Held at 17:00 hours, January 16, 2008
Kootenay Centre Board Room – Cranbrook Main Campus
ATTENDANCE: Gwen Bailey, Jim Bailey (Chair), Leah Bradish (by teleconference),
Cathy Carlgren, Jason Colombo, David Dick, Bev Evanchu, Karen Langan,
Velma McKay, Marla Riehl, Christine Rinaldi, Nick Rubidge, Doris Silva,
Ardy Smith Miller, Justin Snopek, James Wishart, Dorothy Smith (Recording)
Absent:Gina Bennett, Heather Hepworth, Doug McLachlan, Dan Metcalfe, Jasmin Smith
Guest:Sharon Richardson
- Agenda
1.1Amendments - Add 4.4 Academic Recognition (DJS), 4.5 CYFS Youth Justice Diploma (ASM), 4.6 Dates for 2008 EdCo Meetings (JB), 7.1 Leadership Symposium (NR)
1.2Approval - The Agenda was approved as amended.
- Minutes of December 19, 2007– The minutes were approved as presented.
- Business Arising from the Minutes – None.
- New Business
4.1Content Management System Task Force Presentation - Jason stated the Content Management System Task Force is looking at some communication strategies. A “COTR Information Flow” sheet was distributed which shows the information flow. The committee is trying to improve internal communications. They want the Registration staff to know about courses before the public. Procedures 6.1.2 may have to be amended. The Task Force would like EdCo to adopt the flowchart.
Jason reviewed the flowchart. It shows what happens after the program is approved – how we communicate the information. Cathy suggested Coordinator be inserted between Department Head and Instructor. The EdCo Chair advised he prefers the early stages before EdCo such as peer approval and PPC be listed on the flowchart.
Velma expressed concern that CASC sometimes sees outlines after the program has already been marketed. Jason replied the flowchart is to help prevent that from happening. James asked why this happens. DJ stated new Deans were not aware of the process and Sharon pointed out sometimes there has to be a quick response. Also, there are tight deadlines for the Program Guide. New programs are listed there and can be cancelled at a later date. Jason stated students learn about our programs before our ducks are all in a row; we can’t properly register them, etc. It is not professional when we don’t know about new programs.
The program/course notification form has been revised and the new form was distributed. DJ advised there were a lot of meetings and all players have been involved. It was suggested TBA be added to the “Session Days” section as some days will not be known.
Leah stated the Fernie Campus does not hear about programs offered at Cranbrook; an example of that is the Hairdressing program. Cathy asked about using the Intranet for advising staff of new programs. Jason pointed out the flowchart does not specify how the information would be communicated. EdCo members felt putting new proposed programs on the web would be a good idea. Sheila DeLuca in Student Services is building a list of prospective programs and courses. Jason said he will ensure the flowchart goes on the web site.
The next step is to modify Procedures 6.1.2. The Task Force is looking to implement the flowchart as an addendum to Section C. The CMS will revise 6.1.2 and bring it back to EdCo. The course notification indicates the required fields to be completed and can show more than one term. The Task Force would like to appendix this to 6.1. It is important information and is needed to register students.
Sharon distributed a proposed course outline and a new course outline procedure sheet. The course outline form has been a problem for some time at COTR. They are trying to eliminate changes; on the new form changes only have to be made on the first page. It is hoped to have five-year approved course outlines. Instructors will also prepare a Syllabus which will be given to students. Nick pointed out we need to have enough information for transferability; otherwise, you have to go to different sources for the information you need.
Discussion took place on credentials appearing on the course outline. Velma stated at the ABE Articulation meeting the name and credentials never came up; they just discussed the content of the course outline.
CASC will look at the course outline which has to be BCCAT transfer user friendly. Sharon, Darrell Bethune and Anna Harder will also be involved. They will meet one week before EdCo next meets. They will also look at the need for stating credentials.
4.2CASC Recommendaitons
MOVED by SMITH MILLER that EdCo accept CASC’s recommendation and approve the following new or revised course outlines: NURS 120: Health & Healing 11 and Health Indicators; HKIN 157: Performance Analysis of Yoga and ACC 122: Introduction to Multimedia. CARRIED.
There were some concerns with NURS 121 and it was circulated among CASC members. They now ask that it be approved on their recommendation.
MOVED by SMITH MILLER that EdCo accept CASC’s recommendation and approve the revised course outlines for NURS 121: Professional Practice 11: Introduction to the Discipline of Nursing. CARRIED.
A handout on the Child, Youth and Family Studies Diploma was distributed. The current CYFS Diploma offering is a 16 credit Mental Health option. The Youth Justice would be a second diploma option for the CYFS certificate graduates. It has the support of the Criminology Advisory Committee. It is acceptable to both the HSW and CRIM departments. The outline includes all existing approved courses. Ardy advised CASC would like EdCo to approve it being put on the web site for peer review. It was pointed out there has to be three courses each semester to be eligible for student loans and in this case, one more course needs to be added There has to be 18 credits and 60% in every semester to be eligible. One elective will be added.
MOVED by SMITH MILLER that EdCo approve the posting for the 30-day review of the CYFS Youth Justice and CYFS Mental Health Diplomas. CARRIED.
This will come back in March as it has to be posted for thirty days. It will come back as an information item in February.
Nick pointed out all students will be forced to take an extra course because of Student Aid. Ardy said she will take this back to the program to see if they realize that.
4.3Student Concern Policy 2.4.9 – Velma stated she did not have a revised copy but she will provide one to EdCo when it is ready. The Student Concern policy came out of a Faculty Collective Agreement MOA. She is not sure if it will require formal approval or will just be provided for information.
4.4Academic Recognition – A “Categories of Recognition” sheet was distributed. A student who wants to make the scholars’ list pointed out there are two different criteria for two disciplines. Vocational programs need to be looked at again as they have different grade scales. It was agreed all students should have recognition available on all three Scholars’, Honours’ and Deans’ lists. An EdCo subcommittee will be struck. Velma and Bev will serve on the committee as will Sharon Richardson, Darrell Bethune and Tammy Kiss. This item will be on next month’s agenda.
4.5CYFS Youth Justice Diploma–Covered under CASC.
4.6Dates for 2008 EdCo Meetings – A list of meeting dates was distributed. The EdCo constitution states a schedule of meetings for the coming year is to be prepared and presented for approval at the January meeting of Council.
- Reports
5.1Chair’s Report – Student Stipends will be paid after every meeting attended as the stipend qualifies as insurable earnings.
5.2SIO Report – No report.
5.3Committee Reports
Awards Committee – No report.
CASC – Already covered.
Classroom and Information Technology Committee – This committee has not met.
PPC – PPC has not met since the last EdCo meeting.
- Correspondence – BCCAT’s Engage Newsletter has been received and is available on their web site.
- Information–Dr. Rubidge reported on a Leadership Symposium he attended yesterday. It was by invitation. The Minister, Deputy Minister, Presidents of all institutions and Board Chairs were present. 50 students were selected to attend in the afternoon; two students from COTR were present.
One of the topics was collaboration between institutions. Out of this group a subgroup will continue to meet and Dr. Rubidge volunteered to be part of the subgroup.
The afternoon session dealt with how to make institutions more learner centered. SFU has a Dialogue Program which includes students having a serious conversation around a social topic such as poverty. They believe every student in every program should not be able to graduate without being exposed to a program or course on how to make the world a better place. Some students who participated in the program gave a very interesting presentation. It is a three unit course; students who took it stated it was the most single intellectual experience at SFU.
Dr. Rubidge stated the Ministry still does not know its budget. February 17 is the budget day but the College hopes to find out before then.
- Next Meeting – The next meeting will be February 20. Part B (Program Review) of 6.1.2 needs to be looked at andthe last section on program cancellation was never written. The SIO would like to leave it until the bugs are ironed out of the new program review process.
The classroom conduct statement for course outlines needs to be discussed. CASC will bring something forward for discussion and approval.
Jim Bailey, Chair