Hi Kelley,

Kris tells me you signed up to be the money collector at our swim clinics. Great!Each swimmer is expected to bring $5. Your job in a nutshellis tocollect the money and make sure everyone pays.

Job Description:

"SWIM CLINIC MONEY COLLECTOR – Obtain roster of swimmers names and parent contact info from website or Easy Meet Operator, obtains cash box from Treasurer, pre-orders & picks up donuts, takes attendance and collects money. At end of meet help Treasurer or other team official count and distribute money to the coaches. Must be on deck from 8:15-11:45. This position fulfills your volunteer commitment for the entire season."


1) Get a Roster of Swimmers. I will send you one. The ideal roster for the clinic has all the swimmer's names in alphabetical order, with age and gender,a homephone number for each, and a space for notes. One can print out the roster on Big Tent, but it doesn't have exactly this format. An up to date roster can also be obtained from the Computer Desk Rep, Lisa Claiborne at .

2) Contact theTreasurer before the first clinic, to make arrangements for the cash box. Our Treasurer this year is Gerald O'Rourke. I am sending him this email also.

3) Preorder the donuts! Expect about 60 swimmers = 5 dozen donuts, plus a couple dozen donut holes. For this volume you should contact the donut shop on Friday morningand preorder them, for Saturday morning pickup. I recommend "The Jelly Donut" here in Terra Lindabetween Kinko's and Starbucks at 244 Northgate One (the "Safeway" shopping center). It's a local small business and the pastry is baked fresh daily. The phone number is 491-4556.

4)Fill outa Reimbursement Request form for the donutsto give to the Treasurer on Saturday morning.


The clinic runs from 8:30 to 11:30, and you should plan to be there from 8:15 to 11:45.

1) Set up on a picnic table near the gate and the pool.

2) Have the swimmers queue up and pay one at a time.

3) On the roster mark a check next to the name of each swimmer attending.

4) If anyone forgot their money, circle their phone number.

5) Once everyone is in the pool, call the circlednumbers to remind parents to bring the money when they come to pick up their children.

6) Count up the money and the swimmers.


1) Divide up the money and distribute it to the coaches. The head coach usually decides how the money will be split. The President and/ or Treasurer can be there to help with this, if needed.

2) Document the amount of money collected, distributed, and returned in the cash box.

If you have any questions, contact me. These instructions are not intended to be a rigid prescription. This is what we've learned so far, from experience. We will want your feedback later, on your experience and what we can do to improve.

David Smith
