Knowsley TS protocol 30/12/13


Organisation name / Knowsley Borough Council Environmental Health and Consumer Protection Service
Organisation type / Trading Standards
Email address /
Website /
Organisation telephone number / 0151 443 4713
Organisation fax number / 0151 443 5438
Organisation address / 2nd Floor, Yorkon Building, Archway Road, Huyton,L36 9FB
Postcode / L36 9FB
Town / Huyton
County / Merseyside
Nation/region / North West
Opening hours / The office if open Monday to Friday:9.00 am to 5.00 pm, The office if open Monday to Friday:
9.00 am to 5.00 pm, due to relocation of our office, in the short term any resident who requires face to face advice, if a referral is sent through to ourselves we will contact the resident within 3 working days to make a suitable appointment for them to visit the Municipal Buildings, Archway Road, Huyton for advice.
Drop-in callers
Language supported
Limitations on support / Knowsley Trading Standards will only consider providing advice & assistance with civil complaints for residents, not businesses.Businesses will be signposted to websites or organizations such as Business Link which may be able to assist them.. Please note the Primary Authority Principle for which Knowsley has an agreement with Stella Ice creams and Eatwell Ltd. Glen Dimplex will soon be coming on board too.
Initiatives & projects / Trader Approved Scheme (T.A.S.K.)contact number forconsumers on 0151 546 6680 For older and vulnerable residents who live in Knowsley only.
Doorstep Crime Project, Curry/Comet Protocol and Arnold Clark Protocol
Member of CSN? / No
Related organisations


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Wheelchair access / Yes
Wheelchair access via lift / Yes
Induction loops / Yes
Minicom / Yes
Interpreters / May be able to arrange
Home visits / Yes
Translation service / May be able to arrange
Signers for the deaf / May be able to arrange
Car parking / Yes - Payable
Type talk for the deaf / Yes
Braille/large print / No
Accessibility notes / Details on accessibility services, eg "translation service by arrangement only"

Bottom of Form


Issues pursued / Definition of ‘vulnerable’: Where the person is unable to assist themselves due to their age, disability, English is not their first language etc
Issues pursued: / Pursued: / Details sent as: / More information available:
1. Animal feed / Agricultural products / YES / Referral - without commitment
2. Animal health & welfare / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
3. Anonymous tip offs / YES / Referral - without commitment
4. Anti social behaviour issues / NO / Signpost / √
5. Car sales from home / street / YES / Referral - without commitment
6. Counterfeit goods / YES / Referral - without commitment
7. CPR breaches / YES / Referral - without commitment
8. Doorstep crime / Itinerant traders / YES / Referral Urgent / √
9. Explosives / Fireworks storage / NO (but…) / Referral - without commitment / √
10. Fair trading (including Credit) / YES / Referral - without commitment
11. Illegal money lending (including harassment) / YES / Referral - without commitment
12. Licensing issues / NO (but…) / Signpost / √
13. Mock auctions / One day sales / YES / Referral - without commitment
14. No cold calling zones / YES / Referral - without commitment
15. Petroleum / YES / Referral - without commitment
16. Pricing / YES / Referral - without commitment
17. Property / YES / Referral - without commitment
18. Safety (unsafe product has caused injury or damage to property or an immediate risk of injury exists) / YES / Referral Urgent
19. Safety (unsafe products where no injury or immediate risk exists, including unroadworthy vehicles) / YES / Referral - without commitment
20. Scams / YES / Referral - without commitment
21. Street / Market sellers / YES / Referral - without commitment
22. Underage sales / YES / Referral - without commitment
23. Weights & measures / YES / Referral - without commitment
24. Other / N/A / N/A
Customer commitment time: 5 working days
Additional information:
2. Animal cruelty cases in domestic premises e.g. cruelty to companion animals should be directed to the RSPCA. For other
matters, such as animal welfare issues in licensed animal premises (pet shops, boarding premises etc.) or on farms, the
complainant can be advised to contact Knowsley Council Environmental Health & Consumer Protection Service, Tel: 0151
443 4712 if they wish.
4. Signpost to the police
8. Where an incident of doorstep crime is taking place or has taken place very recently and the victim would benefit from
immediate trading standards intervention then this should be sent through urgently all other doorstep crime/rogue trader
incidents can be referred through without commitment.
9. The storage of fireworks and registration of premises to sell/store fireworks is dealt with by Merseyside Fire & Rescue
Service on 0151 296 4000.
12. Any licensing issues relating to Alcohol, Taxis, Street Trading the caller should call 0151 443 2300.


General help with complex
customer issues / Definition of ‘vulnerable’: Where the person is unable to assist themselves due to their age, disability, English is not
their first language, etc
Issues pursued: / Pursued: / Details sent as: / More information available:
1. Arbitration & mediation with traders / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
2. Contact trader on clients behalf / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
3. County court assistance / NO / Notification / √
4. General help with complex client issues / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
5. General support for vulnerable clients / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
6. Letter writing / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
7. Verbal advice / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
Customer commitment time: 5 working days - note that referrals are sent without commitment and if TS choose to respond to the client, it will be within 5 working days. If the client does not hear back from TS within 5 working days, it means TS have decided not to provide assistance.
Additional information:
1-7. What additional support can be offered by Knowsley Trading Standards is at the total discretion of the service, taking into
account the following: The goods/services in dispute must be valued at more than £35 but less than £10,000, the consumer
must have a legitimate legal claim, Knowsley TSS must feel that there would be some progress or benefit to the consumer's
dispute by our intervention. Whether the consumer was vulnerable as per the definition above and the complexity of the case
would all be taken into account in deciding what if any support this service can offer.
If the client/consumer has not been contacted within 5 working days then there will be nothing more that we Knowsley TSS will be able to do or assist with.
The client/consumer will not be a getting a call back from this service if they have not heard from us within the 5 working days.
Trader schemes:
Trader Approved Scheme Knowsley (TASK) can be contacted on 0151 546 6680, this is a trader scheme for elderly and
vulnerable residents in Knowsley only


General help with 2nd tier business to consumer cases / Issues pursued: / Pursued: / Details sent as: / More information available:
1. General help with 1st tier business to consumer cases / NO / Notification
2. General help with 1st tier business to business cases / NO / Notification
3. General help with 2nd tier business to consumer cases / NO / Notification
4. General help with 2nd tier business to business cases / NO / Notification
5. Business advice regarding a business’s own trading practices / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
6. Businesses requesting details of trader schemes / YES / Signpost / √
Customer commitment time: 5 working days
Additional information:
5. Only very basic advice is given to businesses with regards to trading practices in that an officer will signpost them to the
legislation or website they need to look at.
6. See below at trader schemes
Trader schemes:
Any trader wishing to join Trader Approved Scheme Knowsley should contact Knowsley Pensioners and Advocacy Information
Service who administer the scheme on 0151 546 6680


Generally, food and drink issues are handled as follows:

Trading Standards: Where a foreign body is naturally a part of the food, e.g. a chicken bone in a chicken pie or a piece of nutshell in a cake which contains nuts, or where the product may not be of the substance, nature or quality expected. Food past its ‘sell by’ date, incorrect food labelling, etc.

Environmental Health: Where the food product is unfit to eat, injurious to health or contaminated with foreign matter not naturally part of the food, e.g. a piece of plastic in a loaf of bread.

Issues pursued: / Pursued: / Details sent as: / More information available:
1. Chemical contamination / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
2. Food hygiene / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
3. Food labelling (including ‘use by’ / ‘best before’ dates and advertising) / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
4. Food poisoning / YES / Referral Urgent / √
5. Foreign bodies in food (compositional) / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
6. Foreign bodies in food (not compositional) / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
7. Microbiological contamination (mouldy or rotting food) / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
8. Misdescribed food / YES / Referral - without commitment / √
9. Short weight / YES / Referral - without commitment

Customer commitment time: 5 working days

Additional information:

1-8. For all issues (with the exception of Short Weight), complainant can be advised to contact Knowsley Council Environmental Health & Consumer Protection Service, Tel: 0151 443 4712 if they wish.

Contact (for Citizens Advice)

Key contact - advice manager / XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Contact phone number / XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Contact department/section / Trading Standards Section
Method of passing referral / SPO email address:
Telephone for urgent matters 0151 443 4737 or XXXX XXX XXXX
Method of case note transfer / SPO email address:

Fax: 0151 443 5438 (Emergencies only)
Date last updated / 11/12/13 KH - civil commitment time
Local authority / Knowsley
Secondary authority