Quarter 1 Performance Task Rubric MAFS. 4.: OA.1.1, OA.1.2, OA.1.3, and NBT.2.5
Categories / Performance Level4
Exceeds Standards / Performance Level
Meets Standards / Performance Level
Standards / Performance Level
Below Basic
Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison. (35=5X7=7X5)
(A) / Answer is correct.
Student gives correct number of laps, writes a number sentence, and explains reasoning. / Student gives correct number of laps and writes a number sentence.
Does not explain. / Student gives a partial answer. / Student does not give correct answer.
Multiply a whole number up to 4 digits by 1 digit and 2 digits. Explain using equations, arrays or area models.
(B) / Student correctly multiplies a whole number up to 4 digits by 1 and 2 digits. Able to explain using equations, arrays or area models. / Student correctly multiplies a whole number up to 4 digits by 1 and 2 digits. Unable to explain using equations, arrays or area models. / Student solves a multiplication problem up to 4 digits by 1 and 2 digits with one error within the problem. Unable to explain using equations, arrays or area models. / Student unable to correctly solve a multiplication problem up to 4 digits by 1 and 2 digits.
Solve multistep word problems using the four operations.
( C ) / Student correctly solves multistep word problems and uses a letter for the unknown or uses rounding for estimation. / Student correctly solves a multistep word problem. / Student solves a multistep word problem with one error within the problem. / Student unable to solve a multistep word problem.
Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplication comparisons.
(D) / Student correctly multiplies or divides without any error. / Student multiplies or divides with one error within the problem. / Student is able to write a multiplication or division sentence. Student is not able to solve problem. / Student is unable to multiply or divide.