Lab 14 Assignment

Problem 1. transfer uppercase to lowercase for the input sentence.


//include header file for standard function tolower(x)

usingnamespace std;

int main()


char ch;

//prompt user to input a character and save it to variable ch

// if ch is uppercase(between 'A' and 'Z'), convert ch to lowercase

//printout ch

return 0;


(1)Complete the upper program, and compile and run successfully.

(2)Modify your program and transfer lowercase to uppercase.

Problem 2. Using some math standard functions.

(1)Write a program with the following requirements:

Prompts the user to enter a double value. You can assume user’s input is a number.

Using thestandard (predefined) math functions ceil, floor, and fabsin the cmathheaderfile to findand display the following values:

_ The smallest whole number greater than or equal to the number

_ The greatest whole number less than or equal to the number

_ The absolute value of the number

The basic structure is:


//include cmath header file for functions ceil, floor, and fabs

usingnamespace std;

int main()


//delcare a double type variable named num

//delcare three double type variables named x, y, z

//prompts the user to enter a double value

//read in the value and save it to num

//Use the proper function to get the smallest whole number greater than or equal to the input number and save the result to x

//Use the proper functionto get the greatest whole number less than or equal to the number and save the result to y

//Use the proper function to get the absolute value of the number and save the result to z

//printout these three results, for example:

//printout "The smallest whole number greater than or equal to your input is ..."

//printout "the greatest whole number less than or equal to your input is ..."

//printout "the absolute value of the number is ..."

return 0;


(2)Modify your program toadd an if statement to judge the user’s input is valid. (Hint: you can use the structure:



cout<”Input Error!”;






to judge if there is an input failure, if there is a failure, printout the error to the user)

(3)Modify your program to add a while loop to allow the user to enter multiple values until the user chooses to quit theprogram.For example, you can set a sentinel to be -999, and tell user that if he wants to end the program, he can input -999. The basic structure is:

const int SENTINEL=-999


int main()



while (num!=SENTINEL)



