Version For Inspection By Interested Parties
(tick box as appropriate)
Deadline for replies: 6 October 2014
Officials in charge:
PHONE: (62-21) 3850541
FAX: (62-21) 385 0541
Email :
Website :
please note that this questionnaire has to be completed twice, once as the CONFIDENTIAL version and once as the NON CONFIDENTIAL version for inspection by interested parties
The purpose of this questionnaire is to permit Komite Anti Dumping Indonesia (KADI) to obtain the information it deems necessary for this investigation. It is in your own interest to complete the questionnaire as accurately and completely as possible and to attach all supporting documents requested. If all the necessary information is not communicated to the KADI within the time limits specified, final decisions may be taken on the basis of the factual information available.
If there are any problems or clarifications required with regard to the completion of the questionnaire, you should contact the KADI not later than 10 days following the date of the dispatch of this questionnaire, as specified in the letter attached. In view of the time constraints for completing the investigation, it is unlikely that the KADI will be able to take account of any problems notified after this date.
When answering the questionnaire, please read all the instructions carefully. You may supplement your response with additional data. This information can only be in addition to the specific responses of questions addressed in this questionnaire. If a question does not apply to your company, please explain clearly why this is not applied to your company.
The KADI may carry out on-the-spot visits to examine the records of your company and to verify the information provided in this questionnaire.
You should be aware that your reply to the questionnaire will constitute the body of information on the basis of which preliminary and final findings will be made with regard to your company. In this respect, it is essential that your reply to the questionnaire and any significant correction to it are submitted within the time limits provided for this purpose as a considerable amount of preparatory work and analysis of replies have to be carried out prior to verification visits.
You should also be aware that the non-submission of all relevant information or the submission of incomplete, false or misleading information within the specified time limits can have unfavourable consequences for your company. In any of these circumstances, the KADI may disregard any late response, or any responses which are significantly incomplete, false or misleading to an extent that they would be likely to impede the investigation process.Where the KADI decides to disregard a reply to a questionnaire it will establish preliminary or final findings on the basis of any other facts available,KADI will proceed on the best information available which may include information in the complaint.
Moreover, any party providing “confidential” information is required to provide a non-confidential summary thereofwhich is open for inspection to other parties. Such summaries shall be in sufficient detail to permit a reasonable understanding of the substance of the information submitted as “confidential”. In exceptional circumstances, such party may indicate that such information is not susceptible to such summary. Where a meaningful summary is not provided, and where the information is susceptible to such summary, theinformation submitted as “confidential” may be disregarded.
All documents, which are submitted to the KADI, which are not labelled “confidential” are open for inspection (upon appointment with the case handlers) to all interested parties in order to ensure the necessary transparency of the investigation. The deadline for the response is6 October2014. An extension period may be granted to take account the deficiencies that may be found to exist in questionnaire response.
If there is any questions you may have regarding your responses or any difficulties in completing this questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact the KADI on cover page of this questionnaire.
- Unless otherwise stated in the questionnaire, the Investigation Period (IP) for dumping is:
Calendar year January—December 2013; and the injury assessment is made calendar years January2010 – December 2013.
- The product concerned in this questionnaire is Wheat Flour entering under HS codes:
NO. / Pos/Sub Pos/Heading / Description of Goods
11.01 / Wheat or meslin flour.
1101.00.10 / -Wheat flour:
1101.00.10.90 / -- Fortified
-- Other
- Please note that all exporter(s) or producer(s) who exported product concerned directly or indirectly to Indonesia during the IP should complete the questionnaire.
- Prepare your response in typed form and in English. Include an original and translated version of all texts of non-English language documents that accompany your response, including the financial statements.
- All information in the confidential questionnaire as well as all papers marked confidential will be treated in the strictest confidence. A non-confidential summary of your reply must also be provided. Where a meaningful non-confidential summary is not provided and where the information is susceptible of such summary, the confidential information submitted will be disregarded.
- The information required in the questionnaire covers the function of producer and exporter (supplying domestic and/or export markets) of the product concerned. If your company does not complete both functions, but relies in whole or in part on related party(ies) to either produce or sell the product concerned, we would request that copy of this questionnaire should also be communicated to the other related parties who may be either producing or trading the product on your behalf. Such parties will also be expected to complete the relevant sections of the questionnaire and return it within the deadline set.
- This questionnaire is intended for producers or exporting producers of the subject goods only and their related parties involved in the production, marketing distribution and sales of the subject goods concerned. However, if you are an independent trader purchasing the goods concerned from producer concern for resale to Indonesia you may wish to complete the Section A, B, D, E, and F and return to the services of KADI. Your questionnaire will be used for the purpose of assisting KADI in the assessment of injury, but it will not result in specific duties, in the event of measures being imposed, to companies that only trade and do not produce the goods concerned.
- If there is insufficient space to provide the information in the questionnaire, you may wish to provide additional annexes referring to the section upon which the information relates within the deadline set.
- Unless otherwise stated, please note that a related party refers to a party that holds either directly or indirectly more than 5% of your capital or otherwise controls your company or if your company holds more than 5% of its share capital or you otherwise control it.
- Where the source of information is required, you should indicate the source of documents and records used for the figures/data presented.
- For the purpose of replying to this questionnaire, you should normally use the amounts as booked in your accounting records and use the reference. For amounts not booked in your accounting records and where a conversion is needed, the average exchange rates should be used.
- Identify all units of measurements, currencies, and conversion factors used in your narrative response, worksheets or other annexes. Apply the same measurement consistently throughout your questionnaire response. For all currency conversions, please attach the average monthly and average yearly of IP exchange rates of the national bank in Annex III.
- Where information is computerized, you must be in a position to be able to readily identify and reconcile all information used on computer with accompanying explanations and calculations as necessary.You are requested to complete all information and narrative on enclosed CD-ROM. The software used is Microsoft WORD and/or EXCEL and Font 10 and “Arial Narrow”. In accordance with the formats set out in Section G, it is essential to the investigation that submitted information on a computer media can be accessed by KADI. Please provide sufficient format information to allow for retrieval of the data from your computer media. The Excel files have to be compatible to the American or European version of Excel.A lack of computerized response may be considered as non-co-operation.If you feel that you cannot present the information as requested please contact the case handler without delay.
During the on-site-verification, you will require to access to your computer system and the KADI is likely to require downloads of information used. Physical copies of all documents, such as invoices should also be made available upon request.
- You are requested to provide a copy of the extract of your national customs tariff classification covering the product concerned with, where necessary, translations. Please attach in Annex IV.
- Any clarification required, please contact the following case handlers:
- Your response to the questionnaire should include all of the information requested, translated into English, and should be submitted to the KADI not later than the close of business day on 6 October 2014.
- The purpose of this questionnaire is to allow the KADI to obtain the information it deems necessary for its investigation. Before attempting to complete the following questionnaire, you are requested to review the covering letter carefully, and you are also advised to read the glossary of dumping terminology attached as Annex I.
- This questionnaire is made up of the following sections and appendices:
Section Arequests general information concerning your company, e.g. legal form and organisation structure.
Section Bspecifies the product, which is covered by this proceeding, and asks you to provide detailed information about the product sold by your company on the different markets.
Section Crequests statistical data, e.g. total quantities and values of sale, production and inventories.
Section Drequests some general information on domestic selling prices and terms of sale and a list of all sales of the product concerned on your domestic market.
Section Erequests some general information on export selling prices and terms of sale together with lists of all sales of the product concerned when sold from the exporting country to Indonesia and other markets
Section Frequests information on cost of production and sales of the product concerned.
Section Grequires you to provide certain detailed information in computerized format.
Section Hrequires you to complete a check list
Each of the Sections A to H should be submitted in separate files, both hardcopy and softcopy version, and each document in each section should be clearly marked with the appropriate letter or folder, e.g. Section A.
Some general instructions:
1.Answer questions in the order presented in the questionnaire. Listed information and tables should conform with the requested formats and should be clearly labelled. If you encounter difficulties with this you should contact the case handlers to find an acceptable solution. If there is insufficient space in any Section of the questionnaire to provide the detail asked for, you should attach Annexes indicating clearly to which Sections they relate.
2.All worksheets used in answering the questionnaire, in particular those linking the information supplied with management and accounting records, must be retained for subsequent inspection during the on-the-spot verification.
3.To facilitate verification, identify sources and specify where the source documents are maintained. During the verification you should be prepared to substantiate all information you submitted. Every part of the response should be able to be traced to regular company documents in the ordinary course of business.
4.Although the questionnaire is addressed to your company, it is understood that all subsidiaries or other related companies, that either produce in part or whole of the production process, or trade the product on your behalf on the domestic and exports markets are also party to the proceeding. Detailed questions about your corporate structure are included in Section A of the questionnaire. These related parties will be expected to complete questionnaires as well as and failure to do may result in the overall rejection of the submission of all companies within the Group.
Where sales are made to an independent party which then sells on to a related party within your group, those sales should be identified in the channel of sale under sections D & E and the independent party will be expected to complete the sales information for all products traded from your company to Indonesia
In case your company does not produce the product concerned or you have any doubts whether or what questionnaire is applicable, please consult the KADI immediately.
5.Unless otherwise specified, replies should relate to the investigation period as defined on page 1 of this questionnaire.
6.If you intend to have another party acting on your behalf e.g. a law firm or an accounting firm, please ensure that the KADI receives an original power of attorney.
Section A:General information
Section A-1Identity
Section A-2Legal Representative
Section A-3Corporate Information
Section A-4 General Accounting Information
Section A-5Range of Products Produced
Section B:Product description
Section B-1Scope of the Investigation
Section B-2Specifications of The Product Concerned
Section B-3Product Control Numbers
Section C:Operating Statistics
Section C-1Revenues
Section C-2 Income Statement
Section C-3Production and Capacity Statistics
Section C-4Inventories
Section C-5Employment
Section C-6Investments
Section C-7 DistributionChannels
Section D:Domestic Sales of the Product concerned
Section D-1General Information
Section D-2Sales to Unrelated and Related Customers
Section D-3Direct Selling Expenses on Domestic Sales
Section D-4Adjustments on Domestic Sales
Section E:Export Sales of the Product Concerned to Indonesia AND OTHER MARKET
Section E-1General Information
Section E-2Sales to Related and Unrelated Customers
Section E-3Development of Sales to Indonesia
Section E-4Direct Selling Expenses on Export Sales
Section E-5Adjustments on Export Sales
Section F-1Accounting System and Policies
Section F-2Production Process and Cost of Production
Section F-3Purchase of Direct Materials or Other Major Components
Section F-4COGSOE
Section G:Computerized Information Required
Section G-1General Instructions for CD-ROMS
Section G-2Formats for Product Description
Section G-3Formats for Domestic Market Sales
Section G-4Formats for IndonesianExport Sales
Section G-5Formats for Sales to Other Markets
Section G-6Formats for Cost of Goods Sold and Operational Expenses
Section H:Check List
II.Guidelines for completing the questionnaire version intended for inspection by interested parties
A - 1Identity
Supply the following details of your company:
Electronic mail address of contact person:
and indicate the names of the persons to contact and their functions within the company.
Location of manufacturing and marketing functions:
Please list all locations for the manufacture of the subject merchandise, as well as the general administration and marketing functions. If all functions are at the same location, please confirm.
A - 2 Legal Representative
In case you appointed a legal representative to assist you in this proceeding provide the following details:
Electronic mail address of contact person:
*if you decide to use legal representative to do behalf of your company, please enclose the letter of assignment or power of attorney together with this questionnaire.
A – 3Corporate Information
A-3.1.Legal form of your company and the normal corporate financial accounting period.
A-3.2.Please indicate the address(es) of all your facilities involved in the administration, sales and production of the product concerned. If located at different sites, please describe the activity performed at each location.
A-3.3.Describe the nature of your company’s business. Explain whether you are a producer or manufacturer, distributor, or trading company, etc.
A-3.4.If your business does not perform all of the following functions in relation to the subject merchandise, then please provide names and addresses of the companies which perform each function and indicate the relationship between your company and those companies:
- produce or manufacture
- sell in the domestic market
- export to Indonesia, and
- export to countries other than Indonesia.
A-3.5. List each shareholder in your company who owned more than 5% of the shares during the investigation period and list the activities of these shareholders in the following table:
Name of shareholder / Percentage of shareholding / Activity of shareholderA-3.6. If applicable, please complete the following table:
Name of shareholder in your company / Shareholding in independent company involved in the production, marketing, distribution and sales of the subject goods / Role of the independent company in the production, marketing, distribution and sales of the subject goodsA-3.7.Supply a diagram outlining the internal hierarchical and organisational structure of your company. The diagram should show all units involved in the production, marketing, distribution and sales of the product concerned in both the domestic and export markets.
A-3.8.Provide a list of all products produced and/or sold by your company. If the products fall into distinct product groups/sectors indicate these groups/sectors.
A-3.9.Provide, for all countries, the names and addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers of all subsidiaries or other related companies that are involved with the product concerned. Specify the activities of each related company. In addition, please identify all related companies, who supply you with inputs used in the production of the product under investigation (see Section B hereafter) or on whose behalf you sell the product concerned in this proceeding. Specify what percentage of shares your company owns in each of these entities and what percentage of shares each of these entities owns in your company. For this purpose use the following table: