Lab Make-Up: Micropipette
Name: ______
Your job for this assignment is to research a career in the field of biotechnology. Provide all of the requested information for the following career:
- Clinical Cytogeneticist
Download this document from the website. Fill in the following charts and answer the questions about this career above, this must be done on the computer. Print out the pages and turn it in within ONE WEEK of the missed lab to receive credit for the lab. Otherwise, there will be NO CREDIT ISSUED FOR THE MISSED LAB, WHETHER IT WAS AN EXCUSED ABSENCE OR NOT.
The following web sites may help you investigate careers in biotechnology:
Job Questions: / Answers About This Job:
Describe the work atmosphere, setting and conditions (i.e. indoor, outdoor, how many people).
Describe the job responsibilities. What is a typical day like? What types of things do you do at this job?
What level of education or training is required?
What types of science, lab skills or general job skills are necessary for success in this career?
What is the entry-level pay?
What is the upper end of the pay scale for this career?
What are the opportunities for advancement?
What is the future job outlook like for this career?
Is this career in high, average, or low demand at this point in time?
Is there a part of the country where this career is in greater demand that another?
What are some other names that this career might be known by?
What are the names of some of the schools or universities where you can earn the needed degrees for this career?
Your Opinions:
What are some things that you would like about this career, if you had to pick it as your career (don’t say I wouldn’t).
What are some things that you would NOT like about this career, if you had to pick it as your career (don’t say I wouldn’t).
Overall, does this sound like a job that requires only a little specialized training, or a lot. Specify why you think so.
I think I could do this job for: ?one year. ?two years. ?five years. ?the rest of my life!
-1 point for each question not answered or not answered adequately.