Lady Knox Chapter
Suzanne Shaub
Lady Knox Chapter held nine meetings in 2012 and participated in several community events.
We began 2012 by awarding two area students for their winning American History essays on the topic of the War of 1812. Gabriah Gadsby, fifth grader at Friendship Village School, was chosen as the fifth grade chapter winner. Gabriah also placed second for her grade level in the Maine State DAR organization. Acadia Calderwood, sixth grader at Union Elementary School, was selected as chapter winner for the sixth grade; she placed third in the Maine State DAR organization. Both students, along with their families were guests at a Chapter meeting and the girls read their essays to the members present.
Events in which the Chapter participated included Montpelier's Boots on the Ground over Memorial Day weekend, Thomaston's Independence Day Parade, Montpelier's encampment weekend in August, as well as their Columbus Day Harvest Weekend when Lady Knox members held a bake sale with Montpelier volunteers. We raised money to purchase a framed print of 1776 map of Boston to be used as an educational tool during tours.
Our September Chapter meeting was held at Quarry Hill in order to include our 50 year member, Ann Foster. Members packed toiletry products that were later sent to troops overseas, a Project Patriot activity. We also sent personal products and many paperback books to Togus for our veterans.
Another highlight of the year was a visit from State Regent Ginny Spiller at our October meeting. We had a lovely luncheon to welcome Madam State Regent as she shared her State Regent's project "Preserving Maine's Heritage."
In November, three Good Citizens from area high schools with their families were honored. Eddie McCluskey from Camden Hills Regional High School, Payton Feener from the Community School of Camden and Brooke Lowell from Oceanside High School were chosen to represent their schools as Good Citizen’s. Brooke Lowell’s essay was selected as the chapter winner.
Lady Knox has provided a letter of support for the Monhegan Lighthouse Museum's request for a National DAR Grant. The Museum plans a worthy restoration project to maintain this iconic Maine landmark. We hope to plan a “field trip” to visit the island in the summer.
Our December activity took us to Montpelier to decorate the General's dining room with Christmas greens and festive fruits. Thanks to Chapter members and their research, we adhered to the period type of adornment and created a lovely 17th century holiday decor.
Lady Knox Chapter were sorry to loose a member, who passed away, however we are very pleased to welcome a new member through transfer. There are a number of prospective members working on their papers;thanksgo to the members who are assisting these ladies. We look forward to welcoming new daughters to Lady Knox Chapter in 2013.
Suzy Shaub, Regent, Lady Knox Chapter