2018-2019Constitutional Knowledge

The purpose of this activity is to get you acquainted with the Constitution of the United States. You’ll head straight into the document itself to begin getting comfortable with the organization and mechanics of government institutions. Good luck, put things in your own words, and stick to the pointcut out the fluff.

Name: Period: 1 2 3 5 6 Due Date: September 24, 2018 Pts: /25

Pneumonic Device to Remember the 7 Articles:


1. What are the basic duties of each of the three branches of government?

A. Legislative:

B. Judicial:

C. Executive:

2. What are the two parts of Congress that make up the bicameral legislature?

A. B.

3. Who elects the members of the House of Representatives?

4. What are the qualifications for a member of the House of Representatives (age, citizenship, and residency)?

A. B. C.

-Where in the Constitution are these reqs. listed: Article: Section:

5. How long is the term of office for a member of the House of Representatives (how long between elections)?

6. In the House of Representatives, the amount of representation and direct taxes are determined by the state’s…? How many House Reps does Washington State have?



7. The preeminent (day-day) leadership position in the House of Representatives is called the …

8. Currently, the name of the person who sits in this position of power is…? (BONUS, from what party and state?)

9. How many Senators is each state guaranteed in the U.S. Senate? Name our two Senators.

A. B. C.

10. According to this section (ignoring the 17th Amendment which comes over a hundred years later) who elects the members to the Senate?

11. How long is the term of office for a member of the Senate?

12. How often does the Senate hold an election?

13. What are the qualifications for a member of the Senate (age, citizenship, and residency)?

A. B.C.

-Where in the Constitution are these reqs. listed: Article: Section:

14. What is the preeminent leadership position in the U.S. Senate? Who currently holds this position? From what state?

A. B.

B. What is the only occasion in which this leader actually gets to vote on the floor of the Senate?

15. What is the day-day leadership position called: Who/party currently holds this position:

16. The Senate has the sole power to conduct trials for what purpose? How many presidents have been put on trial for this (who)?

A. B.

17. In the event of such a trial, what type of majority is required to deliver a conviction?

18. If the Senate delivers a conviction in such a trial, what consequences does the guilty party face? (Article I, Section 3)

A. B.

19. Who actually has the power to create laws regarding the time, place, and manner of congressional elections in the United States?

20. Any bill designed for “raising Revenue” (taxes) must start in the…(WHY?)

A. B.

21. After a bill passes the House and Senate it requires…before it can become a law.

22. If the president rejects the bill it can still become a law if….

23. What happens if the president ignores a bill for more than ten days?

24. “The Congress shall have the power to…” (Know at least five of these delegated powers) Hint: Article I Section…?

A. B. C.

D. E.

25. “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper…” (Know why this is nicknamed the elastic clause and why it was originally viewed as a threat by its critics) Hint: Article I



26. What was it that couldn’t be “prohibited by Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight?” (Provide your answer in plain language)

27. If the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01 were considered an “Invasion,” then Congress could suspend the … (give the actual Latin name, then be able to explain it in plain language)

28. What is the term of office for the President of the United States? (What is the maximum number of years a person can serve as President?)

29. What are the qualifications for the presidency (age, citizenship, and residency)?

A. B. C.

-Where in the Constitution are these reqs. listed: Article: Section:

30. What are FOUR constitutional powers of the President?

A. B. C. D.

-Where in the Constitution are these reqs. listed: Article: Section:

31. On what grounds can the President or Vice President be removed from office?

32. What institution holds the chief judicial power in the United States?

33. What is the term of office for members of the U.S. Supreme Court? How many justices sit on the bench?

A. B.

34. According to Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution, gay couples that receive a legal marriage certificate in the state of Washington would expect….in any other state,

35. According to Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, a citizen from Montana (a state without sales tax) …when shopping in Washington.

36. According to Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution, a state that catches a fugitive from justice must...

37. Article V provides the instructions for…

39. Provide a plain language explanation for the last clause in Article VI.

40. Article VII stipulates that….states were required in order to…the Constitution.

A. B.

41-50. What are the fundamental freedoms and protections guaranteed in the Bill of Rights? Briefly state in your own words.
