Lac Du Bonnet Wildlife Association 2017 Angling Awards Rules
1. All applicants must be a member of the Lac du Bonnet Wildlife Association at the time the fish was caught and must hold a valid Manitoba Angling Licence.

2. All entries must be caught by hook and line between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017, in the Province of Manitoba in accordance with the Manitoba Angling Regulations.

3. All entries must be made on the official entry form and must include the applicant’s name, address, birth date, phone number, email address, and the date and location where the fish was caught.Entry forms submitted by email do not require a signature but must be received directly from the email of the applicant. This will be considered an electronic signature to verify the information.

Click here for official "Lac du Bonnet Wildlife AssocAngling Award Application 2017" entry form.

4. As per the Manitoba Angler’s Guide, total fish length is measured from the most anterior part of the head to the most posterior part of the tail laid flat (i.e. not pinched). The total length of the fish will be measured to the longest half centimeter. (i.e. A fish measuring 25.0 to 25.4 cm will be recorded as 25.0 cm. A fish measuring 25.9 cm will be entered as 25.5 cm.)

5. To qualify all entries must include a horizontal measurement photo of the entire length of the fish against a ruler, measuring tape, bump board or another measuring device that clearly shows the total length of the fish. Applicants should also include an “action” photo of themselves with the fish. Submitted photos must be a resolution of not less than 300 dpi. Electronic photos should be submitted in jpeg format at a minimum size of 1mb to allow for clear viewing.Thumbnail photos or photos that cannot be magnified to clearly show the length will not be accepted.

6. Entries may be submitted at any time during the year but must be received before February 28, 2018 in order to qualify. Entries are to be submitted by mail or email to the Lac du Bonnet Wildlife Association Angling Award Coordinator as indicated on the official entry form. A confirmation number will be supplied by email to confirm your application was received.
7. All entries including submitted photographsbecome the property of the Lac du Bonnet Wildlife Association who reserves the right to use the photographs in their publications, website, social media and other means for promotional purposes. No compensation or remuneration of any kind will be paid for the use of any photograph or entry information.
8. Awards will be given for the largest fish of each species of Northern Pike, Walleye, Perch, Smallmouth Bass, Lake Sturgeon and Stocked Trout (including Brook, Brown, Rainbow, Tiger, Splake, and Arctic Char).

9. In addition, one award will be given for the largest overall fish caught during the year from the above species. The largest fish will be determined based on the percentage of the Manitoba Master Angler qualifying size. (For example Master Angler Sizes are: Northern Pike 104 cm, Walleye 71 cm, and Perch 33 cm, Smallmouth Bass 46 cm, Lake Sturgeon 109 cm, Stocked Trout 51 cm. If the largest fish of each species was 2.5 cm larger than Master Angler Size, they would receive the following percentage score: 106.5 cm Northern Pike = 102.4 %; 73.5 cm Walleye = 103.5 %; 35.5 cm Perch = 107.6 %; 48.5 cm Smallmouth Bass = 105.4 %; 111.5 cm Lake Sturgeon = 102.3%, 53.5 cm Stocked Trout = 104.9%. The Perch would be awarded the Prize as the Largest Overall Fish.)

10. Awards presented will be determined by the Lac du Bonnet Wildlife Association Executive Board. All decisions of the judges are final.

11. All members submitting entries must be present at the Annual Awards Night to qualify for awards.

Special Youth Category:

In addition to the above awards the Lac du Bonnet Wildlife Association will also present awards for each of the above categories to youth anglers under 16 years of age, who’s parents or guardians are members of the Lac du Bonnet Wildlife Association at the time the fish was caught. All other rules above apply. Entries must be made on the official entry form and are to include both the information of the youth angler and the name of the parent or guardian.