Barony Consulting

Group Limited

Book Launch - Achieving Commissioning Excellence – How to embed Commissioning in your Organisation

With much debate about Commissioning in particular within Health, then it is important for stakeholders to understand what Commissioning means and what leaders need to do to embed it within their organisation. In short Commissioning is about ‘What to acquire.’

Therefore Care Commissioning and Clinical Commissioning are about the areas or care and clinical practice which should be acquired for the use of patients or consumers.

This book uses the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM®) model which is used in over 30,000 organisations worldwide as a framework to establish what is required to develop excellence. It focuses on a series of enablers and results, underpinned by learning, creativity and innovation to deliver Commissioning Excellence. These are detailed for commissioning in the 60 pages..

Of course, achieving this involves a journey which can be measured and its progress charted. This book aims to provide the foundation of understanding and action to deliver Commissioning Excellence.

For leaders, it helps them deliver the strategy, understand what is important to do as a leader and helps to develop a sustainable strategy;

For managers, it allows them to see the link between strategy and operations, helps to engage employees in change and lead improvements.

For staff, it helps provide their input to build in a common direction, understand the impact of their action and contribute to progress.

To get your copy of ‘Achieving Commissioning Excellence’ then return the advance order form below for hard copies or go online after Friday 15th April to and order the electronic version by using paypal. The electronic copy is for an organisational licence placed on your intranet and supplied in PDF format.

Achieving Commissioning Excellence

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Barony – Performance through Innovation

Barony Consulting Group Limited

88 Windsor Court, Southgate, London N14 5HS

Tel: 020 8886 2462