
KRA Committee Meeting

12th January2016 – Stef’s Café

Committee Members: Rachel Carney, Neville Hinks, Ann Mason, Linda Parsons (Secretary), Phillippa Pluess, Anthony Polak, Sue Stocker, Phil Stubbs (meeting chairman), Neil Thomas

Councillors: Debbie Harlow, Melanie Whitehead

In attendance; Kat Thomas

  1. Apologies: -John Butler, Saj Hussain
  1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

The minutes of the meeting held on10th November were approvedand agreed for publication.

Phil will follow up with Kate Wilson (from Woking Borough Council) re the pruning of the trees. Other matters arising will be covered under the relevant agenda items.

  1. Projects

3.1Removal of the metal structure outside Barclays

Sue has spoken with David Baine (landlord / land trustee) who is making the final checks with Barclays Estates department. It is anticipated that the work should be completed by the next meeting (or very soon after).

3.2Village Street Scene

The scaffolding outside Boots is still an issue of concern, as is the overall safety of the building (where a ceiling has recently collapsed due to water ingress). Melanie offered to help the affected residents and also suggested they contact Louise Buchanan (the housing lead at the local Citizens’ Advice Bureau) and environmental health (as there is mould in the property). It was also agreed that KRA would contact the Boots Area Manager (as occupants of the ground floor) Action: Phil Stubbs

There are still trees which require pruning. Phil will follow this up with Kate Wilson (WBC). Action: Phil Stubbs

Melanie reported that four hanging basket posts have been approved and funded by WBC (8 baskets). These will be sited in the centre section of the village and will be maintained by Serco.

3.3Christmas Lights and Market

The Knaphill Christmas market was organised, completelyindependently from KRA, by the local traders. There were28 stalls with entertainment. An estimated 600 people attended and over £2,000 was raised for Cystic Fibrosis. There may be a similar spring / Easter event.

3.4Cricket in Knaphill

Neil reported that 5 friendly games are booked across the summer. A committee has been established and the team so far has about 9 players. The next committee meeting is on Monday 18th January at the Garibaldi.

3.5Knaphill High Street Notice Board

No further update form the last meeting so this item will be carried forward to the next meeting.

  1. Local Issues – traffic / parking in Chobham Road

After discussions between Saj and the residents, yellow lines are now proposed along part of Chobham Road.(According to the Highway Code, double yellow lines mean no waiting at any time’ unless there are signs that specifically indicate seasonal restrictions.) These will be from Trinity Road to the end of the church hall, the two corners with Ivydene and the corner opposite the Garibaldi. These proposals have been approved by the Joint Committee and will now be the subject of public consultation.

The Vyne bollards – it is 2 years since Phil last reported their failure. A meeting is due to be held on 25th January 2016.

The issue of the air quality at the top of Anchor Hill continues. It was agreed last spring to revise the phasing of the lights and link this in with the pedestrian crossing near Tesco’s. This had not yet been done although similar phasing changes agreed at the Garibaldi crossroads have taken place. If the air quality at the Anchor crossroads does not improve by March 2016, WBC could be fined.

  1. Village Show 2016

As agreed, this will be held on 16th July 2016. With John’s absence, this item will be carried forward to the next meeting.

  1. Planning Issues

An updated list of open planning applications was circulated.

  • Copthorne Manor Farm – Copthorne Manor is a group of farm buildings off Chobham Road close to Chobham golf club. The buildings are in the green belt and thereforewhen, in1997,planning permission was given to convert the site into forestry contracting business a number of important conditions were written into the agreement to protect the green belt. Over the years there were quite a few complaints about breaches of those conditions. Matters came to ahead in 2014 when following a fire WBC confirmed that the owners were in breach of the planning conditions and agreed to an enforcement notice. On 24 November WBC issued an enforcement report but by April 2015 WBC had done a complete about turn and issued a certificate of lawful development and this includes two dwellings. Phil suggested that the KRA formally write to our Councillors seeking an independent inquiry into the handling of affairs at Copthorne Manor.
  • Haroldene – the owners of this property on the lower corner of Anchor hill and Hillside wish to convert a freestanding garage into a residential flat. An objection has been raised due to the impact this build would have on Hillside with the loss of parking for the main house plus parking for the flat as well as the proximity of the flat to its neighbouring dwelling in Hillside.
  1. Proposed Village Meeting (April 2016)

It is proposed that the local hustings meeting should take place in the last week of April (Action Sue Stocker to liaise with Father Alexander to agree possible dates). The panel will comprise one representative from each party (who will be the spokesperson for all their party’s candidates) Once the date is agreed, KRA will write to the parties inviting them to take part and outlining the ground rules.

  1. KRA website update (including new initiatives)

Phillippa is continuing to update the website as well as overhauling it and making any necessary changes. More training is required from Jonathon Butler which Phillippa and Sue will organise.

It was suggested that a weekly update is issued on the website (to be posted on a Sunday but can be pre-prepared) with what is new for the week / what is happening in the up-coming week in the village.

  1. Magazine Editor’s update

The next edition will be published late March / early April so that it comes out in time for the AGM and the village meeting. Please send any articles to Sue – current ideas include the hanging basket project, the story of exercise machines on the Vyne, Rev’d Julia Binney (the new minister at Knaphill Baptist Church). The edition will have a focus on health and well-being.

The distribution lists will be reviewed to endure complete coverage of the village and to avoid any duplication.

  1. Chairman’s update (including Treasury)

In John’s absence, there was nothing additional to note

  1. Membership & 2016

Nothing to note. An article will be put in the next magazine and, at the same time, the Woking News and Mail.

  1. Any Other Business

Neil raised the issue of the recently felled trees in Waterers Park as he had been in correspondence with some local residents about this. Apparently the trees are under a local tree preservation order and as such, planning should have been applied for before they were felled. These trees have been felled due to them being diseased (and as a result the wood cannot be reused for local projects). Phil has written to Kate Wilson to ask:

  • Why there was no planning permission sought
  • If the treeswere diseased, what the disease is and if it could be spread to other local woodland

Phil had obtained figures relating to the management fee paid to First Port (previously O&M Management) by residents in Percheron Drive. (This follows on from the same issue being raised for Alexander Gardens.) The annual income received by First Port was £45,147 of which £22,870 was spent on management fees, £2,675 on accountancy and audit fee and £2,052 on insurance.

Sue has been working with Kate Wilson to secure more trees for the Sussex Road recreation ground. They met last week and 2 new trees will be planted soon. These will be around the edge as there is the possibility that a children’s football pitch could be put on the recreation ground at some time in the future.

Rachel raised the postponed Christmas social – a date will be set for this in the spring.

Tony raised the issue of the caravan parked on the corner of Chobham Rod and Littlewick Road. The council are aware.

Phil requested ideas for the speaker at the AGM.

  1. Dates of next meetings

Tues 9th February 2016 – Village Show meeting @ Garibaldi at 7.30pm

Tues 16th February 2016 – KRA Committee meeting @ Stef’s Cafe at 7.30pm

Tues 15th March 2016 – KRA Committee meeting at Stef’s Cafe at 7.30pm

Meeting closed