Update on Approved Courses and TMCs
Can be viewed at:
Presently, 80CCCs have courses that have been granted C-ID numbers.
1090(+33 from January*) courses have been granted C-ID numbers for 14 disciplines
*many CCC faculty were on break in January
261 (140 AG) C-ID descriptors have been approved
82draft descriptors are presently being reviewed or finalizedin a multitude of disciplines –16 final TMCs; 3 (Chemistry, Music, Teacher Preparation) TMCs currently being considered by the TMC Work Group
Descriptors currently open for vetting until 2/29/12
Biology (2)
Computer Science (1)
Education (1)
Geography (10)AND draft TMC
Journalism (8)
Chemistry & Physics (1)
CHEM/PHYS 140 - (1 new cross-listed descriptor – Survey of Chemistry & Physics)
Be sure to encourage your faculty to review these courses so they can become final!
Please be sure to send in your CoRs for all the courses in C-ID! / NEW FINAL Postings:
Business (4)finalized descriptors
BUS 110 – Intro to Business
BUS 115 – Bus. Communication
BUS 120 – Legal Environ. of Bus.
BUS 125 - Business Law
*BUS 140/ ITIS 120 – Business Info Systems/Computer Info Systems
(awaiting TCSU comparison)
Computer Science (4) finalized descriptors
COMP 112- Intro to Programming Concepts & Methodologies
COMP 132 – Programming Concepts & Methodology II
COMP 142 – Computer Architecture & Organization
COMP 152 – Discrete Structures
Note: COMP 122
Psychology – 3 additional descriptors
Watch for postings this month:
Math (final and re-postings)
Music (12 final descriptors)
Philosophy (6 - 4 re-posted -draft descriptors & TMC)
Radio/TV/Film (3 draft descriptors)
Other descriptors to watch for in the coming weeks:
Re-posted with 2/29 review
BIOL 150B – Zoology/Animal Diversity & Evolution
BIOL-DIVR 155 – Plant Diversity & Ecology
Computer Science TMC
COMP 122 – Program Concepts & Methodology I
EDUC 200 - Intro to Education
IMPORTANT C-ID CURRICULUM CHANGE CHEM 120 has been changed to CHEM 120S which is the General Chemistry SEQUENCE (110+120S) See how your courses are now listed at the website. / Why delays in many discipline reviews and/or finalization of descriptors/TMCs?
For many faculty discipline review groups (FDRGs) we are awaiting CSU faculty appointments thus delaying course descriptor final reviews or CCC course submission reviews – please help us in locating potential faculty!! Ask your own faculty for names of CSU/UC discipline colleagues who might be willing to become either Faculty Discipline Review Group (FDRG) members or Course Outline of Record Evaluators (COREs). You can send faculty names to
FDRG members needed in:
Anthropology, Art History, Economics, Engineering, English, Information Systems, History, Physics, Political Science, Theatre
What are the primary reasons that courses are not approved for a C-ID number?
  1. The incorrect CoR was submitted for the C-ID descriptor
  2. The CoR was too old – more than 5 years old. Please ensure that the textbooks on your CoRs are current.
What is the primary reason that courses are conditionally approved?
  1. Textbooks are more than 5 years old.
C-ID Catalog language is being considered at the C-ID Advisory Meeting this week!
We hope to have appropriate catalog language available (viathe CIAC list-serve) very soon