By vrajavalagoundar aka drbobbiannewhitedmd
8 february 2003
His footsteps resonated off the canyon’s unreachable altitudes. For seven years he had been wandering in the huge Sewanee desert with only his senses for a compass. It was during those years that he developed his quietness and penetrating gaze. Only a few nomadic warriors had crossed his path and they were keen to learn that in spite of his lack of weapons, he was a mighty opponent. But there was little reason to harm him.
He cultivated his childhood memories and opened his charkras to the inundation of the musical spheres. Yes, it was during this ancient period of the last years of the 20th century, that a new ontological dimension was opening through the Milky Way and he was the one who had the physiological and spiritual keys to vibrate with it.
“Kuka” was the embodiment of another universal era in which men had been more than five legged animals. His heart was torn at the mere thought of another’s suffering, so he had been blessed with that unique aura of healing and magical soothing voice that was the true hallmark of ancient healers.
It was 2013 in the Milky Way, and the reign of the Aquarian healers had begun. Kuka was on his final purification passage across the Viraja River, on the ambivalent boundary of the material and spiritual worlds. Many warriors had not survived this passage as it led some to insanity, others to faithlessness. The river was frothy and turbid from a midnight storm: broken branches and other debris smashed his kayak. It was a lonely voyage, but he could hear the voice of his ancestors’ powerful mantras. Shaken by the storm, Eagles fought their way across the steamy atmosphere, blinded by the fog, forced to rely on ancient instincts.
Kuka glanced furtively to the shore where a bear family was romping and gathering breakfast trout. There would be no such for him: he had taken his vow of austerity: simply fruits and nuts. Further up, he could see a massive canyon and turbulent white water descending at right angles to the river’s languid path. Kuka had navigated similar white water, but his instincts told him that these falls would be fraught with unique and sinister challenges. The timing was unique: the planets were lining up, some were spinning retrograde, and the Oxatalcan prophets had declared a unique configuration for the Galaxy not only symbolizing, but in fact igniting, another era for the evolution of the universe’s inhabitants.
Kuka had descended from the Arawak Seers whose journeys had recently had perched them in the plush Adirondike Mountains of Vermont. These “green mountains’ were the remnants of a prehistoric era of civilization, where underground rivers connected the pristine lakes to secret inter-galactial universes. The Arawak were space travelers and knew the intricacies of inner space travel. While trillions of dollars and national budgets were being squandered on “outer” space, with little reward except for a few “dusty moon rocks”, the Arawak had perfected a most unique form of spatial travel. The essential components did not consist of metals, electrical circuits, or Stephen Hawkings’ mathematics. The Arawak had descended from the original progenitors of humanity and possessed unique the intra-cranial capacity to detect surrounding invisible and spiritual elements. During the Holocaust of the 17th century in the Northeast Kingdom of North America, the Arawak had eluded the Imperial European storm troopers and their military wizardry.
Nilambar Chakravati, ancient wizard of the Arawaks, resided in his lofty, permanent abode in the verdant mountains. Only the appointed could meet with him, as it required special Arawakian genetic intra-cranial sensory apparatus.
Kuka had the special, and difficult, assignment to cross to the other side of the Viraja River at that exact moment in celestial time when all the interstices connecting the three worlds were experiencing the “Aquarian Paradigm Shift”. No mechanical compass could guide him, as he was, from time immemorial, designated as a Arawakian Chief. He was the fifth son of Adambari and Nellyambrosha who had incarnated from the Magical Realm to witness his childhood. He descended from the Satbishka planet and was fully conscious from conception. Nellyambrosha remembers her pregnancy as luminous and wrote a diary of her dreams during his intrauterine confinement. Special messages beamed from his inner space depicting another place and time and during this time Nellyambrosha would seem to be hallucinating.
Sometime beginning 2003,in his 44th year, Kuka’s fevers started. This was a signal that the ritual purification necessary for his voyage had started. Hallucinations, otherwise known as “Hellish revelations”, came with undulating frequency and were instrumental in fortifying the mind against the perils of insanity when making the treacherous voyage into time and space. Many others would follow this path as it was the only one leading out of Planet Earth’s hellish acid wastelands. No children could survive there. After the first Nuclear War in 2003, when the angry warlord Bush, driven by insanity and greed, launched the Nuclear attack on the nomadic desert people. Of course, in his pursuit of oil, which was like the gold of the conquistadors, the oil itself had degraded because the radioactivity had penetrated the Earth’s surface.
The shockwaves of the Nuclear War splattered dust within the pristine chambers of the Inner Kingdom and only the mantras of the Arawak could pry the acid dust out of their sacred chambers.
Kukamonga had made this journey with his mother before the Nuclear War when he was just a toddler. On her 27th lunar birthday, 1963, she was scheduled to visit the ancient Matriarchal abode to be anointed. As Kuka was still nursing, she decided to bring him on this voyage, and, even now, he remembers that epochal time. Because of its mesmerizing, and unique, chemistry, the landscape of the Inner Kingdom was peculiarly vibrant in coloration and aroma. In fact, Kuka remembers that his mother’s slightly bluish tinted milk was overly abundant and leaking. The trail of fragrant milk had attracted numerous docile, but ferocious looking, zoological inhabitants. Kuka had befriended them and spoke their language. Even now he remembers where he received his nickname “Kimasabee”. Throughout his childhood he would visit with those inhabitants in his dream space and receive special instructions for his future journey across time and space. Some of the instructions seemed totally bizarre, but Shining Yamaraj Bear told him to lock them in his memory for the future. Garuda Birds cleverly wrote symbolic sky messages to activate his dormant, vestigial, intra-cranial sensory apparatus.
Ancient Seers had calculated the exact time of the planetary alignment to the Milky Way, and the crossing of the Viraja River was possible only once a year in good weather conditions. Unfortunately the planetary alignment happened at the time during the winter thaw, and there was then the danger of turbulent waters, as well as volatile temperatures. Also it was the mating season of the Yamaraj Grizzly Bears who would become most uncharacteristically aggressive to any intruder. It was for this reason that Nellyambarosha had instructed Kuka in a special hypnotic mantra, Om Namahaya Sivayah.
As Kuka was estimating his passage at the falls, two Garuda birds alighted his boat and enunciated most precisely the healing mantra OM. Swiftly, the turbulent waters formed a placid tunnel for Kuka’s kayak and an umbrella of fragrant vapors enveloped him. In this way his mind was shielded from the perilous vicissitudes surrounding this segment of his journey. It seemed that in one instant Kuka reached the other side which was steeped in foreign hues and a unique geometrical space. It was non-Euclidean and its spatial dimensions could not be interpreted by any ordinary mortal, but only by Arawakian senses. Kuka could immediately sense deeper spatio-temporal significations. He proceeded cautiously to the ambivalent shoreline of the Viraja River and a bizarre landscape. His mother had also prepared special clothing for this voyage, and “unico-zapatos” boots were an essential component. Only with these specially designed electromagnetic boots, could he physically reach his destination. Even though his spiritual orientation was foremost, his physical location also had to be precise when the “paradigm shift” occurred. It only happened once every 20,000 years. The Mina tortoises were poised to assist in this important calibration, in fact they were the only species that could finalize the shift.
Kukamonga adjusted his balance to the new geometry and carefully measured his footsteps to include exactly 448 steps to the North followed by 844 steps to the West. As he was completing this phase, the Mina Tortoises seemed to appear magically from out of the verdant landscape. All 8 tortoises were differently hued, but of equal dimensions, and appeared to move in unison. Kuka remembered that his mother had mentioned their ontological position as the 8 re-incarnated prophets from the Ancient Era.
Even though Kuka had all this valuable data and guides present, he would have to execute the final steps solo. However, one of his childhood pastimes was billiards, and he actively cultivated that strategic science. Not a day passed without practice. Everyone knows that to become an expert pool player, not only does one have to have spatial visualization, but also the physiological apparatus to execute tiny digital movements. For that reason, Kuka had another nickname “3-D”. Moreover, he practiced his strings daily. One of the essential elements in aligning with the new “Aquarian Paradigm Shift” was the ability to detect, and execute, minor movements in the Harmonic Spheres. Adambarisi, Kuka’s father, was the embodiment of the 108 Ghandarvikas who possessed all ancient musical elements. When “3-D” was a baby, his baby-crying was said to hypnotize the entire village of Rapanahook. Even in his adult pastimes, he had to carefully mask his hypnotic powers, as the ladies would succumb to this power. Most of the time, he was able to control its appearance. It was said that when he was sleeping, these powers would escape to cause rumblings that had the effect of creating an inviolable shield around his bed.
As Kuka oriented himself, he also quickly checked for any demonic interlopers. He could feel a malicious intensity beaming from a distant mountaintop and thought he felt a momentary buzz on his forehead. He quickly enunciated his powerful mantra OM and felt the sting ricocheting into the river. He paused for a moment, assured that the mantra was effective on this side of the river. Additionally, he located the OM yantra which was a ring of tiny dimensions that he could wear. The yantra ring had been crafted from the unique metals of Gokulananda. Kuka had inherited the silver ring from his Aunt Saraswati who practiced the ancient arts of divination. “Herstory” indicated that the yantra ring was powerful shield against the Kalki Imperial Demons sent by the evil king Kamsa, who had sworn to destroy the Arawaks. Kamsa had been born with a genetically deficient cerebrum and was incapable of advanced and three dimensional logic. “Herstory” was full of data describing the horrible inadequacies of Kamsa’s decisions, which were inevitably derived from the shallowness of materialism. His greed knew no boundaries and he was said to lust after the Milky Way itself. When Kamsa was just a child, a terrible accident befell his sister Devakinanada. It was said that when playing childhood hide’n seek, Kamsa had locked his sister in the subterranean dungeon, unaware that she had broken her right leg during the game. It was only after the bloodhounds were assigned to the mission that her location was detected . After that, Devakinanadana suffered horrible nightmares and became insane. The healers tried to cure her and finally were able, with aqua-therapy in hot mineral springs to minimize her mental pain. Her chief medical attendant, however, was Rajhanidevi, the 4th descendant, mulatto daughter, of an Arawakian princess.
Kuka’s mission was also to include her liberation from servitude, as she was his distant maternal cousin. Additionally, the prophets had been clear that she was to accompany him on his voyage. She too had been born with special mantras to equilibrate the final shift of the Spheres.
“They (those who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence) meant to set up a standard maxim for free society, which would be familiar to all, and revered by all; constantly looked to, constantly labored for, and even though never perfectly attained, constantly labored for, and even though never perfectly attained, constantly approximated, and thereby constantly spreading and deepening the influence and augmenting the happiness and value of life to all people of all colors everywhere. The assertion that “all men are created equal” was of no practical use in effecting our separation from Great Britain; and it was placed in the Declaration not for that, but for future use. Its authors meant it to be-as, thank God, it is now providing itself—a stumbling block to all those who in after times might seek to turn a free people back into the hateful paths of despotism.”
Abraham Lincoln speech in Springfield 6/16/1857,
commenting on the Dred Scott Decision
of the U.S. Supreme Court.
During the last 400 years, the Arawaks had remained dormant, as their Prophets had advised. During this time of genocide and corporate theft of the commons, the Wise knew that the time had not yet arrived and that there would be much bloodshed before 2013, when Kukamonga and his distant cousin, Rajhanidevi, would finalize the onset of the great Aquarian Age. Thus it was in the year 2003 when the Great Anti-War Movement arose among the common people to challenge the corporate stranglehold on the Planet Earth.
Kukamonga daily received divine messages which he quickly wrote in his notebook. The music appeared together with the lyrics. Rajhanidevi was only an infant of a few months, but displaying precocious abilities.
It was right after the Valentine’s Day Massacre of 2003, when over 10 million had gathered all over the world to prevent the corporate powers from sacrificing a generation of desert children for oil. This was the satanic ritual known from time immemorial, derived fro the Satanic formulas of Ancient Mesopotamian Pharoahs.
The defeat of the angry corporate warlords was scheduled to take place as a first step towards disarming them before the installation of the spiritual age of Aquarius commenced.
The warlords had become so arrogant that they no longer even tried to manipulate world opinion. The Age of Aquarius’ success came on the heels of instantaneous information retrieval that was now possible in the Internet Era. The government television hype became ludicrously undermined as world opinion manifested on the
Valentine’s Day World Peace Rally of 2003. this spontaneous world gathering was broadcasted by thousands of Indy-medias all over the world. The world witnessed the reverberations of world public opinion on the street broadcasted on web-cam through the internet. From henceforth, the ghoulish warlords were destined for extinction. In future lives, they would take birth on the Subterranean demoniac planets on the other side of the Milky Way.
But Power never surrenders peacefully* . The stage was set for the entrance of Kuka’s most defining moment. His colors deepened as the aura around him fluctuated towards the blue spectrum.
* Frederick Douglass 1817
“Let me give you a word of the philosophy of reforms. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of struggle…If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will…”