Educational Policies Advisory Committee / (213) 891-2296
Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, EPAC Chair (LACC), Eloise Crippens, Equivalency Coordinator (WLAC), Yasmin Delahoussaye, Vice Chancellor Educational Services, David Beaulieu, District Academic Senate President.
EPAC Minutes
Meeting of a September 13, 2010 – 2:00 – 3:30 pm
LACCD – 811 2nd Floor Conference Room
Members present: Kathleen Bimber, Chair, Eloise M. Crippens, Equivalency Coordinator, Eddie Flores, East, Pamela Watkins, Harbor, Roza Ekimyan, Mission, Rob O’Neil, Pierce and Adrienne Foster, West
Members absent: Allison, Moore, Southwest, Roana Thornock, Valley, Chini Johnson-Taylor, Trade,Ken Sherwood, City
- Approval of the Agenda: All
- Minutes of May 10 were reviewed and approved
- Equivalency and Eminence Petition – See below
Applicant / Discipline / Disc.
Approved / Disc. Not
Approved / EPAC
Decision / Notes
James Dean / CAOT-Legal / X / No action needed
from EPAC / Approved by HR-Received VOE
from applicant.
Paul Quintero / Counseling / X / EPAC agrees with
Discipline comm. / Equivalence petition signed by EPAC
Timothy Hillis / Sociology / X / EPAC agrees / Obtained missing signature from East
Los AngelesCollege
Jill Leovy / Journalism / X
Eminence in the
field / EPAC agrees with
Discipline comm. / Candidate has a BA degree and is locally
and Nationally known in her field of
Journalism. Kathleen informed the
Members that State no longer allows us
to do Eminence unless they have some
College education, at least an AA degree.
- The Agenda was approved by all. Eloise welcomed the members back and informed them how helpful HR has been to DAS even though they are short staffed. They have really been going over and above what they were supposed to do in order to help us out.
- Permits have become a problem for some colleges. Permits were given to some faculty members who were allowed to teach in their minor. These permits were issued every year in July and approved by the board. This year a couple of the colleges did not want to honor those permits. Presently HR is working on this matter and more information will follow.
- The Counselors met over the summer and approved Paul Quintero with the Alternate Title Counseling and Guidance.
Kathleen questioned why Counseling had to produce another alternate title since the specialization on his Masters degree says Counseling. Eloise explained that HR was thrown off by the other part of the title Guidance. They felt it didn’t match the state minimum qualifications title.
It was suggested that in the future we record full names in the minutes of the potential candidate and the action that was taken by the committee.
7. Discussion for future consideration
The members voted to have meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month for the year 2010 – 2011. The following meetings will be held on October 11, November 8, December 13, February 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13. Due to construction at the district office, all meetings will be held at the 811 bldg until further notice.
ASCCC has a change in Minimum Qualifications. The packets will be passed out at the next meeting.
Next meeting October 11, 2010.
EPAC Representatives: Ken Sherwood, CITY, Eddie Flores, EAST, Pam Watkins, HABOR, Roza Ekimyan,
MISSION, Rob O’Neil, PIERCE, Allison Moore, SOUTHWEST, Chini Johnson-Taylor, TRADE TECH,
Roana Thornock, VALLEY, Curt RiesbergWEST