KY Family Career and Community Leaders of America
Media Release Contact: Reeca Carver, State Adviser
March 29, 2007 502-564-3775
For Immediate Release
The ______Annual Kentucky Family, Career and Community Leaders of America State Leadership Conference was held on March _____, 2007 in Louisville, KY at the Galt House Hotel. There were over 1,225 members and advisers across the state in attendance. The KY FCCLA is a dynamic student organization that has the mission to promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development; creative and critical thinking; interpersonal communication; practical knowledge and vocational preparation.
The program theme was “Insert Program Theme Here” with Keynote speaker Justin Lookadoo, “R U Dateable?” The second general session speaker was an R5 production that ------. Other speakers for concurrent sessions included: Door of Hope for Teen Abstinence; MADD Youth in Action; Citi Card – Using Credit Wisely; Organ Donation Foundation.
Over 520 students competed in STAR Events (Students Taking Action with Recognition) and were recognized with gold, silver or bronze medals during the conference. ______High School FCCLA Chapter had the following members participate in STAR Events:
Insert Students Name and name of STAR Event here
STAR Events is a part of national competitive events in which members are recognized for proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. Winners will go on to compete at the National conference in Orlando, FL in July. Each winner also received a $100 scholarship to attend the competition sponsored by the corporate sponsor of Citi Group of Louisville.
(Insert your members advancing to nationals)
(Insert if you do this: Sew Trendy is also a pilot program that 15 students participated in by displaying their projects that they had prepared themselves. This is a partnership between FCCLA and Home Sewing Association. Insert Winners)
Another National program that over 200 students were recognized for was Power of One and State Degrees. Power of One is a national program that helps students find and use their personal power. Members set their own goals, work to achieve them and enjoy the results.
During the Closing Session the 2007-2008 State Officers were elected:
(choose to put here or don’t)
(Other items that may be inserted are the Master Adviser, Adviser Mentor Awards, Scholarships, National Program Awards, Outstanding Service & Administrator Awards)
Also in attendance were (list all of your students here, or just those that weren’t mentioned- parents/kids love to see their name- do it!). Mrs. ____ and Ms. _____, (School Intials) FCCLA Advisers chaperoned