Chemistry 105Winter ‘10

Unit 2


  1. To review air quality issues related to fossil fuel consumption and the limitations of this resource.
  2. To define energy, work, heat, and temperature in scientific (thermodynamic) terms, and how the terms calorie, nutritional Calorie, joule, and kilojoule are related.
  3. To describe the First Law of Thermodynamics as the conservation of energy, and the interplay of kinetic, potential, heat and work energy. To describe and apply the Second Law of Thermodynamics from several points of view: randomness, chaos, probability, distribution of matter and energy, energy efficiency.
  4. To know that we measure energy only through change, such as with a calorimeter.
  5. To use potential energy diagrams to represent changes that take place in reactions
  6. To use the terms endothermic and exothermic to describe the entry or exit of heat from chemical systems (and that the opposite change must take place in the surroundings).
  7. To know that energy changes in reactions come from changes in chemical bonds, and how they can be estimated from differences in bond energies of bonds broken vs. formed.
  8. To express and interpret these changes in potential energy diagrams and apply these skills to the combustion of fuels.
  9. To view and describe recent trends in energy source utilization.
  10. To give specific details on the composition of coal and its impacts on environmental quality.


Read §4.1 – 4.5. (Reading Quiz from 4.1 – 4.3)

Recommended exercises: From the above sections, all in-chapter “Your Turn” exercises, and chapter-end problems selected from #1 – 18, 24 - 29

Current Issues Abstracts due 1/29.

2/3 Outcomes:

  1. To describe petroleum as a mixture of hydrocarbons, and how they are separated industrially.
  2. To distinguish alkanes from other types of hydrocarbons.
  3. To draw examples of straight-chain and branched alkanes and give names up to 8 carbons.
  4. To give examples of how petroleum products are characterized by molar mass and density.
  5. To give the definition of isomer and apply it to alkanes.
  6. To use the terms cracking and reforming to describe how petroleum fractions are changed.
  7. To know how an “octane rating” is established and additives used to prevent “knocking.’
  8. To describe what “oxygenated gasoline” is and why MTBE is both a benefit and a hazard.
  9. To use an energy reaction pathway to describe energy changes during a chemical reaction and how this diagram communicates the speed of a reaction, its activation energy, and actions of a catalyst.
  10. To describe the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel, its sources, benefits, and problems.
  11. To distinguish differences between ethanol and biodiesel.
  12. To give two ways that garbage can be used for fuel: trash-to-steam, and methane generation.
  13. To evaluate and describe advantages of conservation over alternative fuel production.


Read §4.6 – 4.11 (Reading Quiz from 4.7 – 4.9.)

Recommended exercises: From the above sections, all in-chapter “Your Turn” exercises, and chapter-end problems selected from # 19 – 23, 30 – 42.

2/5 Outcomes:

  1. Todescribe both geological and consumer sources of water and reflect on the kind of water we use.
  2. To begin describing chemical reasons why water is special: its properties as a solvent.
  3. To give general differences among sea water, fresh water, and purified water, and how solutes in fresh water are beneficial.
  4. To review terms used in giving composition: percent and ppm, and use new terms for concentration of solutions including mg/L and molarity (moles/L).
  5. To be able to convert between concentration and solute quantities.
  6. To describe the structure of a molecule of water; to use electronegativity as the origin of its polarity.
  7. To describe how polarity within one molecule leads to attractions between molecules (intermolecular forces), and how properties are affected. To contrast these forces with covalent bonds.
  8. To recognize and describe how one class of intermolecular force, the “hydrogen bond” is unusually strong, how they lead to water’s unusual solid state and liquid state structures.
  9. To extent these concepts to interpreting water’s density, specific heat, and their implications.
  10. To define ions and describe how they differ from molecules in the solid state and in solution.
  11. To know that monatomic positive ions (cations) are almost always from metals or H+.
  12. To know that monatomic negative ions (anions) are almost always from halogens, oxide or sulfide.
  13. To deduce the charges of ions of atoms from groups 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7.
  14. To name monatomic cations, anions, and ionic compounds and describe their general structure.
  15. To know that polyatomic ions are common, interpret formulas and structures, and to memorize ammonium, hydroxide, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, and sulfate formulas and charges.


Read §5.1 – 5.8 (Reading Quiz from 5.3, 5.5, 5.6)

Recommended exercises: From the above sections, all in-chapter “Your Turn” exercises, and chapter-end problems selected from #1 – 24, 31 - 41.

Graded Homework, Chapter 4, #8, 11, 13(a,b), 20(a,b), 40, 56 (2 advantages; 2 disadvantages).

Pick up graded homework exercise, due 2/12.

2/10 Outcomes:

  1. To describe how ionic compounds change when they dissolve in water, and write reactions.
  2. To contrast ionic solutions from molecular solutions, how differences are shown by conductivity.
  3. To give the molecular properties that contribute to solubility and insolubility in water.
  4. To relate how the EPA regulates water quality and the differences between MCLG and MCL. To find examples of these from Seattle Public Utilities public information.
  5. To describe the principal processes in treating drinking water: filtration, clarification, disinfection, fluoridation, home treatment systems, and why each is needed.
  6. To learn and describe the issues of lead in drinking water, and the principal sources.
  7. To contrast consumer choices for drinking water, and compare these to the needs, sources and purification methods around the globe.
  8. To describe the specific processes of distillation and reverse osmosis.


Read §5.9 – 5.15 (Reading Quiz from 5.11, 5.15.)

Recommended exercises: From the above sections, all in-chapter “Your Turn” exercises, and chapter-end problems selected from #25 – 30, 42 – 48.


  1. To know that the causes and sources of acid rain are diverse, both natural and human-caused.
  2. To define an acid as a substance that releases H+ ions in aqueous solutions through dissociation.
  3. To express and interpret acid dissociation through equations.
  4. To define a base as a substance that produces OH- ions in aqueous solutions through dissociation or through hydrolysis; to express and interpret base dissociation and hydrolysis through equations.
  5. To give examples, through chemical equations, of neutralization reactions.
  6. To use the definition of pH to convert to/from H+ concentrations, and use pH to describe acidic, neutral, and basic solutions.
  7. To know the pH value for neutral solutions and the range of typical biological solutions.
  8. To know the pH typical of natural rainwater how rainwater may vary from natural acidity.
  9. To describe the instrument by which pH is measured.
  10. To use chemical equations to describe how gaseous pollutants serve as acid anhydrides.


Read §6.1 – 6.6 (Reading Quiz from 6.1 – 6.4.)

Recommended exercises: From the above sections, all in-chapter “Your Turn” exercises, and chapter-end problems selected from #1 – 16, 28 - 41.

Graded Homework, Chapter 5, take-home exercise distributed in class 2/5, also on eRes.


  1. To give sources of sulfur dioxide, specifically from coal, mining, and smelting, and describe recent changes that have taken place.
  2. To review sources of nitrogen oxides, natural and man-made.
  3. To describe the effects of acid deposition on materials, both living and non-living.
  4. To describe the effects of acid deposition on streams and lakes and how it solubilizes metal ions.
  5. To interpret acid-neutralizing capacity (alkalinity) as a measure of resilience to pH change.
  6. To describe strategies for minimizing sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions and controlling effects.
  7. To describe how amendments to the Clean Air Act have changed how acidic emissions are controlled.


Read §6.7 – 6.15 (Reading Quiz from 6.9 – 6.13.)

Recommended exercises: From the above sections, all in-chapter “Your Turn” exercises, and chapter-end problems selected from #17 – 27, 42 – 47, 55.

2/19 Outcomes:

Success on an hour exam! Content from all the above learning outcomes.

Graded Homework,Chapter 6, #2, 4(a, b; c: NH3 + H2O), 7, 26, 40, 55 (be specific).

Group Sheet 2

Current Issues Abstracts due 2/24.