Kristiania Lodge #47

Sons of Norway

Rochester, MN

Phone: (507) 206-6262

Web Page: 222.kristiania


February and March Events

(All events are at Our Savior’s LutheranChurch, 2124 Viola Road N.W.)

February 9Board Meeting6:00 p.m.

February 9Lodge Meeting – Speaker: John Weiss, P.B. Outdoor Writer:7:00 p.m.

“Back Roads”

February 12Happy Norwegian Mother’s Day!

February 14Godt Valentinsdagen (Happy Valentine’s Day!)

February 18Potluck – Music: St. Olaf Vasterosterbottn Brass BandNoon

March 8Board Meeting/Chili and Pie Supper: “Royalty in Norway”6:00 p.m.

Speaker: John Christenson, Retired Professor, LutherCollege

$5.00 members; $7.00 non-members

March 24Dinner - “Iceland” Reservations: Call (507) 288-14096:00 p.m.

$12.00 members; $20.00 non-members

March 31Scholarship Application Deadline

HILSEN FRA PRESIDENTEN: (From Our President – Bryon Stadsvold):

Something to think about:

Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed,
Or are you just contented that your name is on the list?
Do you attend the meetings, and mingle with the flock,
Or do you stay at home and criticize and knock?
Do you take an active part to help the work along,
Or are you satisfied to be the kind that "just belong?"
Do you ever go to visit a member who is sick?
Or leave the work to just the few, and talk about the "clique?"
There's quite a program scheduled that I'm sure you've heard about,
And we'll appreciate it if you too will come and help us out.
So come to meetings often, and help with hand and heart,
Don't be just a member but take an active part.
Think this over, member, you know right from wrong.
Are you an active member, or do you just belong?

- Thank you to Austin’s Sorting Lodge for sharing this with us.


Please share your email with Darlene Stadsvold at 288-1409, or . This will alert you to changes in time, date, or other bits of information that needs to be sent. This computerized tool saves a lot of time and phone calls. The Flash is sent out as a blind copy.


Thank you to the February servers: Larry & Sharon Barsness, SueVern Foss, and Adeline & Duane Muri, as well as to the January servers: Clarence & Marilyn Engwall, Dean & Carol Vigeland, and I.J. & Gloria Lewison. – Kathy Rosedahl, Hospitality Chair

A belated Tusen Takk to all the wonderful helpers who contributed time and goodies to the November Bake Sale. To Joan Olson, who recruited callers and gave them lists; to Jan & Dave Kaehler, who helped package the 30 dozen lefse; to Joan Olson, Sharon Barsness, Mary Beard and Carol Rogelstad, who helped price goodies and oversaw the sale tables; to those who helped in the sales line: Wayne Rogelstad and Dave Kaehler; to our faithful cashiers: Ed Schuk and Dave Anderson; and to everyone else who pitched in. I appreciate all of you very much! - Kathy Rosedahl

We would like to thank BobKathy Rosedahl, Dean Vigeland, Larry Barsness, Sue Starkson, Doris Sneve, Ed Schuck and Dave Anderson for their help with the Membership Dinner.

We had 50 people in attendance.

Leslie Demmer, Barbara Chase, Jan Heusinkveld, andSharon Barsness

Thanks to Carol & Wayne Rogelstad, Jan Heuskinveld, Byron & Darlene Stadsvold, V.J. Anderson and Barbara Chase for assisting the 450+ students who participated in the Honk/ Squeak/Scratch/Boom music exploration event.


By Librarian Sharon Barsness

We have sorted through and reorganized the Library. Come check it out and check out some of our books. We are looking for new books to add to our library. If there is a book or a topic you are interested in, please contact me or someone on the Board.


Kristiania Lodge will once again be offering three $500.00 college scholarships to

graduating seniors in public high schools in OlmstedCounty, and/or graduating seniors who are daughters, granddaughters, sons,or grandsons of current Lodge members, regardless of where they are attending high school. Scholarship information will be available by February 1st. For students who are attending a public high school in Olmsted County, check with your guidance counselor for information. All students can access the information online at our web site: Deadline for returning completed applications is March 31st.

–Gary Olson

The Sons of Norway Foundation is a 501c3 charity for research and promotion of the Norwegian heritage and culture. This is done by creating educational opportunities about our unique Norwegian heritage, and also by exploring cross-cultural exchanges. We do this by awarding grants and scholarships. Remember to make a donation by putting your change into our Foundation PIG and our meetings. May 2012 be a year of blessings.

- Your Foundation Director, Jan Heusinkveld


Hei Hei, Takk for sist! Approximately 50 members and guests attended the New Membership Dinner on January 17.

Glen’s Ye Ole Butcher Shoppe Catering provided a fabulous Norwegian dinner, including fresh lefse from Rushford, MN.

We gained several new members. Thank you to the committee and all those who helped with the dinner and clean-up. PLAN TO ATTEND OUR FEBRUARY EVENTS (see calendar).

THINK SUMMER: We are planning a bus trip to Trempeleau County, WI on June 23.

Details later.- Barbara Mae Chase


You are invited to participate in our Spring Rosemaling class on March 22, 23, and 24. It will be an intensive three day workshop for both beginning and more experienced Rosemalers. Our teacher is Dr. Kenneth Magnuson, who is a Vesterheim Gold Medalist. Students will work at their own level from absolute beginner to more advanced students, and all can expect to learn, hone and refine new skills. The cost will be $750.00 + teacher mileage from Zumbrota, divided by all the students. (This is slightly less than for the September class, since there will be slightly less miles driven). Members of our Lodge may apply for a 20% tuition reimbursement if they complete the class. Seating will be limited to 9 students. There are a few seats left. Please contact Leslie Demmer

by March 15th to reserve your place.

His email is or , and his phone number is (507)238-2319 or 990-3902.

– Leslie Demmer, Cultural Director


Be sure to say hello to the following new members: Theodore Botten Jr., Carol Butterfass, Lynn Groves, Lawrence & Eileen Hamre, Wallace Horihan, Karen Olson, and David & Gracia Rinden. –Ed & Arona Schuck


The theme for our tree at the 2012 Festival of Trees will be “Nisse, Pixie, Trolls and All Other Imaginary Folk of Scandinavian Countries, especially Norway”. This will be a challenge, so keep your eyes wide open and your minds churning with ideas for the tree. Tusen Takk.

– Darlene Stadsvold


One of our members, Nancy Ellison, will be teaching Creative Weaving classes in February, and Four Harness Weaving in March, both at Crossings in Zumbrota. She was featured in a KMSQ TV program last Fall. To view it, go to


President Stadsvold called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. The National anthems of Canada, Norway and the U.S. were sung, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.Beth Haaland, pianist.

Members remained standing, and members Ann Bigelow and DeLos Olson, along with past-member Margaret Lee, were remembered. President Stadsvold read a memorial verse.

He then recognized visitors: Lorretta Hazlet, David Bly, Karen Olson, Marge Severeid and Bob Curry.

Announcements: Sharon Barsness asked for volunteers to help serve a meal at Ronald McDonald House on the 22nd.

Darlene Stadsvold circulated a sign-up for Honk/Squeak/Scratch on the 21st. She also mentioned that the Festival of Trees, 2012, will be themed around trolls, nisser, pixie, etc. Barbara Chase announced the New Member Dinner on the 17th, and mentioned the bus tour in June to Trempealeau, WI.

President Stadsvold read the list of officers for 2012 and asked for a vote. Sharon Barsness moved to accept all nominees, second by Dave Kahler. Approved.

“My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” was sung.

Servers for the evening, Clarence & Marilyn Engwall, Dean & Carole Vigeland, and I.J. & Gloria Lewison were thanked with a round of applause.

After a break for set-up, our speaker, Tor Dahl, was introduced.

- Darlene Stadsvold, Kristiania Secretary


Our field Staff Representative is Chuck Holland, 121 S. Main Street, Mabel MN 55954; Phone: (507)493-5866; email: .