KOSC Monthly MeetingMinutes
KOSC Board Meeting
Wednesday,September 2, 2015
Officers’ Club, MCBH Kaneohe Bay
Meeting called to order at9:17 a.m.
Members in Attendance
Jason Pierce
Melissa Rowley
Shannon Barnes
Kristen Gonzalez-Loya
Steffanie Beissel
Kathy Newlund
Kristen Robinson
Beth Phillips
Star Maria Brooks
Ellen Brady
Liz Cooper
Anissa Krick
Bonnie Tucker
Susan Watkins
Kate Flannery
Lisa Davis
Annee Imle
LeighAnne Martin
Sara S (VP-9)
Laura Partida
Jennifer Spore
Winnie Pigott
Old Business
- Motion to approve August minutes by Melissa Rowley, second by Shannon. Motion passed unanimous.
President: Jason Pierce
- Thank you to all new members who attended todays meeting! Also a big thank you to those who have stepped up to volunteer either as Unit reps or who have shown interest in other board positions!
- Have Unit Reps send out an email to members to have them check their spam folder or junk mail folder to make sure they are receiving our emails. We have had a few members where that has been the case.
- We will be sending out the constitution soon. It will also be posted on the KOSC website.
- We are still looking for Unit Reps for the following units:
2/3 HMH-463
- Thank you to Melissa Rowley, VP, and the Aloha Kick Off Committee for doing such a fantastic job on the Aloha Kick Off.
Vice President: Melissa Rowley
- Unit Reps, please encourage members to give us feedback on the Aloha kick off so that we can keep moving in the right direction.
- Unit Reps, also remind members that meetings are open to all members.
- Our current open board positions are listed below. Please spread the word!
Charitable Distribution
Community Outreach
Web Designer
- Website: We will be adding a tab for unit specific information. Do not misuse the members only/password protected area. No self/business promotion. No Spam. Details for the Paint & Sip event to be posted soon. Complete with a paypal link. It will be held on Sept, 17 @ 6:30 pm and there are only 20 spots available.
- If anyone took any photos at the Aloha Kick Off please let Melissa know. We’d like to use some photos for the website, the Facebook page, the Newsletter and also a news article on the history on the KOSC.
Treasurer: Kristen Gonzalez-Loya
- Our current balance is $8,718.63.
- Aloha Kick Off ticket sales were $130
- Aloha Kick Off membership sales were $1,080
- All outstanding checks have cleared.
Parliamentarian: Steffanie Beissel
- Standing Committee volunteers to be apart of the drafting of the standing rules are still needed. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please reach out to Steffanie at or to Shannon Barnes, .
Membership: Julie Phelps
- New Membership Roster will be going out soon. If you have any new information to update (unit, address, email, phone number) please let Julie know at
Unit Reps/Members:
- Winnie Pigott asked if there had been any feedback given so far for the Aloha Kick Off.
-Last year we had 60 vendors and this year we had 26 vendors. Some wanted more vendors but some were pleased to not feel bombarded.
-Unit Reps solicit feedback from members so that we can discuss at the next meeting.
-Work out the rules with MCCS for the vendors for selling at events.
- It was asked if vendors, even if just 1 or 2, could be at other events, i.e. the Ornament Exchange? A lot of people thought this would be a great idea.
- Melissa wanted to remind everyone that once our Newsletter is up and running vendors will be able to buy space for advertising.
Save the Date:
Paint & Sip – Thursday, September 17th, 6:30pm @ Beth Phillips Home.
Board Meeting – Wednesday, October 7th, 9am @ The Officer’s Club
Meeting adjourned by Jason Pierceat9:45 a.m.