Guidelines for a Proctor
Some Berea College students who are registered with Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS) may be eligible for testing accommodations if the functional impact of the student’s disability adversely affects their ability to take exams or quizzes under the same conditions as their classmates.
The guiding principle in providing a proctor is to ensure that the student has equal access to the assessment and is able to respond to the test content without penalizing the student or enhancing the student’s response in any way.
The DAS Testing Room is available for testing accommodations Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5:00 pm. DAS Associate Channing Francis and Office Associate Heather Johnson are the primary managers of this accommodation.
What is a Proctor?
A proctor is a person who monitors another person taking an exam. The proctor’s function is to ensure the integrity and security of the exam in a secure environment.
General Guidelines for Proctors
1.You, the proctor are setting the tone for the DAS Testing Center and as such play an important part in helping test-takers (students)feel comfortable with using their testing accommodations. A proctor should strive to communicate in a pleasant tone and maintain a neutral facial expression and posture.
2.Students using the DAS Testing Room may be nervous and edgy. As a proctor, you should be attentive and courteous at all times.
3.It is important for the proctor to know the DAS Testing Room Procedures, so he/she can calmly, efficiently, and effectively perform these tasks.This demonstrates confidence in the process and ensures consistency between testing events.
4.The proctor monitors the DAS Testing Room via live camera. Should the proctor observe any issues, he/she should enter the DAS Testing Room to investigate. If not satisfied, the proctor should report his/her concerns to the DAS Associate, Office Associate, or any other OAS staff member. The proctor may be asked to provide a written memo of his/her observations.
5.The proctor may not discuss these issues with anybody outside DAS. The proctor may not report or discuss any portion of the exam content with others, except to DAS or the instructor.
6.Proctors are asked to agree with and sign a DAS Confidentiality Statement.
7.Proctors may respond to procedural questions asked by the student.
8.You may not provide additional information (such as paraphrasing, interpreting, defining, or translating any words) except possibly to clarify a question’s intent. The clarification must be in such a manner not to reveal the answer. When in doubt, check with a DAS staff member.
9.Do not get into conversation about the test questions, but try to respond to the test taker's questions by repeating verbatim the item, words, or instructions as needed.
10.Although generally students are discouraged from taking breaks, the proctor should allow for bathroom breaks if needed. Inform the student that the time will not be stopped for breaks. When possible, accompany the student to and from the bathroom.
Should a proctor have to leave at any time before the conclusion of the exam, he/she is responsible to pass on all necessary information to the next proctor.