MITIP2006, 11-12 September, Budapest





Address – Street & Number, ZIP code, City


E-mail: <your e-mail address>


The abstract should contain brief information about the topic – up to 10 lines. Please do not cite references in the abstract. These instructions explain how to prepare your paper for MITIP 2006 so that its appearance is clear. They include guidance on layout, illustrations, text style and references. They are presented exactly as your paper should appear.


Max 5 keywords, separated by commas


Final papers for MITIP 2006 need to be prepared by using this template. Paragraphs ‘Introduction’, ‘Conclusions’, ‘References’ are mandatory; the paragraph ‘Biography’ is optional. Required fonts and formats are covered in the template. Do not make any free lines between sections or change the font sizes or line spacing to squeeze more text into the limited number of pages.


Please mail your paper in *.pdf format at by July 31, 2006.

2.1.Camera-ready Paper

The final manuscripts should not exceed 6 pages and have to respect the conference template. Final contributions are requested both in *.rtf and *.pdf format. Please, do not number pages and give special attention to the naming of your *.rtf, respectively *.pdf file. The name must consist of the code designated to the paper upon approval, followed by an underscore and the surname of the first author (e.g. LS03_Zudor.pdf).



Please use Arial as font type. Use 14-point type for the title, 12-point type for the name(s) of the author(s) and 11-point type for addresses. Abstract and keywords: 10-point type. For the main text, please use 11-point type and the defined line spacing. Italic type may be used to emphasize words in running text. Bold type and underlining should be avoided.

Your manuscript must fit within the required margins. Set your margins for the pages at 25 mm for the top margin and 20 mm for bottom, 20 mm for left, and 20 mm for right. The text should be justified.

Lists within the text should correspond to the format indicated below:

  • <point 1>,
  • <point 2>,
  • <point 3>,
  • <last point>.

3.2.Figures and Photographs

Please integrate your figures into your text file. Check that in line drawings, lines are not interrupted and have constant width. Grids and details within the figures must be clearly readable and may not be written one on top of the other.

Figures should be numbered and have a caption positioned (centered) under the figures.

Figure 1: Title of the figure

Please consider that in the printed proceedings illustrations will be black and white (halftones).


Table captions should always be centered under thetables.

Table 1: Name of the table


Number equations consecutively. Equations should be justified to the left margin and numbered at the right margin. Leave 6 points before and 6 points after the equation, as indicated in the Equation style of the Word template.


For equation font sizes, use 11 point for full size, 7 point for subscript and superscript, and 5 point for sub-subscript and sub-superscript.

Use italics for variables (u); bold for vectors (no arrows) (u); bold italic for variable vectors (u) and capital bold italic (U) for variable matrices. Use ith, jth, nth, not ith, jth, nth. The order of brackets should be {[()]}, except where brackets have special significance.

Make sure that symbols in equations have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following. Refer to ‘(1)’, not ‘Eq. (1)’ or ‘equation (1)’, except if at the beginning of a sentence: ‘Equation (1) is ...’.


The superscript numeral used to refer to a footnote appears in the text either directly after the word to be discussed or – in relation to a phrase – following the punctuation sign. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the normal text area, with a line of about 5 cm set immediately above them.


Number citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the brackets [2]. Multiple references [2], [3] are each numbered with separate brackets [1]-[3]. When citing a section in a book, please give the relevant page numbers [2]. In sentences, refer to the reference number, as in [3]. Do not use ‘Ref. [3]’ or ‘reference [3]’ except at the beginning of a sentence: ‘Reference [3] shows ...’.


A concluding section is required. Although it may review the main points of the paper, do not replicate the abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest applications and extensions.


Please list references in alphabetical order. All references listed must be cited, and all cited references must be included in the reference list. The reference list should be set as 10-point Arial. Each citation should be followed by a full stop. Use the style ‘Bibliography’ on the Word template.

The format for references is as follows:

Last name, initial, year of publication, full paper title, journal name, volume, first and last page. Use only common abbreviations in journal names.

Here are some examples of a reference list:

[1]Henry, J., G.; G.W. Heinke, 1996: Environmental Science and Engineering, Prentice-Hall Inc., ISBN 0-13-398132-0.

[2]Ilie-Zudor, E., Holmstrom, J., 2005: Solution framework proposal: Taking effective control over the project delivery chain with automatic identification and agent based solutions, Assembly Automation Journal, 25/1:59-65.

[3]Monostori, L., Márkus, A., Van Brussel, H., Westkämper, E., 1996: Machine learning approaches to manufacturing, Annals of the CIRP, 45/2:675-712.

[4]Tichkiewitch, S., Boujut, J-F., Marin, P., 1993: Toward a fast simulation system of stamping deformation, Proc. of the 14th International Forging Congress, 27-29 September, Venice, Italy, 53-64.


This paragraph is optional and may include photographs and biographical data of the authors.