Laboratory Director : Prof. Baki.M.Cetegen

Prof. B.M.Cetegen

Professor and Department Head

Office Phone:(860) 486-2966

Fax:(860) 486-5088

Office: UTEB 460



Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering - California Institute of Technology , 1982

M.S. Mechanical Engineering – University of California, Berkeley ,1979

B.S. Mechanical Engineering - Bosphorous University, Istanbul, Turkey, 1978

Experience and Background:

Dr. Cetegen earned his Ph.D. at the California Institute of Technology in 1982 and later worked as a research scientist and group leader at Energy and Environmental Research Corporation in Irvine, CA and later as a research fellow at the University of California, Irvine. His academic experience also includes stints as a visiting research scientist at the Center for Laser Diagnostics at Yale University (1994) and the Laboratoire Energetique Moleculaire et Macroscopique Combustion at Ecole Centrale de Paris (2002).

Dr. Cetegen’s recent research projects include dynamic behavior of turbulent premixed flames, heat transfer and phase change in rotating flows, thermal spray process characterization by non-intrusive optical measurements and modeling, and optical diagnostics for PEM fuel cells. He is a co-inventor on two U.S. patents, for solution plasma spraying and a plasma testing probe, and he has published more than 120 scholarly journal publications and conference proceedings. In addition, he serves as the treasurer and member of the Executive Board of the Eastern Section of the Combustion Institute, and he is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Swetaprovo Chaudhuri

Graduate Research Assistant

office phone:(860) 486-3883

fax:(860) 486-5088

Office-EII 108E




Ph.D. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, (Expected 2010)

B.S. Jadavpur University, 2006


2006 - present: Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Saptarshi Basu

Graduate Research Assistant

home phone:(860) 429-1914

fax:(860) 486-5088

Office-EII 108E




Ph.D Mechanical Engineering - University of Connecticut, expected 2007

M.S Mechanical Engineering - University of Connecticut, 2004

B.S Mechanical Engineering -Jadavpur University, 2000


2003-Present, Research Assistant, University of Connecticut

2000-2003, Technology solutions consultant Price-Waterhouse-Coopers Software Private Limited (now IBM)

Gregory Quinn

Graduate Research Assistant

Office-EII 312


Ph.d Mechanical Engineering - University of Connecticut, expected 2007


2002-Present, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Connecticut


Doctor of Philosophy:

• Alper Ozturk, “Diagnostics and Modeling of Ytrria-stabilized Zirconia Formation in Solution Precursor Plasma Spray Process,” Graduation Date: 2005

• Sergey Y. Semenov , “Experimental Diagnostics and Modeling of Thermal Spray Deposition Processes of Nano-structured Wear resistant and Thermal barrier Coatings,” Graduation Date: 2002

• Weiduo Yu, "Optical Diagnostics of Thermal Spray Processes using Nano-agglomerates,” Graduation Date: 1999

• Mohamed Tageldin, "Dispersion and Evaporation of Droplets in a Two-dimensional, Differentially-heated, Turbulent Mixing Layer," Graduation Date: 1996

• Tarek Ahmed, "Experimental Studies on the Instability of Buoyant Plumes and Pool Fires," Graduation date: 1995

Master of Science:

• Saptarshi Basu, “In-situ Optical Diagnostics in a PEM Fuel Cell using Near IR Absorption Spectroscopy,” Graduation Date: 2004

• Andres Chaparro, “Blow-off Characteristics of Conical Premixed Flames Subjected to Upstream Velocity Modulations,” Graduation Date: 2004

• Alper Ata, “Effects of D.C. Electric Fields and Acoustic Excitation on the Lean Limit Stability of Bluff-body Stabilized Conical Turbulent Premixed Flames,” Graduation Date: 2003

• Basar Ozar, “Experiments on Hydrodynamic and Thermal Behavior of Thin Liquid Films Flowing over a Rotating Disk,” Graduation Date: 2002

• Shibley Noman, “Emission Spectroscopy of Premixed Flames and High Temperature Arc Discharges,” Graduation Date: 2002

• Yan Dong, “Experimental and Numerical Study of the Unsteady Behavior of Planar Buoyant Plumes and Axisymmetric Diffusion Flames,” Graduation Date: 1999

• Kent D. Kasper, "Phase-resolved Velocity Field Measurements in Pulsating Buoyant Plumes and Pool Fires," Graduation date: 1995

• Bradley C. Dick, "An Experimental study of the Effects of Methyl-Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) on Internal Combustion Engine Emissions", Graduation date: 1994

• Daniel Allesandri, "Mixing Enhancement in Jets and Isolated Vortices by Shock Waves," Graduation date: 1993

• Nazri Mohamad, "An Experimental Study of Mixing and Chemical Reaction in a Vortex," Graduation date: 1991