Kwun Tong District Social Welfare Office
2017-18 Annual Work Plan
Objective / Strategies1. / To strengthen community welfare planning and collaboration / To collaborate with local stakeholders to assess district needs and formulate service strategies, and promotedistrict welfare services and multifariouscommunication and cooperation with the Kwun Tong District Council, concerned local organizations and residents.
To join hands with relevant government departments/bureaux to conduct progressive local consultations with related local stakeholders on subvented welfare projects in the district, including projects under the ‘Special Scheme for Privately Owned Sites for Welfare Uses’ in Kwun Tong.
2. / To enhance resilience and solidarity of individuals and families and enhance child protection / To adopt multi-prong approach to provide counselling services, family life and parenting education etc. to foster harmonious family relationship, enhance family function and parents’ skills in communicating with their children and managing stress, as well as to boost resilience in children and youth.
To plan and implement various district initiatives for prevention, early detection and timely intervention against child abuse and domestic violence, etc. through the district collaboration mechanism, and strengthening community education and cross discipline training. Besides, the Batterer Intervention Programme will also be extended from male batterers tofemale batterers this year to foster harmoniousfamily relationship.
To increase child care services to enable women to strike a balance between work and family commitments.
To promote the ‘joint parental responsibility model’ to the general public and separated / divorced parents for children’s healthy growth under parental love and concern.
To help new arrivals and ethnic minorities adjust to a new living environment and get familiarize with community resources and channels to seek help.
3. / To support the development and strengthen the resilience of deprived and vulnerable children and youth / Toprovide diversified training activities for vulnerable teenagers through cross-sectoral collaboration of 14 Integrated Children and Youth Service Centers (ICYSCs) and 17 School Social Work Units, order to enhance their understanding of career planning, build their self-confidence, improvetheir relationship with family members and the community, broaden their horizons and enhancetheir sense of belonging.
To re-run a district-based joint project with diversified activities, groups and programs through the close collaboration withICYSCs, 3 youth-at-risk service units and 2 local stakeholders to foster a positive life value on children and youth, promote good mental health and resilience against adversity andenhance their peer support network.
To provide preventive educational and sensitivity training programmes on the mental health of adolescents at local schools; and assist teachers / school personnel to identify students with mental distress for timely intervention / referral.
To conduct regular meetings of Coordinating Committee on Outreaching Service to review and discuss the welfare needs of youth-at-risk in the community, and organize joint activities for adolescents living in the community.
To continue coordinating ICYSCs and Community Centre in the community to implement projectson supporting ethnic minority youth and their families.
4. / To cultivate a caring community through the provision of support services for elders / To line up local stakeholders in mobilizing volunteers of all ages to render psycho-social support and short-term community support servicesfor vulnerable elderly singletons or aged couples.
To bridge local organizations with private residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs) for organizing volunteer visits and social activities for residents of private RCHEs to show support and concern, and provide them a richer variety of activities in the communal living.
To continually run theService Quality Group Scheme for RCHEs to foster service enhancement through advice given by group members selected from different service sectors duringunannounced visits to the participating RCHEs.
To promote and implementthe ‘Opportunities for the Elderly Project’ for encouraging the elderly to unleash their potentials, further their contribution to society and cultivate their sense of self-worthiness.
To facilitate the implementation of pilot projects for community support services for the elderly, namely ‘Phase II of Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly’ and ‘Pilot Scheme on Dementia Community Support Services for the Elderly’to assist elders with mild to moderate cognitive impairment and their carers getting necessary support services in the community.
5. / To strengthen support for persons with disabilities and their carers / To collaborate with 2 District Support Centres for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the district for launching the carer’s support programme so as to strengthen the social support to PWD families and alleviate the caring stress of the aged carers.
To launch the SQG Scheme for residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) in the district so as to encourage the participating RCHDs to obtain advice and enhance their service quality.
To collaborate with the Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness in conducting volunteer visits and social activities for the private RCHD in the district so as to show support and concern, and enrich the communal living of its residents with disabilities.
To devise strategies and address service needs about mental health issues in the community through inter-departmental and cross-discipline Kwun Tong District Task Group on Mental Health Support Services. Tailor-made training workshopswill beorganized to enhance stakeholders’ understanding of mental health and equipping them with the necessary skills in handling / relating with persons with suspected mental illness.
To enhance collaboration and communication between casework units and Community Psychiatric Services through regular case consultation meetings on case management related to mental health.
6. / Tocontinue promoting volunteer service for fostering a harmonious community / To encourage the local residents and organizations to make good use of their resources to serve the needy individuals and families in the community and to organize theVolunteers Award Presentation Ceremony to recognize and honour their good efforts.
7. / To continue building community networkfor cultivating social capital in new public housing estates (PHEs) / Continue to lead the existing cross-department and cross-sector collaboration platforms to engagerelated stakeholders for deriving coordinated and synergistic strategies to establish sustainable local mutual support network for the new residents of the large-scale PHEs viz. On Tat Estate and On Tai Estate at Anderson.
To enable the large number of about 48,000 new residents to settle down in the new community with adequate social support at neighborhood and district levels.
To continue and consolidate the satisfactory effortsof community building at On Tat Estate in particular of early identification of the needy/ high risk familiesforproviding relevant welfare support services after moving in,and pursue sustainable neighbourhood support networks forthe new residentsof On Tai Estate which is targeted forpopulation intake in mid-2017.