Chemistry Lab Rubric

Level 1: Not Yet or Omitted / Level 2: Not Yet, but Approaching / Level 3: Meets Expectations / Level 4: Exceeds Expectations
Title PAGE / · Title fails to include both the independent and dependent variables and/or the specific property and substance being studied
· Missing two or more of: name, period, date or teacher. / ·  Title addresses the content of the experiment or lab, but is missing either the independent or dependent variable and either the specific property or substance being studied
·  Name, period, date and teacher given. / q  Title contains both the independent and dependent variables involved in the experiment or lab and/or the specific property and substance being studied.
q  Name
q  Period
q  Date
q  Teacher name properly spelled - Pfordresher / Level 3 is met and includes a clever, attention-getting title, ALL ON A SEPARATE TITLE PAGE. Pictures on the title page will NOT count toward this category.
Hypothesis) / The question or problem that the lab was designed to answer is not defined. / The question or problem that the lab was designed to answer is ill defined. Unnecessary, pedagogical objectives are used. / The question or problem that the lab was designed to answer is described in your own words. / Level 3 is met and the statement shows exceptional expository skills.
Introduction / Literature and prior observations are not cited. / Literature and prior observations are cited but provide little insight into the phenomena to be included in the report. / Relevant literature and prior observations are cited which provide insight into the phenomena to be included in the report. / Level 3 is met and the introduction includes considerable background information and/or relevant diagrams.
Materials &
Procedures / · Procedures are not complete and are difficult to follow.
· Another person would not be able to repeat the experiment.
· Few materials are listed. / ·  Some of the steps are understandable; most are confusing and lack detail.
·  Would be challenging for another to obtain similar results.
·  Most materials are listed. / Procedures are:
q  listed in numbered sequence
q  written in command statements
q  Could be used by another to obtain similar results.
q  Most safety issues are addressed.
q  All materials are listed / Level 3 is met, and procedures
could VERY EASILY be followed
by another to obtain similar results. Safety is addressed thoroughly. Materials list is exceptionally detailed including size, manufacturer, wattage, or other appropriate descriptors.
Data & Observations / Data table is missing 3 or more of the items given in level 3. / Data table is missing 1 or 2 of the items given in level 3. / Data table contains all of the following:
q  Title
q  Labels
q  Units
q  computer/ruler drawn
q  complete, appropriate data. / Level 3 is met and table is color coded/highlighted.
Analysis / Graphs are missing information and are inaccurate. Calculations are difficult to follow and/or contain serious errors. Measurement labels were not used in the calculations. / Graphs are complete but lack accuracy. Calculations are somewhat difficult to follow and contain small errors. Some measurement labels are missing. / Graphs are neatly completed and totally accurate. Calculations are easy to follow and are correct. All measurements within the calculation contain labels. / Level 3 is met and graph is very aesthetically pleasing. Calculations are exceptionally neat, logical, and easy to follow.
Conclusions / ·  Results are described in a brief and incomplete manner.
·  No specific examples are given.
·  No reasons are given to explain results.
·  Original objective is not addressed.
·  Summarizes what you have learned from this experiment, but fails to questions for further study / ·  Results are described giving specific examples with appropriate chemical equations and vocabulary.
·  Possible reasons are inadequately explained or make little sense.
·  Original objective is addressed inconclusively.
·  Summarizes what you have learned from this experiment, but questions for future study are irrelevant / q  Results are described giving specific examples with appropriate chemical equations and vocabulary.
q  Possible reasons for results are explained and make sense.
q  Original objective is addressed (states if proven true or false AND why).
q  Summarizes what you have learned from this experiment by giving specific concepts/ideas learned or reviewed.
q  Questions for further study are relevant / Level 3 is met and makes predictions about possible changes in procedures.
Level 3 is met and writing shows exceptional expository skills and attention to detail.
Questions for further study are developed from and is in response to information presented about the same topic OUTSIDE of the laboratory, and contains enough detail to clearly define the reason for asking it.


/ References lack two or more of the following:
·  Listed at the end of the paper
·  Formatted correctly
·  Alphabetically listed / References lack one of the following:
·  Listed at the end of the paper
·  Formatted correctly
·  Alphabetically listed / References are:
q  listed alphabetically at the end of the paper using appropriate format / Level 3 is met and includes references from outside sources, such as the internet or magazine/journal.
Mechanics / ·  Writing shows little organization
·  grammatical or spelling errors make the writing difficult to understand / ·  Writing is organized by paragraphs
·  grammatical or spelling errors detract from the overall meaning, but the writing can still be understood / q  Writing is organized by paragraphs
q  grammatical or spelling errors do not detract from the overall meaning / Writing is organized by paragraphs and within each paragraph; contains NO grammatical or spelling errors.