9.45am Parish Communion and Starfish Gang & Minnows
6.00pm EveningPrayer
Week ahead
9.30am Little Fishes at the Parish Hall, followed by
11.15am Meeting in the Parish Hall for volunteers who
wish to help with Good Friday activities
3.00pm Healing Prayer Group in Church
9.30am Little Fishes at the Parish Hall
10.30am Holy Communion and refreshments
1.30pm Craft Group at 5 Melrose Cottages
10.30am Open the Book meeting in Church. All welcome
Next Sunday
9.45am Parish Communion and Starfish Gang & Minnows
6.00pm Evening Prayer
Lent lunches: Bread and cheese lunches for Christian Aid will take place every Wednesday (12noon to 1.30pm) during Lent at different venues across Rotherham. The next lunch is on Wednesday 22nd March at St Thomas’, Kimberworth (in the Church Hall). Please see the poster in the porch for details.
The PCC is trying to improveour communication and welcome.If you use the internet:
When was the last time you looked at the church website?
Do you use Facebook? or Twitter?
Good Friday Activities from 10am until 1pm: Children'sAwesome Activities in the Parish Hall and Rotherham YouthHub (for Y6 and Secondary School Age young people)in Church led by Dan and Becky (Centenary Project Youth Workers). For more information speak to Lucy 07707863901.
Our heating system is leaking and the boiler is past its sell-by date. Both will need to be replaced fairly soon, and a rough estimate for the cost is £40,000. We need some brilliant ideas for fundraising, with an emphasis on fun, and would be grateful for gifts of any size which can be paid into the church account: Sort Code :- 16-00-07 Account Number:- 15374552, or popped into the box marked “Heating” in church. If you are a UK tax payer and can gift-aid your donation, we can claim back another 25%, and as they say, every little helps. Let’s keep our church building warm and welcoming!
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will be on Sunday 30th April 2017, after the morning service. Please would all Group Leaders kindly prepare their annual report for 2016 and email it or hand it to Mary Holt, PCC Secretary () as soon as possible and no later than Sunday 2nd April 2017. Thank you.
Church Electoral Roll: In accordance with Church Representation rules our Electoral Roll will be revised between March 19thand April 12th 2017 in preparation for the APCM on April 30th. It is important that we have an accurate list of the people who worship at St Mary Magdalene so if you wish to make sure you are on the roll or wish to get an enrolment form or require further information please talk to Colette White, our Electoral Officer, or phone heron 01709- 370069.
The Rotherham Deanery Pilgrimage is to Lichfield Cathedral on Saturday 27th May. Please see the information poster and signing up list at the back of church.
Rector: Revd. Dhoe Craig-Wild
Telephone: 01709 364430
Whiston PCC registered charity: 1142311
St. Mary Magdalene
Whiston Parish Church
19thMarch 2017
ThirdSunday of Lent
9.45 a.m.ParishCommunion
Hymn 169 Great God, your love has called us here
Hymn 544 Morning glory, starlit sky
Hymn 721 Love divine, all loves excelling
During communion the choir will sing:
Like as the hart–Howells
Wash me throughly– Wesley
Hymn 592 As the deer pants for the water
6.00p.m. Evening Prayer
Hymn 669 I heard the voice of Jesus say
O.T. Reading Joshua 1 vs 1–9
N.T. Reading Ephesians 6 vs 10 - 20
Hymn 629 Father, hear the prayer we offer
Hymn 807 Thine forever! God of love
Eternal God,
give us insight
to discern your will for us,
to give up what harms us,
and to seek the perfection we are promised
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
We thank God for his amazing generosity, and pray that we may reflect that generosity in our own lives every day.
We pray for those who have asked for our prayers, those on our prayer board and healing list and those whose pain is known only to God.
We pray for the recently departed and for thosein our memorial book whose anniversary occurs this week:
Marie Nelson Bradbury, Irene Edmondson, Philip Goodman, Malcolm Kingston, Grace Gwendoline O’Gram, Carey Oxspring, John Francis Round, Chrissie Stark and Joseph William Walsh.
And we pray for our Mission Partners at St James, Clifton and St Cuthbert, Herringthorpe.
Please remember to take this service sheet home with you as the readings and prayers on the inside can be used throughout the week.
To make best use of the hearing loop system in Church those who use a hearing aid should set their aid to the ‘T’ setting.