NCHRP 20-7

Proposed Research Needs Statement

Subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operations

Mr. Shailen Bhatt, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Transportation, Chair

April 29, 2016


Developing a Next Generation Transportation Systems Management & Operations (TSM&O) Research Agenda


This proposed 20-7 research project is needed to support development of a National TSM&O Research Program Agenda including development of: (1) an initial Agenda; (2) a process and schedule for updating and maintaining the Agenda; and (3) process(es) to implement the agenda by leveraging existing related TSM&O research program processes and funding.

TSM&O continues to emerge as a core business area of transportation agencies, particularly today as a result of SHRP 2 Reliability Research implementation initiatives led by the Federal Highway Administration. Under project NCHRP 20-07 (359), a framework was developed for a next generation TSM&O research program. This TSM&O Research Program Framework consists of the following components:

1.  Responsibility/Ownership of Research Program;

2.  Setting the Research Program Agenda;

3.  Conduct of Research;

4.  Dissemination of Research Results;

5.  Implementation of New Knowledge;

6.  Research Program Evaluation; and

7.  Research Program Funding.

Over the course of the NCHRP project 20-07(359) research, initial progress has been made in implementing some components of the framework. Of most significance is the fact that the AASHTO STSMO Research Working Group (RWG), together with the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE), has agreed to the role of being the entity responsible for the TSM&O Research Program with support from the TRB Regional TSM&O and Freeway Operations Committees.


This proposed project will allow the AASHTO STSMO RWG and NOCoE to take the critical next step in setting the first ever National TSM&O Research Program Agenda.


Tasks anticipated in this project include the following:

1.  Assemble examples of representative TSM&O oriented research agenda’s and/or “roadmaps” (including high-priority research ideas) by canvassing relevant AASHTO and TRB committees.

2.  Gather additional research ideas/priorities from the TSM&O community.

3.  Draft a program agenda with proposed priority research ideas.

4.  Convene stakeholder workshop to develop final draft program agenda and research priorities.

5.  Develop final program agenda.

6.  Develop process and schedule for updating and maintaining the agenda using existing (and perhaps new) web-based tools & technology.

7.  Develop process(es) to implement the agenda by leveraging existing related TSM&O research program processes and funding.


This project will develop a critical product that currently does not exist – A National TSM&O Research Program Agenda. There is an urgency to get this proposed 20-7 project underway in effort to leverage an upcoming joint meeting of the Subcommittee on Transportation Management & Operations and TRB’s Regional Transportation Systems Management & Operations Committee in August 2016 and to build upon the NCHRP 20-7(359) Next Generation Framework initiative.


It is estimated that this research will take 8 months to complete and will require $75,000.


Mr. Galen McGill, P.E.

System Operations & ITS Manager
Oregon Dept. of Transportation

(503) 986-4486