Union Middle School Community Council Meeting

January 20, 2015


Jacque ToddMisti Rosenbaum

Lorraine RogersGretchen Borrell

Stacey TimmermanKaren Trujillo

Doug HallenbeckTonya Rhodes

Chip WattsChristian Davies

Mary AndersonAndrea Bryant

Christina VanDamNate Edvalson

Michelle ZoetmulderKimbery Ranney

Jared WehrliBrian Stephenson

Amy Fetter JohnsonLisa Willis

Dave Christensen


I.Welcome – Mary Anderson welcomed those in attendance and officially opened the meeting. She announced Union’s musical is scheduled for January 29, 30, 31 and February 2 and encouraged everyone to attend. There was a conversation regarding tickets sales and would it be beneficial to use an on-line site to sell some tickets. Brian stated that they had looked at using such a site before. Mary stated that this is something they will look into. One site suggested was EZticketlive.com; however, there are many options if it is something Union would like to use. Mary stated that one issue this year with tickets sales was that a couple of parents purchased over 100 tickets and Union is looking into possibly limiting the number of tickets that can be purchased at a time for each night. Mr. Stephenson complimented the students participating in the musical. They have worked hard and were able to raise $15,000 in business ads. He encouraged the committee members to promote the musical in the community. Tickets are $2.00 each so that everyone can come and enjoy it.

II.Proposed Changes in Land Trust – Chip Watts informed the committee that Union has money in its land trust funds that it needs to use. It was originally slated to pay half of a math teacher’s salary; however, the district paid that portion of the salary and therefore Union is able to submit an amendment to its plan asking to use part of these funds towards other needs. The administration and faculty determined that it would like to use these funds towards the purchase of additional technology – specifically an iPad lab and charging cart. The literacy and math specialists are looking at ways to use this iPad lab to further their efforts in reaching Union’s math and literacy goals.

It was asked why purchase iPads instead of Chromebooks. Union does have chromebook labs as well as iPad labs; however, the Union staff felt that an additional iPad lab would be most beneficial as it works best with the SRI testing program and there are apps for the iPad that the math and literacy specialists like to use.

Motion – Union will use the extra land trust funds to purchase 30 iPads, covers and a charging cart. The motion passed unanimously. Chip Watts will submit the amendment to Unions Land Trust plan.

Chip informed the committee that there is approximately $20,000 available. There will be money left over after purchasing the lab and Union can look into additional technology needs. Mary informed the committee that there is a technology fund; however, she would like to pinpoint that money towards updating the computer lab when necessary. Union no longer receives CTE money since the 9th graders moved to the high school so this fund will need to be accessible.

Schools are allowed to carry over only 10% of their land trust money from year to year; however, if the school has a specific request that requires planning and saving it is allowed to submit a request to carry over a larger percentage.

II.SBO Update – Christina VanDam informed the committee that the SBOs are busy planning activities for the rest of the year.

They are planning a dance for February and selling carnation flowers.

In March they will hold a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. They would like to raise $1,500 in two weeks and are hoping to raise these funds through kids paying for certain privileges (wearing hats etc.).

Union’s talent show will be held March 26. They are looking to limit the number of acts. Brian Stephenson suggested about 12 acts and giving the acts a time limit.

The SBOs are also planning an activity for the 6th and 7th graders the day the 8th graders are at Lagoon (June 4, 2015).

III.Registration – Mary Anderson shared that dates for registration are in February (for exact dates please refer to the school’s calendar on-line). It is quick turnaround from when the students receive their cards to when they are required to turn them in. For families looking to permit to Union it was suggested to turn in those requests as soon as possible. There is room as of right now; however, they will have to turn those requests down if enrollment reaches its cap.

Dual Language Immersion starts next year. There are approximately 42 kids (2 cohort groups) slated to attend Union next year. Union has hired Nathan McCleery as the Dual Immersion teacher. Union is very excited to welcome Mr. McCleery to the school. Students will have their English/Spanish class and history classes every day in Spanish and will take an elective (humanities) in Spanish every other day. For those interested in permitting to Union for the Dual Immersion program requests will need to be submitted to the district.

IV.Counseling Update – Nate Edvalson informed the committee that Union is in the middle of the CCR (career college ready) meetings with 8th graders. Appointments can be scheduled on-line on the Union website. These are going well and are beneficial to students.

Bobcat Scholar is launching. More information can be found on the counseling center’s website. They are adding two new categories this year. One is debate and the second is they are separating piano from instrumental. Also, students are allowed to enter one academic and one elective category. This reflects more of what the high school is doing for its Sterling Scholars program. Bobcat Scholar winners receive a $150 scholarship. It is an on-line process.

V.Safe Walking Route or SNAP proposal – Mary Anderson shared that she and Jacque Todd as well as Union’s resource officer met with UDOT officials to discuss drop off and pick up concerns at Union. Some options were to allow for drop off and pick up on 7th East and/or make changes to the traffic signal timing to allow more cars through the light. UDOT agreed to conduct a traffic survey in the area to see what the needs may be; however, Mary did not know if this had taken place. She will call UDOT to follow up.

The committee discussed problems with getting cars out of the parking lot. The neighboring elementary school ends about the same time and there is a crosswalk right at the exit and it is difficult to turn right or left. Mary suggested maybe talking with the volunteer crossing guard to see if he could help with the congestion of cars trying to exit the parking lot but allowing more cars out at a time or to wait until more kids arrive at the crosswalk to stop traffic. It was pointed out that he arrives earlier than necessary to actually help the middle kids cross safely. This is something he does not need to do. Mary stated she would definitely express her gratitude for his help with that.

Chip Watts asked that the SCC approve the SNAP plan. The map for the walking routes is found on-line. There are not many changes this year. For the proposal to pass three SCC members need to sign. It was recommended that none of the SCC members sign the proposal until possible resolutions are put into place for pick up and drop off.

Motion – There was a motion that the SCC turn in the SNAP proposal without the required three signatures; but will attach a letter outlining the safety concerns with drop off and pick up and include some suggestions on how to make it safer for the kids. This motion passed unanimously. Lisa Willis agreed to write the letter.

VI.Important Dates

Sage writing testing will take place February 9-12.

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 3 and 4. Kids are out of school February 5 and 6.

Next SCC meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.