CURRENT POSITION: Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Biology, State University of New York at Brockport, Brockport, New York 14420
(585-395-5747), e-mail:
1969 B.S. (Marine Biology, minor in Chemistry) University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
1974 Ph.D. (Aquatic Ecology, Watershed Ecology) Cornell University
1968 Research Assistant, Univ. of Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island,
University of Georgia. Salt marsh ecology and shrimp aquaculture
1969-1971 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1971-1972 Instructor in Environmental Sciences, Bristol Community College, Fall
River, Massachusetts
1971-1972 Instructor in Biology, Southeastern Massachusetts Univ., North
Dartmouth, Massachusetts
1972-1974 Graduate Research Assistant, Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study, West Thornton,
New Hampshire (Cornell University). Worked on long-term studies
of acid precipitation and ion loss from forested watersheds. Evolutionary
biology and community dynamics of zooplankton
1975-1976 Research Fellow, Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, Rensselaerville, New
1974-1978 Assistant Professor of Biology, SUNY at Brockport, NY
1974-presentDesigned, equipped and maintained a fully equipped (A.A., G.C.,
Autoanalyser, phase scopes, etc.) certified (ELAP, NELAC) water
quality laboratory
1980 Summer course, (taught "Structure and Function of Marine Plankton
Ecosystems"), Univ. of Massachusetts, Nantucket Field Station
1978-1984 Associate Professor of Biology, SUNY at Brockport, NY
1984-1998 Professor of Biology, SUNY at Brockport, NY
1989-1990 Senior Fulbright Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute fur Limnologie,
1991-1997 Chairman, Dept. of Biological Sciences, SUNY at Brockport
1998- 2000Coordinator - Environmental Science major
1998-presentDistinguished Service Professor of Biological Sciences, SUNY Brockport,
Brockport, NY
2000-2002Director – Environmental Science Program
2002-2004Chairman – Department of Environmental Science and Biology
American Co-Lead of the Bi-National Study of Lake Ontario (2007 to 2012)
*Led the American team from Brockport, ESF, College at Buffalo, University at Buffalo,
Cornell University, and Niagara University.
*Worked with Todd Howell of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and the Canadian
Co-Lead to design research initiatives and coordinate activities between the two
*As Guest Editor, coordinated a special issue of the Journal of Great Lakes Research
titled “The nearshore zone of Lake Ontario.
Chair of Lake Ontario Research Facility Development (2001 – current) and member of the Lake Ontario Natural Resource Center Steering Committee(Members: V.P. Administration and Finance, Executive Assistant to the President and J. Makarewicz)
* Working with the College President, responsible for developing an initiative to obtain funding for a facility including a campus-wide consensus report to initiate the development of a research/education facility on the shores of Lake Ontario
*At present, ~$300,000 in funding has been received mostly from Congress (Congressman Reynolds). Have written four Federal Requests (earmarked funds) for 2008. Two have been funded, one is lost in the transition, one pending
………*Maintain contacts (lobbying) with Congressman Reynolds and Congresswoman Slaughter office on earmarked funds, development of new proposals, etc. I work mostly with the Senior Legislative aides of both congress people
*Activities completed include negotiations on obtaining land from NYS Parks and Recreation and the City of Rochester, development of brochures, and initiatives for funding through federal and state sources
*Responsible for meetings and presentations with appropriate state and federal congressional representatives
*Coordinate development of architectural drawings with Bergmann Associates, Inc
Coordinator, Director and Chair of the Department of Environmental Science and
Biology. (1998- 2005). SUNY College at Brockport
*Program Development: Implemented and developed the curriculum and major and minor in Environmental Science and Biology
*Set-up a new department from “ground zero” into a functioning department
*Integrated new department into the structure of the college: class scheduling, web site, newsletter, space, committees, budget, etc
*Developed an MS and BS/MS (3+2) degree in Environmental Science. Shepherded itthrough the Faculty Senate and its various committees. This new M.S. program begins in September 2007
Chairman, Department of Biological Sciences (1991-1997), SUNY College at Brockport. 14 faculty, 2 research associates, 4 service personnel, 300+ undergraduate majors, 30 graduate students.
*Initiated the renovation of the Lennon Hall Science building through a National Science Foundation Infrastructure grant with matching funding from the SUNY Construction Fund. Total amount of funds attracted for renovation was $13 million
*Developed and instituted an undergraduate assessment procedure
*Developed and published a departmental newsletter
*Doubled enrollments in the undergraduate major in Biological Sciences through a multifaceted program that included sending the newsletter to community colleges’instructors, letter writing and a phone campaign to students.
*Implemented the major in Medical Technology
*Lead the development and passage through administrative channels of the interdisciplinary major (Earth Science, Biology and Chemistry) in Environmental Sciences
*Received funding from the college to set up a 24 station computer facility for the sciences.
*Hired five new faculty and developed and hired a new position titled instructional support assistant.
Project Leader - Brockport, Great Lakes Consortium Development (1982-1984)
*Responsible for Brockport's interest in developing a research consortium of colleges for research on the Great Lakes. Brockport and SUNY Oswego received two development grants for this project. As of 1986 the Consortium was officially formed and received funding from the New York State Assembly and has an annual budget of $150,000.
Chairman, Articulation & Recruitment Committee (1982-1984), SUNY Brockport. *Responsible for developing articulation programs with community colleges for the Department of Biological Sciences. This necessitated working with administrators at various colleges while negotiating 10 successful agreements. The strategy developed has served as a model for other programs and increased enrollment by approximately 20% within the department within two years.
Board of Governors, Center for Environmental Information (2002- 2006)
Board of Governors, International Association of Great Lakes Research. 2009-2011.
Principal Investigator of contracts and grants
Administered and managed over 100 grants and contracts from USDA (CSREES), EPA, NOAA, NSF, Sea Grant, Great Lakes Protection Fund
2002.SUNY College at Cortland. External Review of the Department of Biological Sciences SUNY College at Cortland
- University of Windsor. Appraisal of Proposed MSc & PhD Programs in
Environmental Science at the University of Windsor, Ontario
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Review of the Darren Freshwater Institute
- Invited to participate in the New York Sea Grant annual five-year review. Sea Grant is
reviewed by the National Sea Grant College Program’s Program Assessment Team
(PAT). I was asked to participate in the review of the section “Controlling and
mitigating impacts of aquatic nuisance species”
2006 National Research Council of the National Academies. Review of the Lake Ontario-St.
Lawrence River Studyof lake level regulation by the Moses-Eisenhower Dam on
the St. Lawrence River. Sponsored by the International joint Commission
2006 SUNY College at Cortland. External Review of the Department of Biological Sciences.
2006. Reviewed the Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) Biological Monitoring
Program for the Great Lakes. EPA, Chicago
2008. SUNY College at Buffalo. External review of the Great Lakes Laboratory.
- External Review of the Department of Biological Sciences SUNY College at Cortland.
- SUNY College at Potsdam.External Review of the Environmental Sciences
2000 to 2007: Served as an external reviewer of faculty tenure decisions at SUNY Geneseo, Clarkson University, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY College at Buffalo, University of Windsor, and Hobart and Smith Colleges
*Bi-National SOLEC Award. 2012. The Conesus Lake Watershed Study (J. Makarewicz, P.I.) was recognized by the Steering Committee and organizers of the State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC) as a SOLEC 2011 Success Story honoree. The award by the U.S. Consul General in Toronto and the Canadian Consul General in Erie, Pa to recognize their effort to improve understanding of function and structure in Great Lakes Ecosytems.
*Editor’s Award. International Association for Great Lakes Research. 2008
*Member of the Tonolli Scholarship Committee, Society of International
*Among 38 scientists honored by the Chancellor of the SUNY system for outstanding
scholarship and grantsmanship, 2002
*Recipient of the Chandler Meisner Award for best manuscript, International
Association of Great Lakes Research 2002
*Awarded “Distinguished Service Professorship”
*Named a member of the “Environmental 25”. In celebration of the RochesterCenter
for Environmental Studies 25th Anniversary, 25 people from New YorkState were
named“Environmentalist” of the quarter century, 1999.
*Excellence in Environmental Teaching. Center for Environmental Information, 1999
*Career Achievement Award. Research Foundation of the StateUniversity of New York
and SUNY Brockport. 1997, 1998 and 2002
*New York State Conservation Districts Special Award. In recognition of his desire to educate and advance Soil and Water Conservation Districts in their
understanding of water resources management
*PhiBetaDeltaCollege International Scholar's Award, 1995
*SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1994
*Senior Fulbright Research Fellow. 1989/90. Max Planck Institute fur Limnologie.
*Fellow of CILER. Elected member of the Cooperative Institute for LakeExperimental
*Research Achievement Award. Research Foundation of the StateUniversity of New
York and SUNY Brockport. 1992
*WayneCounty Soil and Water Conservation District. Acknowledgment and
Appreciation for assistance and excellence in the development of the District's
water quality monitoring program
*Researcher of the Month Award (1984) - SUNY Researcher
*Faculty Research Award (1983) - Society of Sigma Xi at Brockport
*New YorkState Scholar Incentive Award (1974)
*Commonwealth of Massachusetts Scholarship (1968)
Member of the Lake Ontario Lake Level Evaluation Committee. National Academy of
Served as a group expert for the International Joint Commission assisting the International
Water Quality Advisory Board.
Ecosystem Based Management Scientific Advisory Committee. New York State. Nominated
By NYS Secretary of State.
Member of Tonollii Awards Committee, International Association of Theoretical Limnology and
Applied Research.
Board of Directors, International Association of Great Lakes Research. (2008- 2011)
Associate Editor: Journal of Great Lakes Research (8 years)
Associate Editor: Journal of Ecosystem Management (5 years)
Member of Science Advisory Committee of the NYS Biodiversity Institute (2005-06)
Board of Directors. Center for Environmental information. Rochester, NY.
Executive and Personnel Committee, Sponsored Programs Advisory Council, Research
Foundation of the State of New York (1991-95).
Member of Board of Representatives, Great Lakes Consortium (1985-present)
Chairman, Search Committee for Director of Sponsored Research
Scientific Advisory Committee, New York Sea Grant and Federation of Lake Associations
Reviewer for NSF (24 grants)
Reviewer for EPA (16 grants, 2 occasions, panel review)
Reviewer for New York Sea Grant (16 grants)
Reviewer for USDA (22 grants, Panel Review)
Individual and panel reviewer for the Great Lakes Research Consortium (>50 grants)
Reviewer for the Great Lakes Protection Fund (4 grants)
Reviewer for Ohio Sea Grant (3 grants)
Reviewer for Michigan Sea Grant (one grant)
Reviewer for Louisiana Sea Grant (one grant)
Reviewer for ERDA (one grant)
Reviewer for Hydrobiologica
Reviewer for International Association for Great Lakes Research (many)
Reviewer for Ohio Journal of Sciences
Reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries (3)
Reviewer for Ecology
Reviewer for Physiology and Behavior
Reviewer for Limnology and Oceanography (4)
Reviewer for Journal of Freshwater Ecology
Session Convener (Ecology), Annual Meeting of the Rochester Academy of Sciences (1976, 1980)
Liaison Officer. Rochester Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research
Program Committee. Oswego Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes
Session Convener. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Brockport and St. John Fisher Meetings.
Program Committee and Participant. 1983. Buffalo Symposium on Research at SUNY Colleges
Session Chair - Lake Ontario Fishery. 1983. Symposium on Lake Ontario. Center for Environmental Information. This is an International Symposium on the status of Lake Ontario held in Rochester, N.Y
Sea Grant Advisory Committee. 1985-1992. New York Sea Grant.
Planning Committee. 1986. DecisionsfortheGreatLakes
Undergraduate Course Improvement Grant reviewer. 1986-1989. Research Foundation of the State of New York
Great Lakes Initiative Development Committee. 1987. Formed cooperatively by Sea Grant and the National Marine Fishery Service to develop collaborative research on the Great Lakes
Session Convener. 1991. The Recovery of Lake Erie. Buffalo Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research
Special Editor. 1993. The Restoration of Lake Erie. Journal of Great Lakes Research. Volume 19(2)
Chair. 1991-1997. Student Award Committee. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Meeting
Applied aspects of environmental science, lake and watershed resource management, including such topics as watershed and ecosystem approaches to determining point and non-point sources of nutrients in urban and rural watersheds, hydrologic and nutrient budgets, indicators of successful remediation, strategies and demonstrations projects for reducing nutrient and organic hydrocarbon from watersheds, atmospheric deposition rates on ecosystems, uptake dynamics of chlorinated hydrocarbons in aquatic food-webs, top-down and bottom-up effects on plankton community structure, environmental education, environmental impact statements, plankton as indicators of success of the phosphorus reduction program in the Great Lakes and methods of reducing pesticide levels in fish grown in polluted waters. Because of my former association with the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study in New Hampshire, I also have continuing interest in acid precipitation and analysis using the small watershed approach.
Makarewicz, J.C., Lewis, T.W., Boyer, G.L. 2012. Phosphorus enrichment and silica and nitrate depletion on the shoreside of the spring thermal front. J. Great Lakes Res.38:72-77.Makarewicz, J.C., Lewis, T.W., Pennuto, C., Atkinson, J., Edwards, W.J., Boyer, G.L., Howell, T., 2012. Physical and chemical characteristics of the nearshore zone of Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 38:21-31
Makarewicz, J.C and Howell, T. 2012. The Lake Ontario nearshore study: Introduction and Summary. J. Great Lakes Res. 38: 2-9.
Makarewicz, J.C, Booty, W.G., and Bowen, G.S. 2012. Tributary phosphorus loading to Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 38: 14-20.
Makarewicz, J.C, The influence of streams on nearshore water chemistry, Lake Ontario. 2012. Tributary phosphorus loading to Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 38: 62-71.
Pavlac, M.M., Smith, T.T., Thomas, S.P., Makarewicz, J.C., Lewis, T.W., Edwards, W.J., Pennuto, C.M., Basiliko, C.P., Aktinson, J.F. , Boyer, G.L., 2012. Continuous monitoring of phytoplankton pigments and water quality measurements in the Lake Ontario nearshore zone. J. Great Lakes Res.38:78-84.
Pennuto, C., Howell, T., Lewis, T., Makarewicz, J.C. 2012. Dreissena population status in nearshore Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 39:38:161-170.
Pennuto, C., Howell, T., Makarewicz, J.C. 2012. Relationships among round gobies , Dreissena mussels, and benthic algae in the south nearshore of Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 38:154-160.
Higgins, S.N., Pennuto, C., Howell, T., Lewis, T., Makarewicz, J.C. 2012. Urban influences on Cladophora blooms in Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res. 38:116-123.
Makarewicz, J.C. and Letcher, R. 2010.Changing interest of the membership: An Update. J. Great Lakes Research. 36: 583.
Makarewicz, J.C. 2009. Nonpoint source reduction to the nearshore zone via watershed management practices: Nutrient fluxes, fate, transport and biotic responses - background and objectives. J. Great Lakes Research. 35:3-10.
Makarewicz, J.C., Lewis, T., Bosch, S., and 4 other authors. 2009. The impact of agricultural best management practices on downstream systems: Soil loss and nutrient chemistry and flux to Conesus Lake, New York, USA. J. Great Lakes Res. 35:23-36.
Makarewicz, J.C., Boyer, G, Atkinson, J., Lewis, T. 2009. Spatial and temporal distribution of the cyanotoxin microcystin-LR in the Lake Ontario ecosystem: Coastal embayments, rivers, nearshore and offshore, and upland lakes. J. Great Lakes Res. 35: 83-89.
Simon, R. and Makarewicz, J.C. 2009. Impacts of manure management practices on stream microbial loading into Conesus Lake, NY. J. Great Lakes Res. 35:66-75.
Simon, R. and Makarewicz, J.C. 2009. Storm water events in a small agricultural watershed: Characterization and evaluation of improvements in stream water microbiology following implementation of Best Management Practices. J. Great Lakes Res. 35:76-82.
Lewis, T. and Makarewicz, J.C. Winter application of manure on an agricultural watershed and its impact on downstream nutrient fluxes. J. Great Lakes Res. 35:43-49.
Bosch, S, Makarewicz, J.C., and three other authors. Responses of lake macrophyte beds dominated by Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) to best management practices in agricultural sub-watersheds: Declines in biomass but not species dominance. J. Great Lakes Res.35: 90-98
Bosch, S., Makarewicz, J.C. and three other authors. Management of agricultural practices results in declines of filamentous algae in the lake littoral. J. Great Lakes Res.35:100-109.
Li, Y., A. Vodacek, N. Raqueno, R. Kremens, A. Garrett, S. Bosch, J.C. Makarewicz, and T.W. Lewis. 2008. Seasonal circulation and stream plume modeling in Conesus Lake. Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 13:275-289
Somarelli, J. A., J. C.Makarewicz, R. Sia and R. Simon. 2006. Wildlife identified as major source of E. coli inagriculturally dominated watersheds by BOX A1R-derived genetic fingerprints. Journal of Environmental Management. 82:60-65.
Wescoat, J.L., P. Chow-Fraser P., D.M. Hartford, J.R. Keough, L.A. MaGuire, J.C. Makarewicz, D.C. McKinney, D. Moreau, S.P. Simonovic, P.A. Zielinski and L.E. Alexanader L.E. 2006.Review of the Lake Ontario-ST. Lawrence River Studies.The National Academies Press. Washington, D.C.
Thompson, E., J.C. Makarewicz and T. W. Lewis. 2005 Additional invertebrate predator in the food web does not biomagnify a persistent contaminant in Lake Ontario: The case of Cercopagis pengoi. J. Great Lakes Research. 31:210-218.
Laxson, C.L. , K. N. McPhedran, J. C. Makarewicz, I. V. Teleshand H. J. MacIsaac. 2003. Effects of the invasive cladoceran Cercopagis on the lower food web of Lake Ontario. Freshwater Biology. 48: 2094-2106.
Duggan, S.A. Bailey, R. I. Colautti, D. Gray, J. C. Makarewicz, and H. J. MacIsaac. 2003. Biological Invasions in Lake Ontario: Past, Present and Future. In: The Status of Lake Ontario(M. Munawar, Editor), 541-558.
Makarewicz, J.C. E. Damaske, T. W. Lewis and Mary Merner. 2003. Trend Analysis Reveals a Recent Reduction in Mirex Concentrations in Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook (O. tshawytscha) Salmon from Lake Ontario. Env. Science & Tech. 37:1521-
Makarewicz, J.C., E.Damaske, C. Laxson, I. Grigorovich , I. Telesh and H.. MacIsaac. 2002. Seasonal and vertical distribution, food web dynamics and contaminant biomagnification of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, February 2003, Alexandria.