Dublin Elementary School Site Council Meeting Notes

Wednesday, Feb 1

Attendees: Jeff Prellwitz, Molly Topf, Lisa Silva, Lauren McGovern, Kristen Candaux, Christan Daniels

Meeting commenced: 3:20

October minutes approved:

-erase “School supervisors” to read “school resource officers” from Jan minutes.

-Lauren McGovern motioned, approved

Teacher’s report-

-Appreciated vertical alignment with math because teachers below and above got to see expectations. Looking at possibility of doing similar alignment with other subjects.

-Motion sensor lights back up and working and teachers appreciative.

-Successful Read In day with great breadth of readers.

-Reviewing flexible grouping for RTI.

-Several new Social Groups forming

-Classroom guidance lessons continuing

-Kimochi social/emotional awareness dolls being used in kindergarten/first

-1K raised in sports with teachers day alone for Kids Against Hunger

DELAC/LCAP report-

-Still looking to fill the role, but okay for this year.

Principal’s Report-

-Dowels approved and installed in D-wing, C-wing and P2 and P4

-School will communicate any suspicious incidents through message system if anything needs to be alerted. School working with sup office and dpd with any and all incidents (vandalism, theft, etc.)

-Sup is looking for quote on security cameras.

-Pleasanton educators came to observe response to intervention on Monday, July 31.

-Great successes with read-a-thon and talent show; continuing to collect funds for Kids Against Hunger

-Vertical alignment meetings in math and NGCC science standards underway; DEL is early implementer


-Open House, Thursday May 18

-Carnival, Friday May 19

PFC report-

-Meeting tonight so nothing to share but Lauren shared safety report at last PFC meeting

-PFC looking to help support with additional cost for science costs and planning time for teachers

Superintendent’s meeting recap-

-Nobody here who attended

New Business:

-Discussion around ways to help relieve traffic congestion at school pick up; Lauren will send communication that there is supervision until 3:15 at front of school so that kids may wait there if parents choose to pick up later

-Discussion around alert system as in way it was communicated day phones went down; Lauren agreed unless emergency those alerts will go out as emails/text and not as voicemails moving forward so as not to unnecessarily concern parents.

-Jeff is looking at old bylaws and will report back with suggestions for changes at next meeting.

Adjourned: 4:04