
KPTC – Committee Meeting14October2014


Present –Deb Fairy, Don Simpson, Ern Kiefer; Val Daggers; Ray Daggers; Nicole Eaton; Gary Newnham; Peter Budd, Dylan Edgley

Apologies –Jeff Byrne


Minutes of the previous meeting- held on Tuesday 9 September at 7.30 pmwere approved


Action items completed:

  • No priorities have come through from the ladies committee at this stage which can be taken into account by the committee. Val will report if anything changes.(Val D)
  • Final pennant players has been chased up regarding overdue fees.(Dylan E).
  • Ordering of polos and caps can only occur when club members take up the option to buy. Website has advertising and another sign has been placed in the club house. $40 per order for shipping. Peter to monitor email. Deb has some names to be forwarded to Peter. General notice board to be relocated to near the door for better visibility of these types of items. Once enough order requests are in place Peter will place the order with the vendor.(Peter B)
  • Committee confirmed that the club survey will not be undertaken at this stage as there are a lot of activities being undertaken. (PeterB)
  • Operations committee has discussed with Dylan the potential of Sunday court hire. Dylan to communicate with Sth Hawthorn TC (Dylan E)

Action itemsstill to be completed (carried over):

  • Write to ex-members requesting that they return C keys and get $20 refund. Waiting for final list from Ern who will then follow-up with members.(Ern).

New action itemsarising from this meeting (see details in the minutes):

  • Pricing list:

Seek final input from committee members by Oct 28 and then table a final recommendation at the Nov meeting (Don S)

  • Rekeying:

Present a final financial benefit analysis of the keying options at the December meeting. (DonS)

  • Drainage of court 9:

Contract the plumber to have agricultural pipes installed to improve drainage of the area. (Don S)

  • Xmas tournament and bbq:

Advertise the event for Nov 30 on the website (Peter B)and prepare advertising within the clubhouse (Val D).

  • Coaching agreement:

Produce a first draft of the new coaching agreement and table at the Dec meeting. (Peter B and Jeff B)

  • Pipe replacement:

Undertake pipe replacement in copper to fix the corrosion that had occurred with existing water pipe. (Ern K)

  • Website development:

Website development. Peter has spoken to Josh again who has now committed to have the website developed by December. Peter to monitor and report at the December meeting. If this is not completed then, we may need to review our strategy. (Peter B)

  • Club Sponsorship:

Peter will work with Don to develop a draft sponsorship proposal for the committee by Dec meeting. (Peter B)

  • Membership email addresses:

Peter to update the email addresses once Nicole forwards the current membership listing. (Peter B)


1Pricing list (Don S)

Price list was tabled by Don and was discussed. The modified list was initially discussed but the committee needed more time to ponder the details. Don requested that the committee send their thoughts back to him by October 28 and the revised document be tables for approval at November meeting. This was agreed.

2Court maintenance

Further clarification of the responsibilities of court maintenance was outlined by Don again.

The following was approved by the committee: Warwick to continue to be responsible for the courts(fine and course) from base line to base line, and the club look after the back and sides of the courts taking away excess material and not recycle the re-sieved material back onto the courts. Warwick will be responsible to place the new court material.The club keep sieved court material for emergency court repair situations.


3 optionswere briefly outlined again by Don:

  1. Status quo
  2. Rekeying barrels (based on 220 keys and 2 key types) $2525
  3. Newer technology using fobs. $4700.

A full financial benefit analysis will be presented at the Dec meeting once Don and Jeff have finalised.

4.Lapsed junior members

Competition pathway is drying up for juniors about age 13. Debra and Dylan discussed the issue of how to retain junior members who move through the junior program. Committee struggled for a solution to this but recognized its importance.

5.Xmas event

It was decided to hold a similar event to last year on November 30. –an organised social tournament (ladies, men’s, mixed, juniors) followed by byo bbq and drinks. (Val)

Advertising to begin.



Report of September 2014 presented. Proposed: Ern Kiefer; Seconded: Dylan. Report of September 2014 approved.

Question about ball money- we are struggling to sell second hand balls. It seems the balls are not of good enough quality to be used after matches.


Nicole gave the membership report. Members who have not renewed has dropped from 93 to 50 since the last meeting.

Current -186 members, - 93 full 23 juniors, 4 friends of KPTC, 4 life members, 25 adult families, 36 junior families

Nicole to forward the members list so that Peter can update the email accordingly.


Reply received from Whitehorse council regarding the recommended drainage works. Council approved the work to be done.

There was a response from Bunnings acknowledging our request for a sausage sizzle.

Peter reminded the committee that we need to pursue food handlers certification. This can be obtained on line for $24.95 accredited. It is a 3 hr course and you pay only when you pass


Club Sponsorship:

A club sponsorship plan was required and Peter indicated that he would work with Don and aim to table a document at Dec meeting.


Peter indicted that there were 2 grants worthy of pursuing in the coming months.

Whitehorse annual community grant: March 2015 (possible to apply for a capital grant then.)

Active Club grants (up to $3000), from Dept Health -Opening date: 12 Jan, closing 13 Feb, Notification in April.This grant focusses on Injury prevention equipment or essential sporting equipment.

Further discussion later.

Access to the PO Box mail:

Peter indicated that the secretarial responsibility was to have full access to the incoming mail at the PO Box but he has not been presented with the key.

Membership Survey:

The committee decided to leave it for the time being as there were many activities already in place.

Drainage court 9:

Don outlined that the plumber tried to tap into the storm water on court 9 but failed to do so. Don outlined the response from council to using agricultural pipes - Council gave approval provided we took full responsibility. Committee agreed to go ahead with the agricultural pipes option.

Corroded water pipe replacement:

Committee approved the expense to replace the corroded pipe with copper(value of $2000) . Ern to action.

Coaching agreement:

Peter outlined that work had begun on a new coaching agreement and that he would work with Jeff on his return so that a draft can be provided at the Dec meeting.

Next Committee Meeting

Thursday 6 November 2014at 7:30pm

Meeting closed at 9:45pm

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