KW Software with ADAM3600 Support SOP

Initiated by / Xiaochen.shi / Job Title / Engineer / Release Date / 2016-06-06
Reviewed by / Job Title / Revision / V1.3
Approved by / Job Title / Release Status / Release

Revision History:

Revision Date / Revision / Description / Creator
2014-11-07 / 1.0 / SOP of Configure ADAM3600 in KW Software / Xiaochen.shi
2015-08-27 / 1.1 / New Features of ADAM-3600 Configuration:
1.  Keep the original tag configuration;
2.  Update tag list of iRTU Studio project synchronously;
3.  In [Choose tag] list, user can remove deleted tags;
4.  Auto-configure date type of tags;
5.  The Input/Output mode is changed into Read/Write mode;
6.  Add operation tips. / Xiaochen.shi
2016-05-04 / 1.2 / 1. Introduce how to import PID FB. / Kaidi.Ma
2016-06-06 / 1.3 / 1. Update all screenshots to fit ADAM-3600-C2GL1A1E KW Express Support Package (v1.0.0.3).
2. Add description of how to use INPUT/OUTPUT tags during the FB development / Kaidi.Ma


KW Software with ADAM3600 Support SOP 1

1 Prepare and Limit 4

2 Quick Start 5

3 Add PID FB 15

1 Prepare and Limit

User should install these software before other operation,

n  Microsoft .net Framework 2.0;

n  Microsoft .net Framework 3.5;

n  KW MULTIPROG Version 5.35 Express;

n  ARM_LE_GCC3_eCLR_3.0.exe;

n  ADAM-3600-C2GL1A1E KW Express Support Package.exe;

2 Quick Start

2.1  Install and Start KW software[ MULTIPROG Express] software in Windows,

2.2  Create a new Project,

2.3  Step by step follow the wizard,

2.4  Step by step follow the wizard, then finished the wizard, will show like this in [Project Tree Window],

2.5  Then create the ADAM3600 Tags by double click [Advantech_ADAM3600] tree item,

2.6  Next, find the project file of [iRTU Studio],

Note: When open a project, the before configuration of tags will be reset.

2.7  Next, import and configure the Tags, please make sure the date type and R/W is in the correct mode:

a.  The R/W of INPUT tags is configured to R;

b.  The R/W of OUTPUT tags is configured to W.

2.8  Click [Create Global Variables] button, then will create the variables in MULTIPROG, then exit,

Note: Create Global Variables may change address of the original tag variables.

2.9  In [Global variables], will show user the create variables from ADAM3600,

2.10 In logical POUs, user can use the created variables to create Function Block Logic:

a. Click the input of FB,you can choose I_T_*** (eg.I_T_DI1) in Variable Name list.

b. Click the output of FB,you can choose O_T_*** (eg.O_T_D00) in Variable Name list.

2.11 Next, as KW develop steps, user should do [Make], [Download] and [Run] debug mode to check the program running status,

a)  Make

b)  Download , before download, please make sure the same IP address as ADAM3600 Target Device,

Note: In Communication Type, here just support TCP/IP mode.

c)  If the MULTIPROG software does not connect to target ADAM3600, will show as this,

d)  If correct connection, will show you like this, then [Download], and [Cold] restart the ADAM3600, then debug your program,

e)  Congratulations! You have done the simple KW with ADAM3600 support.

3 Add PID FB

3.1  Insert [Firmware Library].

3.2  Select the library file of ProConOS.FWL, and click “Include” button.

3.3  Now, you can find PID FD under Edit wizard.

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