SG Action from last meeting:-

  • TSEF Exec group have been added to NDG circulation list
  • Doodle issued and dates identified. Doodle did not work well for all members. Do we wish to use this again?
  • Contacted Employability Partnerships for update on mapping for third sector contacts. We have contacted SCVO to ask who this information should be sent to now that Craig Graham is no longer the contact. Awaiting a response. What we have determined is that the information coming in from the nine responses received to date, is that the list held by SCVO is out of date for some areas. How will we take this forward?
  • Linked with Third Sector and have a new member to the group, Stephen Jones
  • Contacted SDS and DWP and have representations from both organisations
  • Contacted Dawn Redpath re the Rural Sub group. She would welcome a TSEF member on their group and details were passed to Dughall
  • Colleague Joanne Farrow spoke with SLAED re TSEF being a regular member on their group. However, it is out thought that it is unlikely that it would be appropriate for a member of the TSEF Executive Group be a standing member at all the SLAED meetings. This is because the discussion is very much about local authorities, and much of this would be irrelevant to TSEF. Dughall advised that he will discuss this with Pamela when he attends the next SLAED meeting in his Recruit with Conviction role.
  • Biogs – 5 received from Dughall, Blyth Deans, Tommy McDade, Robin Turner and Stephen McConnachie and are on the TSEF page on the website.
  • TSEF Exec Group links with SG in Review of Supported Businesses and PDA in Supported Employment (Stow/Motherwell). Linked Chair of group with project manager in relation to the PDA and will look to identify ways of linking with this work. On the supported business review, I can give you a brief summary:-

Rocket Science Review of Supported Businesses

Initial findings and conclusions


•Challenges and obstacles

•Opportunities, sources of funding and support available

•Examples of best practice

•Relevant best practice from the broader third sector and private sector

Action to date:

•Reviewed 13 Supported Businesses including in depth interviews

•Pulled out key issues and challenges

•Reviewed landscape of support

•Identified risks and opportunities

•Held a workshop in January where they asked attendees:-

  1. ‘What are the most important issues and challenges we face?’
  2. If the findings identified to date and shared with attendees feel right;
  3. Has anything important been missed or not stressed enough?
  4. Does the current support landscape meet the needs of Supported Businesses?;
  5. What more could be done by the Scottish Government/Local Authorities/others to help Supported Businesses?;
  6. What scope is there to support each other in the transition journey?

Next steps:

•The final report is due for completion at the end of March and will include all of the findings above as well as:-

  1. good practice in the light of feedback and needs
  2. tools to help Supported Businesses map their journey and highlight priorities

I have asked the project manager to share the draft report, once approval has been obtained from Ministers to allow the TSEF to view and provide their endorsement/a supportive quote.