DATE: 20-SEP-2016

Total 5 questions need to be attempted

Questions 1 and 5 are compulsory.

In the remaining three at least one question need to be attempted From each section.


A)discuss the gross anatomy of the thyroid gland in the following headings

Location (15 MARKS)


External features

Arterial supply

Lymphatic drainage

B)Describe the Lymphatic drainage of the tongue. (15 MARKS)

C)Describe the gross anatomy of thoraco abdominal diaphragm. Discuss the structures that pass through it. Add a note on applied anatomy. (20 MARKS)

Q2.)describe the

A)development of testis and anomalies associated with its development and descent? (20 MARKS)

B)Describe the development of urogenital l system and explain the anatomical malformation of kidney. (15 MARKS)

C)Explain the reasons for the following

  1. Why urinary tract infections are high in women compared to men. Explain the anatomical reasons. (5 MARKS)
  2. Why kidneys are vulnerable for ischemic attacks and which part of the kidney is worst effected. (5 MARKS)
  3. Explain the structure of Fallopian tubes and their clinical significance with diagrams. (5 MARKS)


A)what are the functions of placenta.(15 MARKS)

B)What do you understand by placental barrier. Explain its structure, functions and significance. (20 MARKS)

C)Explain placenta Previa, placenta accreta, placenta abruptio (15 MARKS)


A)describe the knee joint under the following headings

  1. Bones involved in the formation of the Joint – (5 MARKS)
  2. Menisci – (5 MARKS)
  3. Ligaments – (5 MARKS)
  4. Vascular supply – (5 MARKS)
  5. Bursae – (5 MARKS)
  6. Synovial membrane –(5 MARKS)

B)identify the ball and socket joints in human body and broadly outline their features.. Explain the reasons why shoulder joint is unstable? (20 MARKS)


A)Discuss various liver function tests (10 MARKS)

B)Explain the importance of enzyme assay to assess the liver functions. (5 MARKS)

C)Discuss the changes in enzyme levels in cholestasis– (5 MARKS)

D)What do you understand by direct and indirect bilirubin. What is their significance in understanding cause of Jaundice. – (10 MARKS)

E)What are the liver function tests based on the intermediary metabolic functions of the liver. (5 MARKS)

F)Discuss kidney function tests – (15 MARKS)


Discuss the following

A)Deficiency of certain minerals and trace elements leads to increased risk for diabetes. Identify them. What is glucose tolerance factor. (10 MARKS)

B)What do you understand by non standard amino acids. Discuss their biological functions. (10 MARKS)

C)Consumption of oral contraceptives increases the need for intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Identify them (10 MARKS)

D)Discuss the following and where they are used for diagnosis

a) Real time PCR - (10 MARKS)

b) Radio Immuno assay – (5 MARKS)

c) RFLP – (5 MARKS)


A)Explain the vitamins that have a role in the anaemia. – (10 MARKS)

B)Why vitamin D is called as a steroid too. What is osteodystrophy, rickets. – (10 MARKS)

C)What is hypervitaminosis. Explain the consequences for various vitamins. (5 MARKS)

D)Discuss the Iron and Iodine metabolism in human body. Discuss their deficiency and excess (15 MARKS)

E)Discuss the following in terms of their cause, Recommended dietary allowance of concernd vitamin– (10 MARKS)




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