CAeM-MG/2016/INF 2, p. 1
World Meteorological Organization / CAeM-MG/2016/INF.2COMMISSION FOR AERONAUTICAL METEOROLOGY / 31.X.2016
Hall (Innsbruck), Austria
8-10 November 2016 / ITEM6.1
English only
Long-term Plan for AEMP aligned with GANP and ASBU
Action Plan – Meteorological Services for Aviation
(Submitted by the WMO Secretariat)
Summary and Purpose of DocumentThis document provides Decision 43 (EC-68), together with its accompanying (annexed) Action Plan – Meteorological Services for Aviation, to provide context for the consideration of CAeM-MG/2016/Doc. 6.1.
The Management Group (MG) is invited to note this information.
CAeM-MG/2016/INF 2, p. 1
Decision 43 (EC-68)
RecallsResolution 3 (Cg-17) - Aeronautical Meteorology Programme and Resolution 66 (Cg17) - WMO support to evolving aeronautical meteorological services;
Acknowledges the follow-up actions initiated by the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAeM) with concrete tasks and deliverables addressed by the CAeM’s Expert Teams;
Appreciates the development by the CAeM and the dissemination to Members of guidance on achieving compliance with the WMO qualification requirements for aeronautical meteorological forecasters ahead of the implementation date of 1 December 2016;
Recognizes specific challenges related to:
(1)Implementation by Members of the WMO requirements for the qualification of the aeronautical meteorological forecasters (AMF) which will become a standard practice as of 1 December 2016;
(2)The urgent need to raise greater awareness of the evolving aeronautical meteorological services in accordance with the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and its Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) methodology accompanied with impact analysis on Members’ aeronautical meteorology programmes;
(3)The development, in cooperation with ICAO, of new provisions for aeronautical meteorological services and the new two-year cycle adopted by ICAO for the amendments of ICAO Annex 3, Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation and subsequent amendments to the WMO Technical Regulations, Volume II;
(4)The need for improvement of the WMO guidance material supporting the implementation of the international regulatory framework for the provision of meteorological service to international air navigation;
(5)The need for developing national, sub-regional and regional plans based on the new requirements for aeronautical meteorological services stemming from the GANP and ASBU;
(6)The need to address the long-standing issues related to the development of effective cost-recovery mechanisms, in particular for the LDCs and SIDS;
(7)The on-going review of the Working Arrangements with the ICAO;
Agrees with the action plan developed and undertaken by the CAeM, as described in the Annex;
Expresses concern about the low response rate to the request by the Secretary-General to Members for reporting status of conformity with the WMO requirements on competency and qualification, related to aeronautical meteorology;
Urges Members to report to the Secretary-General on the status of implementation of the competency and qualification requirements and any issues thereof by 1 December 2016;
Requests the Secretary-General to facilitate the reporting of Members on status of conformity with the WMO requirements on competence and qualification through the WMO Regional Offices;
Requests the president of CAeM to prepare, in coordination with the Secretary-General, regional associations and technical commissions, a draft long-term plan for the WMO Aeronautical Meteorology Programme (AeMP) aligned with the ICAO GANP and ASBU, for consideration by EC-69.
Annex: 1
Annex to Decision 43 (EC-68)
Compliance with ICAO and WMO requirements
Quality Management System
1.Sustain the stable growth of the Members’ conformity with the ICAO and WMO QMS requirements.
Note: The level of conformity at April 2016 is 115 Member States; the level of critical non-conformity (i.e., implementation not started) is about 10 Member States.
2.Continue the provision of focused assistance to Members utilizing twinning and coaching arrangements.
3.Update the WMO QMS guidance material to reflect the changes in the ISO9001:2015 standard – target date 1Q 2017.
Competence of aeronautical meteorological personnel (AMP); Qualification of aeronautical meteorological forecasters (AMF)
4.Continue collecting information from Members on the current status of conformity and consider measures to overcome the low response rate by Members on relevant circular letters, including assistance from the regional associations.
5.Address individual requests for assistance by Members considering most efficient methods (on-site assistance, twinning, training (on-site and remote)).
Raising awareness and impact assessment
6.Build on the experience of the European Conference on Meteorology for Aviation (ECMA-2015; October 2015, Vienna, Austria) in organizing similar format awareness events in other Regions or sub-regions, involving all relevant stakeholders including the Air Traffic Management sector on the new requirements of the ICAO GANP and ASBU and their impacts on aeronautical service provision.
7.The organization of the African Conference on Meteorology for Aviation (ACMA-2016), is being coordinated between CAeM, RA I, AMCOMET and regional partners (ASECNA). It is tentatively scheduled for 2–4 November 2016 at Libreville, Gabon.
Improved guidance material
8.CAeM Expert Teams will work on updated guidance material with focus on governance issues. In particular, WMO-No. 732, Guide to Practices for Meteorological Offices Serving Aviation (current edition 2003), and WMO-No.731, Guide on Meteorological Observing and Information Systems for Aviation Weather Services (current edition 2014), will be completely reorganized, updated and merged into a new WMO Guide on Aeronautical Meteorological Services. The established timeline is for a final draft to be available by EC-69, May 2017.
9.CAeM and CBS, in coordination with ICAO, will provide guidance to develop Members’ capacity in implementing the new weather exchange model (IWXXM) in accordance with the evolving provisions of ICAO Annex 3/WMO Technical Regulations, Vol II.
10.Updates of WMO-No. 904, Guide to Aeronautical Meteorological Services Cost Recovery are also among the priorities during the period with particular focus on LDCs and SIDS.
Development of regulatory provisions together with ICAO
11.WMO, through its designated experts in the ICAO MET Panel and its subsidiary bodies, will continue to provide inputs to the development of regulatory and guidance material being developed by ICAO, in coordination with the WMO. In addition, WMO will facilitate coordination and cooperation between Members in the planning and implementation of initiatives aimed at adapting the aeronautical meteorological services to the new requirements.
Note: While the focus of this work is on provision of high quality service aligned with the global, regional and national ATM safety and performance requirements, WMO experts should also endeavour to assess potential impacts of the envisaged changes in the aeronautical meteorology service provision (institutional - business models, regionalization; technological) and raise awareness of Members accordingly.
Long-term planning
12.As a follow-up of Resolution 3 (Cg-17) recommending the establishment of a longer term planning horizon for the WMO AeMP, as well as for Members’ national plans, aligned with the objectives and timelines of the ICAO GANP and ASBU, CAeM will prepare a draft long-term plan for consideration by EC-69 in 2017.
Update of the Working Arrangements between WMO and ICAO
13.Following the recommendation of the Conjoint ICAO/WMO MET Divisional Meeting (2014), the review of the Working Arrangements between ICAO and WMO (ICAO Doc. 7475/WMO-No. 60, Chapter II.3) has to be completed by the end of 2016 and submitted for approval by the executive bodies of the two organizations in 2017. This review should ensure that the respective roles and responsibilities, as well as the commitments, of both organizations are appropriately aligned with the mandates of both organizations taking into consideration evolving technological capabilities and aeronautical requirements.