Course Objectives:
This course focuses on basic linguistic and communicative structures of the German
language. Students will be introduced to various aspects of German culture and learn tocommunicate in simple everyday situations and personal interaction. The module willadopt an integrated approach to language learning and will emphasize equally all fourskills of reading, writing, listening and speaking as well as the acquisition of grammarstructures and vocabulary. Audio and video materials will also be used to supplement thetextbook and to provide students with a better insight into Germany, her culture and thelife of her people. The module will also attempt to help students optimize their learningby teaching them vital strategies for language learning and language use. This should, inturn, allow students to develop greater learner autonomy.
Course Structure and Schedule
The five hours weekly for the course will be divided into:
2 Lectures (each 2 hrs) and 1 Tutorial (1 hr).
Students will need to sign up for one lecture group and one tutorial group during CORS.
Please check course announcements regularly just before and during the semester at the following URL:
♦ Lectures
During the lectures, the students will be introduced to topics of study as well new
grammatical aspects. They will also be taught how to react in the foreign language
in various common communicative situations. The emphasis will be on developing
reading, writing and listening skills as well as acquiring and practicing new
linguistic structures. The lessons will be mostly based on the textbook “Eurolingua
Deutsch 1” and partly on lecturer’s own material.
The tutorials will capitalize on small group environment and seek to provide
students with the opportunity to develop speaking skills and acquire new
vocabulary. They will also support the lectures in reinforcing the students’ grasp of
linguistic structures learnt. Special emphasis will also be given to improve students’
pronunciation and intonation. The lessons will also be based on the textbook
“Eurolingua Deutsch 1” as well as additional material prepared by tutors and
The assessment is based entirely on students' coursework. There is no examination forthis module. Students will be assessed on their written work (assignments, compositions,project etc), oral speaking abilities, performance in tests as well as class performance.There will be an oral test to assess the students’ ability to communicate in speaking andtheir pronunciation and intonation.
* Funk, H. & Koenig, M.: Eurolingua Deutsch 1. Kursbuch. Berlin: Cornelsen.
* Funk, H. & Koenig, M.: Eurolingua Deutsch 1. Vocabulary Booklet. Berlin, Cornelsen.
These books will be available at the NUS Co-op Bookstore at the Forum just before the semester starts.
A dictionary is required for the course. We recommend the following:
Oxford-Duden. German-English/English-German.
We also recommend the following books for self study:
* Rohrmann, Lutz: Learner's Handbook. Berlin: Cornelsen
* Rohrmann, Lutz: Eurolingua Deutsch 1. Sprachtraining. Berlin: Cornelsen
Course Content
Topics/Communicative Situations Grammar
German Alphabet
International Words in German Vocabulary
Working with a Dictionary
Numbers 0-1000
Communication and Things in the Classroom
Asking Questions about a Person
Travelling/Living Abroad
Geography of Europe
Describing One’s Hobbies and Interests
Describing a Person
Conversational Discourse (Dialogues)
Conversing over the Phone
Vocabulary Learning & Grouping
Meeting People
Small Talk in a Café
Food & Drinks
Ordering Food in a Restaurant
Writing a Letter
Payment in a Restaurant
Telling Time
Time Phrases
Days of the Week
Fixing an Appointment
Making and Accepting an Invitation
Introducing the Family/Family Life
Food Items
Measurements, Colours
Clothing & Colours
Doing the Groceries / Intonation of Words and Sentences
Conjugation of Regular Verbs
Conjugation of Irregular Verbs
Nouns and Gender
Plural Forms of Nouns
Definite Articles
Word Order: Statements and Questions
Interrogative Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
Sentence Structures
Negation using nicht
Negation using kein/keine
Definite & Indefinite Articles
Imperative (formal)
Nominative and Akkusative Case
Negation in Accusative Case
Syntax: Nominative, Accusative Complements
Separable Verbs
Modalverbs: möchten, können, müssen & mögen
Prepositions with the Accusative Case
Possessive Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Comparisons with gern/lieber/am liebsten
Possessivpronoun in Nominative and Accusative
Welcher/dieser in Nominative and Accusative