
KPTC – Committee Meeting Minutes –14March 2017


Present Jeff Byrne, Elizabeth Byrne,Peter Budd,Jan Christie,Ben Liu, Warren Booth

Apologies: Gayle Powell,Don Simpson,Steve Close, Debra Fairy, Dylan Edgley


Minutes of the previous meeting- held on 14 February 2017 at 7.30 pm were approved


New action itemsarising from this meeting (see details in the matters considered):

```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````~~~~~~~~~~~ / Lead / Due Date
  1. Tennis fun day – April 2
The fun day was confirmed again for April 2 12pm till 4 pm. As Peter will not be there, Jeff to co-ordinate volunteers for ball machine (Ben), radar gun, sausage sizzle (Lou) and membership table (Eliz). Dylan to pick-up radar gun from TV and further prizes. Jeff to purchase sausages and bread. Jeff to ring all summer members direct. / Peter/Dylan/Jeff / On going
  1. Advertising banners
It was approved to purchase advertising banners as per the Warren submission with alterations - Leave off KPTC logo, Full name of Koonung Park Tennis Club, take off Hot shots, email address at bottom. Racquets to the top, light blue background. Warren to purchase 2 banners. Total cost: 2 banners $260. / Warren / ASAP
  1. Capital expenditure options:
Jeff to draft strategy and business plan and Jeff/Dylan to visit TV and discuss within 2 weeks. Further discussion at the next meeting. / Jeff/Dylan / April meeting

Action items completed:

Advertising in the newspaper was considered too expensive

Action items still to be completed (carried over):

  1. Membership registration with Tennis Vic – – Suggest individual reg only, get Eliz on the list as membership convenor – Peter to follow-up with Jamie. Jeff to email to Tennis Vic.
  2. Banners:see matters considered below.
  3. Sunshades possible concreted in umbrella holder. Don to put posts in and report at the next meeting however we have parked this at the moment.
  4. Membership registration: –Suggest we park this issue for the time being.
  5. BBQ area Peter has drawn up a draft plan and has given it to Jeff for review. Jeff will organise the wall and Ern will complete the rest calling on resources as required.
  6. Court upgrades - see action matters considered below


  1. Advertising banners: Warren

Warren tabled banner suggestions $130 from China with spike.Text - Come and try tennis, special new member rates.

It was agreed to :Leave off KPTC logo, Full name of Koonung Park Tennis Club, take off Hot shots, email address at bottom. Racquets to the top, light blue background.

Total cost: 2 banners $260.

Approved for purchase.

  1. Capital expenditure update/report on WHC meeting - Jeff/Peter

Peter and Jeff attended a meeting at WHC run by Tennis Vic. WHC have indicated that they have limited/no funding for any of the leased premises. Jeff discussed the 3 stage approach to any major capital expenditure.

Funding options include National Court Rebate 25% grant up to $30K , or 30% of up to $120K also borrow money over a period, possible RSL funding, possible small council funding and project management, possible State Govt funding. Rough cost for court upgrades and dividing fence upgrade $100K for 2/4 courts.

Jeff to draft strategy and business plan and Jeff/Dylan to visit TV and discuss within 2 weeks.

  1. Tennis fun day April 2 – Peter/Dylan

Peter reported that the fun day is organised. Radar gun will be obtained from TV. Emails sent out, face book, webpage, advertising at the club, advertising at Nth Blackburn shops all competed. Email sent to Leader newspaper to have the item added to What’s On section. We need volunteers for the day: Ball machine, radar gun, membership table, sausage sizzle and purchase for sausage sizzle. Peter will be away as is Don.

Eliz membership, Jeff buys for sausage sizzle, Ben ball machine, Warren - Court management, Jeff to ring all the summer members direct. Peter to arrange pickup of radar gun.

  1. Junior committee progress - Deb/Dylan.

No update -



The February Treasurer’s report was accepted


250 paid members.

Mid-week ladies

No report


No report


No report required

ERT Sat/Night tennis:

Ben has completed the new teams requirement for the winter season of ERT seniors. Debra is doing the juniors. Payment will be made to ERT soon.

Mid-week masters comp:

No report




ERT meeting – Wed 22 Mar. Jeff/Debra to go.

Friday night junior tennis night this Friday. We are still undecided about the success of this. Peter to help Sarah.

Elizabeth reported on the membership database. Membership renewals will be forwarded by email this year rather than mailed.

Next Committee Meeting

Next meeting18Aprilat 7:30pm. – moved out 1 week.

Meeting closed at9:00 pm

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