 4 person apartments) and are equipped with a common space that includes a full refrigerator, stove, and basic living room furnishings. Individual rooms have a twin-size bed (extra-long), closet, desk, desk chair, cable equipment, and internet (Ethernet) jack.
- Access to the laundry facilities is included in the cost for summer housing.
- Roommates of the same gender can be mutually requested, however, roommate requestsdo not guarantee that you will be housed together.
- Housing staff will maximize housing assignments and will fill vacant spaces and will not “hold” spaces for students that do not complete this form before the deadline. Students may also be required to consolidate their housing assignments (instructed to move to another room) at any point during summer term 2 or 4.
- Students that currently live on-campus for the 2018 Spring semester must completely move-out/check-out by their designated end of the year move-out deadline and will not be permitted to stay or keep personal belongings in the residence halls for the time between end of the year check-out and Summer Term2 move-in. National (maintenance) will need this time to complete a deep cleaning for summer housing and the other college housing for their summer functions (summer camps, etc.).
Deadline to Submit Summer Housing Information
- Summer Term2 & 4:
Students requesting summer housing for Summer Term2 & 4 (in seat)must SUBMIT their summer school housing request information BEFORE 5 PM on May 1, 2018 to . Students that do not complete this form will not be assigned summer school housing.
College Policies During Summer School
- Note that all College Policies apply during summer housing as well. Please refer to the online Student Handbook at this web address (below) for the College policies that include the Social Code, Honor Code, and other policies at
Forward Summer Housing questions to: Kayla Watson at or 706-880-8978
Visit the housing website at
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Move-in Details for Summer Term2(in seat)
- Students that have been assigned on-campus housing duringSummer Term 2 must pick up their keys from the Office of Residential Education and Housing (Smith Hall215) Tuesday, May29, 2018 between 9 AM–4 PM.
**Students cannot move-in prior to these dates—please plan accordingly.**
Move-in Details for Summer Term4(in seat)
- Students that have been assigned on-campus housing during Summer Term 4 must pick up their keys from the Office of Residential Education and Housing (Smith Hall215) Friday, July 6, 2018 between 9 AM – 4 PM.
**Students cannot move-in prior to these dates—please plan accordingly.**
Summer Housing Assignments
- Students will be assigned their summer housing (the day after the deadline the summer housing forms are due), will be billed, and will be emailed their summer school assignment prior to the move-in date.
- There is an option to request the names of up to 3 roommates (in the designated section on the Summer Housing Request Form). The Office of Residential Educations and Housing will work to honor these requests upon the receipt of all Summer Housing Request Forms, but does not guarantee that you will be housed with the requested roommate.
- Housing staff will maximize housing assignments and will fill vacant spaces and will not “hold” spaces for students that do not complete this form before the deadline. Students may also be required to consolidate their housing assignments (instructed to move to another room) at any point during summer term2 or 4.
- Summer housing is on a first-come-first-serve basis because housing is very limited. Please complete and turn in the summer housing form as soon as possible to increase the chances of receiving summer housing.
Move-out Details for Summer Term 2
- Students that have been assigned on-campus housing during Summer Term2 must check-out with a resident advisor or housing staff member BEFORE9:00 PM on June 28, 2018. Specific check-out details will be provided in advance to your check out process to properly check-out and avoid fines.
- Students that are taking summer term2 and 4 do not have to move-out/check-out after Summer Term 2, however, studentsmay be required to move to another apartment based on vacant spaces and the room consolidation process to make a room(s) available for other college summer functions.
Move-out Details for Summer Term4 (to include all other Summer Terms online,weekly contracts, etc.)
- Students that have been assigned on-campus housing during Summer Term4(to include all other Summer Terms, weekly contracts, etc.)must check-out with a resident advisor or housing staff member BEFORE9 PM on August 7, 2018. Specific check-out details will be provided in advance to your check-out process to properly check-out and avoid fines.
Off-campus Students (Commuter Students)
- Commuter Students (any student enrolled in LC summer school and NOT living in summer housing(to include online classes) must provide summer contact information on the Summer Housing Request Form. Students are reminded that they must comply with City Ordinances and College Policies related to off-campus living. Commuter students must provide their commuter information to the Office of Residential Education & Housing before 5 PM on May 1, 2018.
Forward Summer Housing questions to: Kayla Watson at or 706-880-8978
Visit the housing website at
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LaGrange College Office of Residential Education & Housing
Summer Housing Registration Form 2018
Name: Student ID # Gender:Male Female
LC Email: LC Box # Cell Phone #
Request Specific Roommate (s) Yes No If yes, list up to 3 names
Mailing Address to Permanent Residence:Line 1:
Line 2:
Mailing address for Summer Commuter Students:Line 1:
Line 2:
Emergency Contact Information for Parent/Guardian: Name: Cell:
Summer housing will only be available starting at 9AM on May 29, 2018 to 9PM on August 7, 2018 regardless of taking in seat and/or online summer school classes, weekly contracts, etc.
Requesting LC Summer School On-Campus Housing IF SO: Only ST 2 Only ST4 Both ST24
**Assignments will be made prior to arrival: Move-in for ST2: May 29, 2018, 9 AM – 4 PM in Smith Hall 215.
**Assignments will be made prior to arrival: Move-in for ST4: July 6, 2018, 9 AM – 4 PM in Smith Hall 215.
Requesting Summer Housing – NOT in LC Summer School **Will need to complete the separate weekly rate contract[weekly contract available in Smith Hall 215] to determine that length and total cost of housing.
Student in Foundations Program
Move-in: May29, 2018 (9 AM – 4 PM); Move-out: June28, 2018 (before 9 PM)
**Refer to the details from the Admission’s Office about the Foundations Program.**
NOT Requesting On-Campus Housing (Commuter Student) ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 ST 4 ST 5
** ALL Commuter Students will need to complete the top portion of this form and return this form to the contact information below.
Deadline to Submit Summer Housing Information
Summer Terms1, 2, 3, 4, 5, commuters, and online students: Before 5 PM on May 1, 2018 to
Send Summer Housing Request Form to contact information below or drop it off at the Office of Residential Education and Housing,Smith Hall 215.
Mail form to: Fax form to:
Office of Residential Education and Housing OR Office of Residential Education and Housing
ATTN: Kayla WatsonATTN: Kayla Watson
601 Broad StreetFax #706-880-8013
LaGrange, GA 30240Email form to:
Date & Time Summer Housing Request Form Processed
Month/Day/ Year / OO:OO AM/PMForward Summer Housing questions to: Kayla Watson at or 706-880-8978
Visit the housing website at