1. What is Scotland’s longest freshwater loch? Loch Awe
  2. Which element has the symbol Na? Sodium
  3. What type of pasta is a narrower ribbon-shaped version of fettuccine? Tagliatelle (also fettucelle – narrower version of fettuccine)
  4. By what name was eighties pop singer Stuart Goddard better known? Adam Ant
  5. In World War II, what were V1 flying bombs better known as? Doodlebugs
  6. How many different letters are worth one point in Scrabble? Ten
  7. David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of which country? Israel
  8. In which country will the 2011 rugby union World Cup take place? New Zealand
  9. Which American author wrote ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’? James Thurber
  10. What type of creature is an albacore? A fish (type of tuna)
  11. Who played the title roles in the TV series ‘George and Mildred’? Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce
  12. In what year was the first British census of the twenty first century? 2001
  13. In which London street is St. James’s Palace? Pall Mall
  14. In medicine, what name is given to the study of diseases? Pathology
  15. What nationality was the composer Jean Sibelius? Finnish
  16. Up to 2010, who scored Scotland’s last goal at the F. I. F. A. World Cup finals? Craig Burley
  17. Brian Mulroney was Prime Minister of which country? Canada
  18. In which decade of the twentieth century were vehicle tax disks introduced in the U. K.? 1920s (1920)
  19. What was the name of France’s fortification line between the two World Wars? Maginot Line
  20. What was the name of Long John Silver’s parrot in ‘Treasure Island’? Captain Flint
  21. Which spirit is an ingredient in a Moscow Mule? Vodka
  22. Which European city did the Romans call Lutetia? Paris
  23. In which country would you find The Dardanelles? Turkey
  24. What are auctioned at Tattersall’s? Racehorses
  25. Up to 2010, what were Deep Purple’s only two U. K. top ten singles? ‘Black Night’ (2/1970) and ‘Strange Kind of Woman’ (8/1971)
  26. In which city is the Italian Stock Exchange? Milan
  27. Who was appointed as Barrack Obama’s Vice President in 2009? Joe Biden
  28. What type of creature is a booby? A bird
  29. Which comedian used the name Gerald Wiley when writing sketches? Ronnie Barker
  30. Who does the magazine Private Eye refer to as Brenda? Queen Elizabeth II
  31. Arborio is an Italian form of which grain? Rice
  32. Corryvreckan in Argyll is the third largest what in the world? Whirlpool
  33. Apart from silver, which metal is usually used to make sterling silver? Copper(92.5% silver, 7.5% copper)
  34. Which children’s TV character had a Christmas U. K. No.1 single in 1997? Teletubbies
  35. Knowsley and Blair Drummond are examples of what type of park? Safari park
  36. Who led the Referendum Party in the 1997 General Election? Sir James Goldsmith
  37. What was the first team to win the European Cup final on penalties? Liverpool F. C. in 1984
  38. Who refused to Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964? Jean Paul Sartre (asked on 13 September!)
  39. Which songbird is sometimes called the ‘mavis’? Thrush
  40. The 1971 film ‘Straw Dogs’ was set in which English county? Cornwall
  1. In pop music, how is Ray Burns of The Damned known professionally? Captain Sensible
  2. How many British cyclists have won the Tour de France? None
  3. Pamplemousse is French for which fruit? Grapefruit
  4. What type of creature is an appaloosa? Horse
  5. What is the perfect score in ten pin bowling? Three hundred

What was the town of Kirkcaldy’s population according to the 2001 census? 46, 912

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