Club Name: / Age Group Year :
Name of Club Secretary: / SYFA Club ID No :
(must be same as registered with the SYFA)
Full Address:
Post Code:
Club Secretary’s Signature:( Mandatory)
Please read note below before signing
Telephone No.: ( include std code ) / Mobile No.:
*Current e-mail address: ( Mandatory)

Fees for this season are:- £10 per 4 and 5 a side team and £20 per 7 a side team.Completely new Clubs to the League are charged £20 extra as per the Constitution. Chequesshould be made payable to the PJDYFLand should be sent to the League Secretary along with your completed Application Form and checklist. One application form must be completed for EACH team within your ID applying for membership. The First Team you register with the League must be same name as the Club Name registered with theSYFA.

You MUSTput your team name, Year Group and SYFA Club ID No. on the back of ALL cheque.

Please note:- by signing the form above, the Club Secretary is (on behalf of the Club) agreeing:-

  1. To be contactable by emailby the League Secretary and by text or phone by the Match Secretary. Make sure you check your emails regularly.
  2. To keep your Club Treasurer informed of any monies owed by your Club ID and thus make sure that pitch fees are paid on time.
  3. To keep other officials informed of any communcations that the League Secretary/Disciplinary Secretary has issued.
  4. That the Club must play at the venue allocated to them by the League. Any Club not doing so may be suspended from the League.

Your League Secretary is:-

Pamela Wilson League Secretary Paisley Johnstone & District YFL 61 Newton Avenue, Cambuslang G72 7RL

Checklistmust be completed as part of the Club Membership Application


All the boxes below must be ticked by the Club Secretary before you send your league membership application to me

The Club Secretary has:

  1. Completed a League Membership Application Form for each team within the Club ID
  2. Confirmed that the Coach has an SFA level 1.2 Coaching qualification.
  3. Confirmed that the First Aider has a valid First Aid Certificate approved by the SYFA.
  4. EITHER, enclose cash or a cheque to pay for the Club League Registration(s).

Remember to put Club Name, year group and ID on the back of the cheque OR the Club ID has enough monies on account to pay your registration(s) (please check this is the case before sending.)

  1. The first team within the ID is the same as the Club Name registered with the SYFA
  2. The Club Secretary for the ID is the same as the Club Secretary to be registered at the SYFA
  3. I accept that the Executive Committee decision to award or reject the club’s application for membership isfinal and binding


I confirm that I have completed the above to the best of my knowledge.

Club Secretary of the ID: …………………………………………………………………………………………….……………..

Club Secretary Signature:…………………………………………………………….. Club ID: ………………………………..

Send theLeague Membership Application Form (including checklist)and any relevant monies to me at 61 Newton Avenue, Cambuslang, G72 7RL. DO NOT send any other certificates.

Once your League Membership Application has been accepted / rejected you will received an email informing you of the Executive Committee’s decision.

If your club is awarded membership you will then be asked to complete the SYFA registrationapplication form.

Good luck, Pamela