L’Chaim Group Agenda

Beth Shechinah

A Breach of Protocol

Mar 1 – 7

Welcome (Icebreaker Options–choose one)

  • What is your favorite time of day?
  • My greatest disappointment was…
  • The gift I will never forget (apart from my conversion)…
  • What was the most important event in your life last week?
  • If you could choose to go anywhere in the world for three days, where would you choose to go and why?
  • If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

Mission Statement: We focus on three things: connecting with Yeshua, connecting with one another, and serving our world. This group does not exist for us. Someone invited you, now it is your turn to invite others.


Lead members in a time of testimony. Have them share one of the following:

  • Their answered prayers during the week
  • One or two special things God did for them this week
  • The thing about Yeshuathat make them follow him
  • One attribute of God that was demonstrated to them this week
  • Or finish the sentence: “Lord I thank you for…”
  • SongKadosh
  • Holy, Holy, Holy

Word (Discussion Questions):

  • ReadEzek 22:30. How does the above verse relate to Esther? How can it relate to you? How can you be an intercessor?
  • Read Isa 6:1 – 8
  • Are you willing to be used of God even as Isaiah? What is stopping you for have the motivation “Here I am send me!”?
  • Read Esther 4:14. Never underestimate what the Lord can do with one person. Ask the Lord that He raise you up to do a significant work in our present day! His work must ultimately give Him greatest glory. It is about Him and not us. But He is gracious to choose even us. Thank Him for choosing even you!
  • Read Esther 4:11 – 17. Discuss the following truth “the heart of a true intercessor will take the risk.” How can this be true in your life?
  • Pray for each other that the Lord would make you an intercessor and that He would raise you up – even as He did with Isaiah and Esther - to bring blessing to many in these prophetic times.

Works (Edification): Break up into small groups and minister to each other based on what was shared in the Word portion.

Witness:Pray through your oikos. If you haven’t created an oikoslist yet, spend the remainder of the time doing that. And if time remains pray through ib