Kolb PFC Meeting Minutes May, 2017

PFC General Meeting 6:30PM - 7:30PM

Meeting Called to Order: 6:33pm

In Attendance:

Monica Verma –Secretary

Shazia Nomani – President

Minal Shukla- Co -Treasurer

Ursala Richardson –Treasurer

Sreetapa Biswas -- Room Parent/Volunteer Coordinator

Rabia N. Babar- Technology

Danille May - Assistant Principal

Renee Rutherford- Teacher

Dayita Strasser-Parent

Shaista Khan- Parent

Lisa Yang- Parent

Cathy Chang- Parent


Joyce Gibson- Principal

Erica Broudy-Co-VP Fundraising

Grace Drinkwater-Co-VP Fundraising

Meeting Called to Order: 6:33PM

PFC President Shazia Nomani greeted everyone to the meeting and group introductions were made. Shazia updated everyone that lots of changes in regulation are expected for the next school year. The District and Board will also be making some important decisions, in keeping with the growth. Shazia has been nominated as a LCAP member and she attend her first instruction meeting.

Approved Minutes

The minutes for April PFC meeting were up for a vote to approve. Monika made the initial motion, Sreetapa 2nd the motion (all in favor and no oppose).

Principal Report

Mrs. May updated everyone about the garden at Kolb. Mrs. May said the trees been planted and Kids love their onsite garden. Mrs. May said we have a rotating schedule for summer break to take care of the garden. Mrs. May said volunteers are welcome if they want to help during summer break .SBAC for 3-5 grades is going very well.

Superintendent Meeting Report


Treasury Report

Ursala proposed a budget for the next school year 2017-18, she explained all the line items and any updates that were made. Proposal to increase the class room grant is $500, as the number of students will be increasing by Grade Level. It could be changed to $3500-$4000/. Ursala said we will revisit the budget in first PFC meeting of next school year.

Election Result

Shazia welcomed and congratulated new and returning PFC Board members. The board members for the school year 2017-18 are:

President – Shazia Nomani

Co-VP – Erica Broudy

Sectretary – Monika Verma

Room Parent/Director of Volunteers – Sreetapa Biswa

Communication – Rabia Babar

Co-Treasurers- Ursala Richardson and Ruchita.

Spiritwear Director- Shaista Khan

Guest Speaker

Mr. Joe Giannini came from the Dublin School Unified and updated everyone about the proposals of having land for new High School in west Dublin. Mr. Giannini said that we are reaching to the builders for land and are very positive they can work something out soon. Mr. Giannini said Dublin is a very fast-growing community and District is working hard to build another new High School, narrow down the site but a lot of work needs to be down, so they are considering forming a committee who can help with this process. Boundaries for Cottonwood Creek Elementary K-8 school (being built currently) have not been decided yet. A committee will be formed, who will work on the boundaries.

School Supplies

School Supplies can be ordered on line by June 30th. This is a pilot project we are trying and it be will be chaired by Erica.

Open House/ Art Fair

Open House will be on May 18th 2017.

Astronomy Night

Astronomy Night will be on May 25th 2017 from 7:30pm -9:00pm.


Last Fundraiser/ Family event for year 2016-2017 will be at Chucky Cheeses on May 26th, 2017, chaired by Grace Drinkwater. Shazia requested families to show up so that Kolb can get 15% of the revenue.

Science LAB

Shazia is working with Mrs. Gibson and DPIE for the Science lab supplies Kolb.


Registration for the school year 2017-18 is on August 10th 2017.

Adjournment- The meeting was adjourned at 7:33PM. The next meeting would be on September 14th 2017 starting at 5:30PM for the board members and a general meeting at 6:30PM.
