Sheffield Molecular Genetics Facility


Checking loci are unique (and are from the species you hope they are from!)

This search will …

1. identify any matching clones

(Before submitting them to EMBL, you should have already checked them using GENEJOCKEY software – but the results of this search makes it easy to spot duplicates and appears to be more sensitive. It also identifies any clones which match sequences from other libraries (not just those developed by yourself.)

2. it will also prevent you genotyping the same individuals with the same locus

You should check for matching sequences, even if using loci developed in different libraries of the same species and even if using loci developed from one or several different species.

3. and finally this search will identify similar sequences in other species, which may identify genes of interest, etc.


The microsatellite repeat region is automatically blocked out and not compared between sequences – to prevent 1000’s of matches.


1. Prepare sequence data ready to be BLAST searched.

You can use either…

The embl data (emailed back when the sequences were submitted – if you submitted the sequences)

Available from…


A word document made up of all the sequences - pasted in from embl – you can paste the whole EMBL record in for each entry – the non-sequence text is ignored by the BLAST program.

2. Search the data prepared against sequence data in EMBL/ Genbank/DDJB Databases


Go to… nucleotide- nucleotide

4. paste in the sequences (including the text words - the program cuts them out automatically.)

NB The first pasted in sequence has to start with the sequence data (eg gatcaccgttt etc) of the first seq - so it can be recognised as sequence data (otherwise you will get the protein data entered error message).

NB just search with 10-15 sequences at a time – this seems to be the most that can be blasted and is also the easiest number to compare when the results are displayed.

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