June 28 Grand Knight Report
- PGK Patrick Martin’s Status. He is in good spirits. He loves having visitors. He was transferred May 13 to Kindred Hospital room 217 at 9525 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75243. This facility will provide a continuation of care on his feet and provide rehab. The best time to visit him is on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (the other days he travels to get dialysis). If you need to call Patrick, please use 214-537-5943. The facility is located near Forest Lane and Greenville Ave (east of U.S. 75 and south of I-635). In non rush hour traffic the location is only 25 minutes away. Also please continue to keep Patrick and Sylvia in your and your families’ prayers.
- New Knights. We had six members join our council through the First Degree on May 28: Jack Agnew, Jamie Dugan, Alex Haynes-Quintero, Mark Simpson, Steve Tickner and Kendall Turnipseed. We also had one member join at the First Degree on June 18: Tim McFadden. Let’s congratulate all!!!
- Supreme posted our Columbian Award Application SP-7 on June 16. Therefore by achieving new membership goal of 13 with 18 and new insurance goal of 5 with 12, our councilearns Star Council award along with the Texas Lone Star Award for Excellence with Distinction. Congratulations to all!!
- Renewal of Wedding Vows. At each of the masses during the weekend of June 11 and 12, OLA parish celebrated our Catholic Marriages and Families. Each couple present was invited to affirm their wedding vows. We hoped that by doing so the couple will again experience the grace received on their wedding day, when you gave witness to the union of Christ and the Church. After the Sunday June 12th 11 a.m. mass, there was a reception in the Education Formation Building for all families (sponsored by our council).
- Council Member Quota Status. Thus far we have a net new member increase of 17 (against a quota of 13) and net insurance gain of 12 (against a quota of 5 – or 131% and 240% to goals. Many thanks for everyone who helped recruit our excellent new members! I also especially want to thank our Membership Co-Directors and Insurance Agent for all that they did to enable our council to exceed its goals!!! Also thank you to our First Degree Team and the entire council!
- Our April Family of the Month, Bobby Chua Family, was randomly chosen by Supreme to be a Family of the Month winner. They received a Holy Family Gift for their home.
- Corporate Communion and Officer Installation - June 5th at the 11 mass. We had 10 of the 14 officers present for the installation so we had four members who filled in. The subsequent pot-luck was great – approximately 120 attended. Many thanks to Council Co-Directors Gordon Allen and Greg Fisher and their lovely spouses Linda and Margaret for handling the arrangements!
- Amazon link on our home page has generated almost $29 in income from our members, families and friends over the past six months. Every little bit helps and if you are shopping Amazon anyway, it is a win-win.
- Membership Committee
- We host a First Degree Ceremony on Thursday July 28 with registration at 7 PM. Please attend and support our candidates and see the ceremony again.
- Remember that everyone is on the membership committee! Please reach out to the catholic men who sit near you at mass and discuss the Knights and see if they want to become one. Wear your knight shirt to mass and other parish events.
- We are looking for First Degree Team Members for each of the roles. Please see Brad Meyer or Mike Gilligan for more information.